domingo, 30 de mayo de 2010

El motor para el avión Sukhoi SuperJet-100 pasa todas las pruebas para ser homologado en Europa

"Estamos orgullosos del motor SaM14 y de las empresas Snecma y Saturn capaces de desarrollar ultramodernos motores de avión", expresó el director de PowerJet, Jean-Paul Ebanga, a través de un comunicado.

No hubo problemas técnicos en el accidente del Airbus en Libia

"No hay señales que indiquen fallos técnicas en el avión antes del incidente, según la información recuperada hasta ahora en las cajas negras", afirmó el jefe del comité, Naji Dhaw, en un informe preliminar al que Reuters tuvo acceso.

El texto también descartó que el avión hubiera estallado en el aire antes de estrellarse

Cien empresas de la región pueden acceder al Mercado Alternativo Bursátil

Ginés Clemente, presidente del Grupo Aciturri Aeronáutica, manifestó que el MAB pretende ser una fuente de financiación alternativa interesante para las empresas familiares «porque permite mantener su espíritu y puede alcanzar fondos para llevar adelante los proyectos». «No todas las empresas pueden tener acceso al MAB, pero hay experiencias exitosas»

Boeing receives 1st F-16 for conversion into QF-16

The first retired F-16 Falcon arrived at Boeing's [NYSE: BA] Cecil Field facility in Jacksonville on April 22 to begin conversion into a QF-16 aerial drone. Boeing received a $69.7 million contract from the U.S. Air Force on March 8 for the first phase of the QF-16 program.

The Boeing-led team, which includes BAE Systems, will begin engineering, manufacturing and development of the full-scale manned and unmanned QF-16s during Phase 1. The drones will be used as aerial targets for newly developed weapons and tactics. They will be a higher-performing aircraft than the QF-4s they will replace.

The team will receive six F-16s during the program's development phase. After modification to the QF-16 configuration, they will serve as prototypes for engineering tests and evaluation prior to low-rate initial production. Up to 126 QF-16 drones will be converted beginning in 2014.

Boeing Press Release

Experts gather as volcanic dust settles

Following the eruption of Iceland’s Eyjafjallajoekull volcano that spewed huge amounts of ash and grounded numerous flights, more than 50 experts from around the world gathered at a workshop organised by ESA and EUMETSAT to discuss what has been learned and identify future opportunities for volcanic ash monitoring.

The experts included meteorologists, ground-based, air-borne and Earth-observation specialists and modellers. While scientists and researchers shared information about the unique eruption, monitoring capabilities, modelling and validation techniques, the Volcanic Ash Advisory Centres (VAAC) explained their role and expectations of the scientific community.

Fred Prata, Senior Scientist for Atmosphere and Climate Change at the Norwegian Institute for Air Research, said: "Satellite data are extremely important for volcanic eruptions because they can occur anywhere, anytime, so you need a measurement system that can see the entire globe all the time.

"One missing part of the story is the vertical profile, which lidars in space can provide. ESA will launch a couple of scientific lidar missions in the future, ADM-Aeolus and EarthCARE."  

The crucial role of infrared instruments was emphasised in several talks, highlighting and EUMETSAT’s upcoming Meteosat Third Generation satellites, being developed by ESA.

"Infrared instruments are absolutely vital because they do not require sunlight so we can see volcanic emissions day or night. They also use a band between 8 and 12 microns, which is key because the particles that cause aviation problems are micron-sized," Prata said.

The presentations on ground-based observations and modelling showed very good consistency, also with satellite observations, and it was well recognised all data and information needs to be combined for the best result.
"There has been an unprecedented amount of ground data collected by the European community on this ash cloud, providing a great opportunity to learn more about data-collection processes," said David Schneider, Research Geophysicist at the US Geological Survey, Alaska Volcano Observatory.
Philippe Husson, Aviation Weather Forecast Deputy and the Toulouse VAAC Manager for Meteo France, explained that observation requirements of volcanic ash evolved during the eruption to include numbers and expressed the impact this will have on VAACS. 
"In the past, we used qualitative results to depict hazards, but now that we have been provided with ash threshold values we will probably be required to provide concentration maps with absolute numbers. As we must go from qualitative to quantitative information about ash concentrations and the distribution and size of particles, we need satellites to provide numbers," he said.

Husson said the threshold figures are not definitive and are being reassessed by aviation authorities. Several factors will be considered, including trial results of real ash in real engines, engine types and rates of ingestion, as flying 10 minutes in high concentration could be equivalent to six hours in weak concentration.
"As the decision was taken quickly there was not a lot of input from scientists, but now there is time to consult them to find out what confidence we can have in the numbers," he added.
A set of recommendations were outlined at the workshop. These will be documented in a joint ESA-EUMETSAT publication and made available online. 

