domingo, 25 de abril de 2010

El CBC no es estratégico para Airbus pero sí "atractivo" para otras empresas

La compañía insiste en que la producción no es óptima y aunque busca encargos, recuerda que la actividad de la planta ha dejado de ser prioritaria o está "sobradamente disponible" en otros centros

Lack Of Volcanic Ash Data Worries Industry

One of the most important lessons to emerge out of the past few days is how little is known about the real danger of flying through volcanic ash. Industry has a host of anecdotal evidence. Some of it suggests the danger is real, such as the 1982 engine shutdown suffered by a British Airways Boeing 747; other indicators suggest it is not, including several repositioning flights undertaken by European carriers in recent days. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has recorded 80 incidents in the past 15 years where aircraft unexpectedly encountered volcanic ash.

Peritos judiciales apuntan a un deficiente mantenimiento del avión siniestrado

El informe pericial sobre el accidente de un A330 de Air France el pasado 1de junio cuando sobrevolaba el océano Atlántico entre Río de Janeiro y París, que causó la muerte de sus 228 ocupantes, considera que deficiencias en el mantenimiento del aparato pudieron haber intervenido en el siniestro.

El periódico francés "Liberation" reveló el pasado fin de semana filtraciones de la pericia judicial cuyo informe definitivo se presentará a finales de año. Según el periódico galo, los peritos forenses no determinan de forma concluyente qué es lo que causó que el Airbus A330 de la compañía francesa se precipitara en el Atlántico. La novedad del informe, al parecer, es que el fallo de las sondas para medir la velocidad de la aeronave, que otros estudios ya habían demostrado, podría estar "vinculados al tiempo pasado" desde la última revisión de mantenimiento.

Falcon HTV-2 Launch Tests Hypersonic Vehicle Flight Capabilities

Vandenberg AFB, Calif., April 23, 2010 ... The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) announced that it launched its Falcon Hypersonic Technology Vehicle 2 (HTV-2) at 16:00 PDT yesterday.

Preliminary review of technical data indicates the Minotaur Lite launch system successfully delivered the Falcon HTV-2 glide vehicle to the desired separation conditions. The launch vehicle executed first of its kind energy management maneuvers, clamshell payload fairing release and HTV-2 deployment.

Approximately 9 minutes into the mission, telemetry assets experienced a loss of signal from the HTV-2. An engineering team is reviewing available data to understand this event.

This flight represents many historic firsts for both the launch system and the HTV-2 vehicle. Three test ranges, six sea-based and two airborne telemetry collection assets were employed and operational on the day of launch. Technical data collected during the flight will provide insight into the hypersonic flight characteristics of the HTV-2.

DARPA's Falcon HTV-2 program objective is developing and testing an unmanned, rocket-launched, maneuverable, hypersonic air vehicle that glides through the Earth's atmosphere at incredibly fast speeds—up to Mach 20. The key technical challenges of the HTV-2 program are the design and testing of an innovative high
lift-to-drag aerodynamic shape, advanced lightweight but tough thermal protection structures, materials and fabrication technologies, autonomous hypersonic navigation guidance and control systems, and an autonomous flight safety system.

For more information about the aircraft and DARPA's HTV-2 demonstration program, please visit or

DARPA's HTV-2 Didn't Phone Home