miércoles, 28 de diciembre de 2011

Healer Logic ofrece 110 millones por el aeropuerto de Ciudad Real

Ciudad Real.- El Juzgado de lo Mercantil de Ciudad Real recibió el pasado día 19 una oferta por el aeropuerto local por parte de la sociedad Healer Logic, radicada en España, que pretende adquirir todos los activos de la infraestructura aeroportuaria por 110 millones de euros.

Noticia completa aquí: Healer Logic ofrece 110 millones por el aeropuerto de Ciudad Real

Sea Shepherd Now Using Drones To Hunt Japanese Whalers [Airplanes]

Sea Shepherd Now Using Drones To Hunt Japanese Whalers [Airplanes]

Sea Shepherd—the environmental organization defending whales against asshole Japanese whalers on "researcher" ... Read more

lunes, 26 de diciembre de 2011

Diamond Aircraft Hands Over MC-21 Wing To AeroComposite

Diamond Aircraft Hands Over MC-21 Wing To AeroComposite: GA Company Completed The Wing Concept For The Russian Airliner In Just Two Years Diamond Aircraft handed over a prototype wing assembly for the new Russian MC-21 airliner to state-owned AeroComposite on December 15th.

Irán negocia con Rusia compra de aviones de pasajeros - RIA Novosti

Irán negocia con Rusia compra de aviones de pasajeros - RIA Novosti:

Irán negocia con Rusia compra de aviones de pasajeros
RIA Novosti
... aceptable y la capacidad de los aviones para operar en condiciones climáticas y geográficas de Irán. Según el ministro iraní, se trata de los nuevos modelos de aviones para vuelos de corta distancia fabricados por las empresas Tupolev y Sukhoi. ...

La aportación de la ingeniería es fundamental en el sector energético

El pasado 19 de diciembre el Instituto de Ingeniería de España acogió la sexta jornada del ciclo "La Ingeniería en nuestra sociedad. Presente y futuro" que -bajo el título "Industria, Energía y Recursos Naturales"- reunió junto al presidente del IIE Manuel Acero, a destacadas personalidades del sector energético español para debatir acerca de la situación del sector y la aportación de la ingeniería en este campo: La aportación de la ingeniería es fundamental en el sector energético

Barajas no puede con el Boeing 747-8 - Fly-News

Barajas no puede con el Boeing 747-8 - Fly-News:

Barajas no puede con el Boeing 747-8
British Airways ha suspendido su vuelo semanal con Boeing 747-8F al aeropuerto de Madrid Barajas por los problemas de handling en el mismo. El aeropuerto de Madrid Barajas, para British Airways, no está preparado para el Boeing 747-8. ...

Los sindicatos ponen en serios aprietos a Boeing en Estados Unidos - Diario El País

Los sindicatos ponen en serios aprietos a Boeing en Estados Unidos - Diario El País:

Los sindicatos ponen en serios aprietos a Boeing en Estados Unidos
Diario El País
La firma en cuestión es Boeing, el fabricante de aviones. Las huelgas se dieron en el estado de Washington, donde las normas vigentes imponen que si una fuerza laboral opta por sindicalizarse, todos los trabajadores deben ingresar al sindicato como ...

Airbus A350XWB llegan las primeras piezas a Toulouse - Fly-News

Airbus A350XWB llegan las primeras piezas a Toulouse - Fly-News:


Airbus A350XWB llegan las primeras piezas a Toulouse
Las piezas que formarán el primer Airbus A350 que saldrá de la cadena de montaje final han comenzado a llegar a Toulouse. El pasado día 19 de diciembre llegó a Toulouse el primer gran componente para el primer nuevo avión Airbus A350 XWB: la deriva ...

Un Black Widow volverá a surcar los cielos

Un Black Widow volverá a surcar los cielos:

Black Widow

El único Northrop P-61B Black Widow en vuelo del mundo regresa al cielo a las órdenes del director del Mid-Atlantic Air Museum, Russ Strine Lo hará en un aeropuerto de nombre muy apropiado – el Carl Spaatz Field, en Reading, Pennsylvania. Eso es porque el general de la Fuerza Aérea Americana Carl Spaatz, nacido en la cercana Boyertown, Pennsylvania, será parte integral de este apasionante primer vuelo tanto como el mismo Strine.

