lunes, 13 de diciembre de 2010

Los peritos descartan un fallo en los motores del MD 82

Los motores del avión de Spanair siniestrado en Barajas en agosto de 2008 funcionaron correctamente, según el trabajo de los peritos que enviarán su informe al juez en los próximos días.

Three Sukhoi SuperJet 100 airliners to be built by year-end

"The plant will build three Superjet 100 airliners this year and 14 in 2011. The first serial plane has already been fully assembled and completed 30 flights," a spokesman said.

The other two planes are about to be ready, the source added.

Qantas 747 power loss incident prompts calls for safety action

Australian safety regulators have called for US regulations to address the potential risk caused by liquid contamination of aircraft electrical systems, following an investigation into a 2008 Qantas Airways Boeing 747 power loss incident.

The Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB), which released its final report into the incident today, also urged Boeing to update its handbook for 747 flight crews to help them make the right decisions when working with an electrical power loss

España | Exportaciones aeronáuticas andaluzas alcanzan 655 millones

Según los datos de la Agencia Andaluza de Promoción Exterior (Extenda) facilitados a Europa Press, este aumento de las exportaciones en Andalucía fue muy superior al registrado a nivel nacional, donde se experimentó un aumento del 7,2 por ciento con respecto al ejercicio anterior, desde los 1.817,1 en los primeros nueve meses de 2009 hasta los 1.947,8 millones de euros en el acumulado de 2010.

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Actos por la Patrona de la Aviación en Sabadell

El horario de los actos, a los que están invitados todos aquellos que deseen ir es...

Domingo 19/12/2010.

- 10.00 h: Inicio actividad .
- 11.00 h: Demo Simulador A-10C
- 11.45 h: Demo Simulador FMC ( plan de vuelo en A320 ) a cargo de Albert Curiases "Curi"
- 12.30 h: Inicio grabación podcast aeronáutico RBF
- 13.30 h: Final grabación RBF.
- Durante todo el tiempo hasta, el podcast, Ricard Sánchez "Raptor" también tendrá una cabina con el simulador IL2 para que lo prueben los niños (y no tan niños)

Airbus foresees demand for nearly 26,000 aircraft in the next 20 years

Almost 26,000 new passenger and freighter aircraft valued at US$3.2 trillion will be needed between 2010 and 2029, to satisfy demand according to Airbus’ Global Market Forecast (GMF). This demand is primarily driven by replacement of aircraft for newer more eco-efficient models in mature markets, dynamic growth in new emerging markets, low-cost carriers particularly in Asia, further market liberalisation and capacity growth on existing routes.

The 2010 GMF forecasts 900 additional new passenger aircraft deliveries over the 2009 GMF reflecting a slightly higher growth rate of 4.8% compared to 4.7% in 2009. These aircraft will mainly be in the single aisle sector in which the A320 Family competes.

Out of the almost 26,000 additional passenger and freighter aircraft needed, around 25,000 will be passenger aircraft valued at over US$2.9 trillion. Of these additional passenger aircraft, 10,000 will replace older less eco-efficient aircraft and some 15,000 will be for growth. Taking into account today’s passenger fleet of over 14,000 aircraft, the world passenger fleet will rise to some 29,000 aircraft by 2029.

“The recovery is stronger than predicted and reinforces both the resilience of the sector to downturns and that people want and need to fly,” says John Leahy, Chief Operating Officer Customers. “The single aisle sector is particularly strong, and our A320neo meets this future demand by providing our customers with the latest innovations and technologies whilst maintaining maximum commonality. Our entire product range is very well positioned to meet the economic and environmental needs for sustainable growth for the decades ahead.”

In passenger traffic volume, domestic US leads the world in total RPK’s (11.3%) followed by domestic China (8.4%), Intra European (7.2%), then US to Western European routes (5.9%).

In passenger traffic growth terms, emerging economies are leading the recovery. Domestic Indian traffic growth (9.2%) is the fastest of any major market and the third fastest growth overall, after traffic between the Middle East and South America, and between North Africa and the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Seven out of the top 20 fastest growth flows connect China (PRC) to the rest of the world.

“Airlines in Asia Pacific including China and India will carry one third (33%) of the passenger traffic by 2029, making it the largest region, overtaking the US (23%) and Europe (23%),” said Chris Emerson, Head of Product Strategy and Market Forecast.

Aircraft are getting bigger as airlines capitalise on the benefits of larger aircraft to absorb traffic growth, minimize airport congestion, reduce costs and to increase eco-efficiency.

Freight traffic is recovering at an even faster rate (5.9%) than passenger traffic growth. In 2010, freight traffic is expected to rebound closer to 18% before leveling off at more typical growth levels by the end of 2011. Combined with fleet renewal, this translates to a demand for around 2,980 freighters. While some 870 will be new aircraft valued at US$211 billion, 2,110 will be converted from passenger aircraft.

Demand for Very Large Aircraft (VLA) passenger and freighter aircraft like the A380, is more than 1,700 valued at over US$570 billion (this represents 18% by value and 7% by units). Of these, some 1,320 will connect the world’s increasing number of ‘mega’ cities.

In the twin-aisle aircraft segment (seating from 250 to 400 passengers), some 6,240 new passenger and freighter aircraft will be delivered in the next 20 years, valued at some US$1,340 billion (representing 42% by value and 24% by units). Of these, 4,330 aircraft will be small twin-aisle (250 to 300 seater) and about 1,910 intermediate twin aisles (350 to 400 seats). These segments are covered by the A330/A340 family. From 2013, the A350XWB family will cover the entire spectrum of twin aisle market requirements.

In the single-aisle segment, almost 17,900 aircraft worth some US$1,274 billion (40% by value, or 69% units), will be delivered in the next 20 years. This is an increase over previous forecasts due to the accelerating demand for single aisle aircraft particularly in Asia Pacific, the emergence of low-cost carriers and increased route liberalisation.

The Airbus Global Market Forecast gives a detailed analysis of world air transport developments, covering 300 distinct passenger and freight traffic flows, as well as a year-by-year fleet evolution of the world’s aircraft operators, through fleet analysis of nearly 938 passenger airlines and 217 freighter operators over the next 20 years. In doing so, the forecast covers aircraft demand from the regional market to the very largest aircraft available, the A380 today.

Click here for more information on the Airbus GMF 2010-2029, including the presentation.


Phantom Ray rolls toward Flight Test

Boeing’s Phantom Ray unmanned airborne system last month completed a series of low-speed taxi tests leading up to its scheduled transport to Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., next week where it will undergo further tests and a first flight in 2011.

Slated to depart for Edwards from St. Louis on Dec. 13, Phantom Ray will be secured atop the modified Boeing 747 Shuttle Carrier Aircraft (SCA), marking the first time any platform other than the Space Shuttle Orbiter has been transported via the SCA.

In preparation for transport, the Phantom Ray team will conduct a test flight on Dec. 11 from the flight ramp at Boeing’s St. Louis site, where the Phantom Ray and SCA will remain airborne locally for 60 to 90 minutes. After the test flight, program officials will assess the flight details and give clearance for the aircraft to travel to California.

During last month’s low-speed taxi tests at Lambert International Airport in St. Louis, Phantom Ray communicated with the ground control station, received orders and made its way down the runway multiple times, allowing program officials to assess its performance and monitor the advanced systems on board.

Click on the video above to see footage from the taxi tests on Nov. 18.Due to weather conditions in St. Louis the Phantom Ray flight on the Shuttle Carrier Aircraft has been postponed. Check back here for updates.