"I’m looking forward to the recommendations because the things being discussed here are essential for doing our job," said Jean-Paul Malingreau, Head of Unit Work Programme and Strategy of the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission.

"We also need to assess whether the available and future satellite instruments are sufficient, so recommendations on this can be made available to policymakers to decide what to finance." 

Lawmakers want info on EADS subsidies

The World Trade Organization is expected to issue a final decision next month on whether European Aeronautic Defence and Space Co., owner of Airbus, benefited from billions in European subsidies to develop the A330 plane. The A330 is the foundation for EADS' version of the KC-X tanker that it's competing with Boeing to build for the Defense Department.

Un avión militar Yakovlev se estrella en Rusia

"La catástrofe se produjo a las 16.58 hora de Moscú (13.58 hora peninsular española) en el Centro de Instrucción de Combate y Recapacitación de pilotos de Lípetsk cuando el avión despegaba para cumplir una misión rutinaria. Los dos pilotos se catapultaron y se encuentran en estado satisfactorio", explicó Drik, según informa la agencia de noticias rusa RIA Novosti.

The YEE flying car concept

Flying cars might still be a long way from becoming a commercial reality, but that doesn't stop designers letting their imaginations run wild when it comes to envisioning the airborne automobiles of the future... and they sure make for some gorgeous conceptual art. A case in point is the YEE, designed by South China University of Technology (SCUT) industrial design students Pan Jiazhi, Zhu Wenxi and Lai Zexin. Last month, their creation won the Gold Award for Best Creative Future at the First International Concept Car Design Contest in Beijing. One look at it, and it's easy to see why.

'Transformer' Touted as Next-Gen Combat Drone

It takes off like a helicopter, flies like a plane and doesn't need a pilot. That's what one U.S. aerospace company is proposing as the latest in combat drones.

Maryland-based American Dynamics Flight Systems is working on a concept for an aircraft that can take off vertically but then switch to flying forward. Called the AD-150, the aircraft works by using ducted fans mounted on the wingtips to generate lift. Those fans can then tilt when the aircraft transitions to forward flight.

El INTA y Panel Sistemas presentan un sistema de distribución de imágenes por Interne

Panel Sistemas y el Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Aeroespacial (INTA) han desarrollado de la nueva versión del sistema SIDI-HADA, un sistema inteligente de distribución de imágenes por Internet, con gran utilidad en plataformas de comunicaciones civiles o militares.

El proyecto surgió hace dos años debido a la conveniencia de dotar a la Aeronave HADA, una unidad de vuelo no tripulada que el INTA desarrolla en colaboración con la industria y centros de I+D aeronáuticos españoles, de un sistema avanzado y flexible de distribución de información de sus ensayos de vuelo y pruebas de campo.Estas unidades de vuelo no tripuladas (UAV- Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) tienen gran utilidad tanto para aplicaciones militares como civiles, y generan un interés creciente en diferentes ámbitos, tales como la lucha contra incendios, el control de fronteras, el control de daños en catástrofes humanitarias, la vigilancia de cultivos y acuíferos, etc.

El Centro de Composites de Airbus en Illescas (Toledo) empezará la producción "seria" de piezas del A-350 este verano

El Centro de Composites de Airbus en Illescas (Toledo) tiene previsto empezar este verano, en la ampliación de la fábrica actual, la producción "de manera seria" del ala y la parte trasera del fuselaje del modelo A-350, de largo recorrido, del que ya hay vendidas unas 480 unidades.

Airbus Military reveals work on SIGINT A320

Airbus Military has begun bench testing systems for a signals intelligence variant of the A320, as part of a drive to expand its offering of military derivatives of Airbuscommercial platforms.

Equipment is being tested at one of the company's facilities near Madrid under a self-funded feasibility study, says Miguel-Angel Morell, senior vice-president engineering and technology. He confirms that applications being tested "are electronic, communications and signals intelligence".

La ingeniería y los ensayos en vuelo: 82ª Sesión del Foro Aeroespacial de Andalucía

82ª Sesión del Foro Aeroespacial de Andalucía
'La ingeniería y los ensayos en vuelo'

Ponente: D. Carlos Ávila Aparicio
Responsable de Ingeniería de ensayos en vuelo (Head of Flight Test Engineering) de Airbus Military

Martes 1 de junio de 2010; 19h 30 min.

Salón de Grados (Planta alta, ala sur)
Escuela Superior de Ingenieros de Sevilla
Camino de los Descubrimientos, ESI.
Isla de la Cartuja.

Asistencia libre.