Latest HondaJet test aircraft lifts-off

Latest HondaJet test aircraft lifts-off:

Honda's latest FAA-conforming test aircraft known as F2 has now begun flight testing

Honda's first ever commercial aircraft, appropriately named the HondaJet, follows in the footsteps of the company's ground-breaking CB750 motorcycle and S600 sports car by aiming to provide superior performance and value - this time in the light business jet market. Continuing an intensive flight test regime to meet U.S. Federal Aviation Authority approval that began one year ago, the latest FAA-conforming test aircraft known as F2 has now begun flight testing out of the company's headquarters at Greensboro's Piedmont Triad International Airport...
Continue Reading Latest HondaJet test aircraft lifts-off

Thai Airways se convierte en la primera aerolínea asiática en operar un vuelo con biocombustibles

Thai Airways International, la compañía nacional de Tailandia, ha pasado a ser la primera aerolínea de Asia en volar con un avión comercial de pasajeros alimentado con biocombustible, una iniciativa en sintonía con Green Travel, que forma parte del programa de Responsabilidad Social Corporativa (RSC) de la compañía aérea.

La aerolínea tailandesa Thai ha operado su primer vuelo comercial ... Thai Airways se convierte en la primera aerolínea asiática en operar un vuelo con biocombustibles

F2 HondaJet joins the flight test team

F2 HondaJet joins the flight test team: Honda Aircraft says its third production conforming aircraft, F2, is now taking part in the HondaJet flight test programme along with the first conforming...

Gulfstream closes G200 era with number 250

Gulfstream closes G200 era with number 250: Gulfstream has rolled out its final G200 super midsize business jet at the company's Dallas completion centre, making way for the soon-to-be-certified G280...

viernes, 23 de diciembre de 2011

Ship Bound for China Busted with American Patriot Missiles Labeled as "Fireworks" (via @flatline_____)

Ship Bound for China Busted with American Patriot Missiles Labeled as "Fireworks" [Weapons]

Lucy, you got some 'splainin to do! A German vessel carrying 69 American-made Patriot missiles and 160 tons of explosives was ... Read more

jueves, 22 de diciembre de 2011

¡Felices fiestas 2011!

¡Felices fiestas 2011!:

Seguimos cumpliendo años y navidades con vosotros. Y este año, como todos los anteriores, queremos felicitaros las fiestas con una postal aerotrastornada, y acompañarla de nuestros mejores deseos para estas fiestas.

¡Feliz Navidad!

Electravia pone en vuelo el Electrolight 2 equipado con 34 kilos de baterías

El fabricante francés de ultraligeros propulsados por motores eléctricos, Electravia, realizó ayer con éxito el primer vuelo del nuevo ULM motoplaneador Electrolight 2.

Leer noticia completa:
Electravia pone en vuelo el Electrolight 2 equipado con 34 kilos de baterías

UK MOD invests in future combat air systems - defpro

UK MOD invests in future combat air systems - defpro:

Pendle Today

UK MOD invests in future combat air systems
The four-year Future Combat Air System (FCAS) focused research contract aims to sustain and develop the UK's critical technology and skills in this field. It will inform the MOD's unmanned air system strategy over the coming decades to ensure that the ...
Pendle MP calls for more investment in aerospace industryPendle Today

los 2 artículos informativos »

US Navy receives X-47B - UPI.com

US Navy receives X-47B - UPI.com:

Bay Net

US Navy receives X-47B
22 (UPI) -- Northrop Grumman's tailless X-47B unmanned combat air system has been delivered to the US Navy following a year of testing. The US Naval Air Systems Command said the aircraft -- the first fixed-wing unmanned aerial system designed for use ...
Calvert, St. Mary's and Charles CountyBay Net

los 5 artículos informativos »

Unmanned K-max operational in Afghanistan - Flightglobal

Unmanned K-max operational in Afghanistan - Flightglobal:

Unmanned K-max operational in Afghanistan
The aircraft are deployed on an evaluation basis. Afghanistan has served as an advanced testing ground for a substantial number of developmental systems, including a Navy deployment of the unmanned Northrop Grumman MQ-8B for reconnaissance missions. ...

Astrium to develop in Italy

Paris,  21 December 2011

  •         Astrium to acquire majority stake in Space Engineering, the Italian specialist in telecommunications and radar technology
  •         This investment demonstrates Astrium’s commitment to the Italian market
  •         Through Space Engineering, Astrium will enhance its product offering to both the institutional and commercial markets and increase its R&D investment

Astrium, Europe’s leading space company, entered into an agreement pursuant to which it will acquire 66.78% of Space Engineering, a specialist in digital telecommunications, RF and antenna equipment engineering for both space and ground based applications. This acquisition of the Rome headquartered company will enhance Astrium’s capability to develop and manufacture sophisticated telecommunications hardware. The purchase demonstrates the company’s commitment to the Italian space market.

Francois Auque, CEO Astrium, said: “This acquisition reinforces our commitment to Italy, a key player in space, and we will build upon Space Engineering’s established product offering, in developing competitive and innovative technologies. As a trusted partner of both the Italian and European Space Agencies, Space Engineering will further strengthen our portfolio, enabling us to provide cutting-edge digital telecommunications and RF technologies – essential for our institutional and commercial customers.”

With sites in Rome and southern Italy (near Potenza), Space Engineering and its main subsidiary, Teleinformatica e Sistemi, specialise in the development of telecommunications, navigation and remote sensing applications and engineering services for both the civilian and defence sectors. The 150 employee company also has extensive expertise in the modelling, design and development of ground based telecommunication hardware and antennas, along with facilities for the assembly, integration and testing of space equipment.

Becoming part of Astrium will enable Space Engineering to make the next step forward in terms of development by giving it access to new markets.

Completion of the transaction is subject to customary conditions, including regulatory approvals.

US Navy Subs to Deploy Switchblade UAV

The US Navy plans to launch AeroVironment's Switchblade small expendable unmanned aircraft from a submerged submarine during the RIMPAC 2012 naval exercise in the Pacific.

A contract has been awarded to Raytheon, which has developed the submerged launch vehicle (SLV) that allows the UAV to be deployed via the submarine's trash disposal unit when the boat is at periscope depth. The SLV gets the UAV to the surface dry and then ejects it into flight.

Sukhoi concluye entrega de 12 cazas Su-27SM a Fuerza Aérea de Rusia - RIA Novosti

Sukhoi concluye entrega de 12 cazas Su-27SM a Fuerza Aérea de Rusia - RIA Novosti:

Sukhoi concluye entrega de 12 cazas Su-27SM a Fuerza Aérea de Rusia
RIA Novosti
La empresa aeronáutica rusa Sukhoi dio por concluida hoy la entrega de 12 cazas multipropósito Su-27SM (3) a la Fuerza Aérea de Rusia (FAR) mediante un contrato de 2009. “Sukhoi completó el suministro de 12 cazas multifuncionales Su-27SM (3) a la FAR. ...

Top 10 Russian Defense Technologies Of The Year

Top 10 Russian Defense Technologies Of The Year: These are top ten defense technologies of Russia for 2011, according to National Defense magazine. The RS-24 Yars, a thermonuclear intercontinental ballistic missile, takes the lead of the list. It was first tested on May 29, 2007 to replace the … Read more...

La ingeniería seguirá siendo el principal motor de la contratación en Europa en 2012

La ingeniería seguirá siendo el principal motor de contratación en Europa durante el próximo año, según las tendencias del mercado laboral para 2012 del portal de reclutamiento 'online' Monster España.

   La firma señala que las ingenierías son las únicas profesiones que podrán mantener un crecimiento "real" en el "difícil" contexto económico que atraviesa el continente. No obstante, también advierte de que está comenzando a surgir la "preocupación" de que Europa no esté formando "la suficiente cantidad de profesionales con habilidades específicas para las posiciones emergentes que se plantean hoy como grandes oportunidades en este sector".


Galileo, el GPS europeo, envía con éxito a la Tierra su primera señal de navegación

Los primeros dos satélites del sistema, puestos en órbita el pasado 21 de octubre, "se encuentran ya en sus órbitas finales, con sus antenas de navegación alineadas con el mundo al que sirven, y sus sistemas han sido activados", indica la ESA en un comunicado. "Efectivamente, Galileo y GPS pueden trabajar juntos, tal como estaba previsto", agregó la ESA, que precisó que "la primera transmisión desde esas antenas tuvo lugar el pasado fin de semana"


Last Surviving B-52 Designer Has Gone West

Last Surviving B-52 Designer Has Gone West: Bob Withington Also Built 1941 Wind Tunnel, Served As Boeing VP In April, it will be time to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the first flight of the US Air Force's B-52 bomber. More remarkable, the venerable design is expected to remain in service another 20 years. The last of the original Boeing design team, whose proposal and balsa scale model won Air Force approval to build the plane, has passed away at age 94.

NASA Conducts Orion Parachute Testing For Orbital Test Flight

NASA Conducts Orion Parachute Testing For Orbital Test Flight: Test Vehicle Dropped From A C-130 At 25,000 Feet NASA successfully conducted a drop test of the Orion crew vehicle's parachutes high above the Arizona desert Tuesday in preparation for its orbital flight test in 2014. Orion will carry astronauts deeper into space than ever before, provide emergency abort capability, sustain the crew during space travel and ensure a safe re-entry and landing.

Boeing-747-8 resiste la prueba del frío siberiano - La Voz de Rusia

Boeing-747-8 resiste la prueba del frío siberiano - La Voz de Rusia:

La Voz de Rusia

Boeing-747-8 resiste la prueba del frío siberiano
La Voz de Rusia
En Yakutia (Siberia), con temperaturas bajas extremas, finalizaron las pruebas del nuevo Boeing-747-8 de carga. Durante las pruebas realizadas en el aeropuerto de Yakutsk por expertos norteamericanos, los motores de esta aeronave -tras su aterrizaje- ...

Todo avión que opere en Europa pagará por los gases de efecto invernadero que genere

La aplicación del régimen de comercio de derechos de emisión a la aviación no viola los principios del Derecho consuetudinario internacional controvertido ni infringe el Acuerdo de «Cielos Abiertos», concluyó el Tribunal europeo.

Noticia completa en Todo avión que opere en Europa pagará por los gases de efecto invernadero que genere:

JSC SCA and Aeroflot sign the Act of Delivery & Acceptance for the fourth deliverable Sukhoi Superjet 100 MSN 95012

December 22, 2011, Moscow — On completion of Technical acceptance procedure, JSC SCA and Aeroflot signed today the Act of Delivery & Acceptance for the fourth deliverable Sukhoi Superjet 100 MSN 95012 in Komsomolsk-on-Amur. The aircraft received the name after the famous Aeroflot’s pilot Khariton Tskhovrebov and the tail number RA-89004.

The document, signed by the parties, states that the aircraft is technically sound and fully meets the performance criteria. The Act of Delivery & Acceptance also confirms that SSJ100 is transferred to the carrier with a full set of required operational and maintenance documentation and flight kit. The aircraft is ready to start commercial operation on Aeroflot domestic and international route network.

It is planned that the aircraft will fly from Komsomolsk-on-the Amur to Moscow on December 28, 2011.

Boeing South Carolina Site Achieves 787 Weight on Wheels Milestone

NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C., Dec. 20, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Boeing (NYSE: BA) announced today that its first South Carolina-built 787 put weight on wheels for the first time on Dec. 18.

"Our Boeing South Carolina team has achieved another significant milestone, putting weight on wheels," said Jack Jones, Boeing South Carolina vice president and general manager. "This is a result of both great local talent and dedication and talent and knowledge assembled from across Boeing Commercial Airplanes."

The airplane moved on its landing gear, via tug, to the next production position where electrical, hydraulic and mechanical systems installation and testing will continue over the next several weeks. Installation of the airplane's engines and interior will begin soon.

"To achieve weight on wheels just 24 months after breaking ground on this new facility is incredible," said Marco Cavazzoni, Boeing South Carolina Final Assembly and Delivery vice president and general manager. "This is a great testament to what can be done when a well-trained, knowledgeable and highly motivated team focuses on a common goal."

Boeing South Carolina remains on schedule for its first 787 Dreamliner delivery in the first half of 2012.

Made from composite materials, the Boeing 787 Dreamliner is the first mid-size airplane capable of flying long-range routes and will allow airlines to open new, non-stop routes preferred by the traveling public. As a result of innovative technologies, the airplane offers unparalleled operating economics, fuel efficiency and passenger comfort. More than 800 787s are on order by more than 50 airlines, a testament to the airplane's unique capabilities.

Boeing-747-8 resiste la prueba del frío siberiano - La Voz de Rusia

Boeing-747-8 resiste la prueba del frío siberiano - La Voz de Rusia:

La Voz de Rusia

Boeing-747-8 resiste la prueba del frío siberiano
La Voz de Rusia
En Yakutia (Siberia), con temperaturas bajas extremas, finalizaron las pruebas del nuevo Boeing-747-8 de carga. Durante las pruebas realizadas en el aeropuerto de Yakutsk por expertos norteamericanos, los motores de esta aeronave -tras su aterrizaje- ...

Aguas revueltas en Alestis - El País.com (España)

Aguas revueltas en Alestis - El País.com (España):

Aguas revueltas en Alestis
El País.com (España)
Los sindicatos con representación en la compañía Alestis acusaron ayer a la dirección vasca de la empresa aeronáutica de querer presionar a la Junta de Andalucía en vísperas de las elecciones autonómicas al anunciar en un informe interno su intención ...
El comité de Alestis no teme "por ahora" un ERE extintivoDiario de Cádiz
Los trabajadores de Alestis exigen explicaciones sobre el posible ERELa Voz Digital (Cádiz)

los 8 artículos informativos »

Self-Healing Circuits Use Liquid Metal To Turn Electronics Into Superheroes (via @flatline_____)

Self-Healing Circuits Use Liquid Metal To Turn Electronics Into Superheroes [Science]

Researchers have been taking inspiration from X-Men: they've developed a way to create printed circuits that can heal ... Read more

miércoles, 21 de diciembre de 2011

Boeing: FAA certifies 787 with Package B engines

Boeing: FAA certifies 787 with Package B engines: Boeing has obtained US FAA certification of the 787 with Rolls-Royce Trent 1000 Package B engines, capping a seven month flight test programme for the enhanced...

Earth-Sized Planets Discovered

Earth-Sized Planets Discovered: NASA's Kepler planet-finding mission has found two planets of the right size but in the wrong orbital location.

GROUNDED: Airborne Laser Airborne No More

After more than 15 years of development, the U.S. Missile Defense Agency finished at 12 "knowledge points" for the 747-400F-based Airborne Laser program and is dismantling the system for storage.

GROUNDED: Airborne Laser Airborne No More

Close air support – 2011 in review

Close air support – 2011 in review: Nato action in Libya in 2011 proved that close air support is an effective alternative to deploying an occupying force. Berenice Baker looks back at 2011 to see what can be learnt about the realities of close air support in conflict and what lessons …

Russia to sell additional Su-30 jets to India

Russia to sell additional Su-30 jets to India: Russia has signed a preliminary deal with India to sell 42 Su-30 MKI frontline jets in kit form and provide technical assistance during their production.

Taiwan receives upgraded E-2K early warning aircraft

Taiwan receives upgraded E-2K early warning aircraft: Taiwan has taken delivery of two upgraded E-2K early warning aircraft (EWA) from the US as part of a $6.5bn foreign arms deal agreed between the two nations in 2008.

Fifth Airbus Military A400M development aircraft makes first flight

The fifth Airbus Military A400M military airlifter has made its first flight, marking the end of a highly successful year for the programme and meaning that the full fleet of Grizzly development aircraft is now in the air, completing the flight-test programme

Known as Grizzly 5, the aircraft took off from Seville, Spain with a take-off weight of 125 tonnes at 08:55 local time (GMT+1) and landed back at Seville 2 hours 10 minutes later.

Experimental Test Pilot Christophe Marchand captained the flight, supported by Experimental Test Pilot Etienne Miche-de-Malleray. The crew also included Test Flight Engineer Jean-Paul Lambert and Flight Test Engineers Ludovic Girard and Cesar Gonzales-Gomez.

Grizzly 5 is the final member of the fleet which has now completed more than 2,500 hours of the 3,700 hour flight-test programme leading to first delivery. It carries a light flight-test instrumentation load and will be primarily dedicated to electromagnetic interference (EMI)-testing, cargo development, operational demonstrations and extreme cold weather trials.

Airbus Head of Flight Operations Fernando Alonso said: “The first flight of Grizzly 5 is right on schedule and is an excellent way to end this second year of A400M flight-testing. It provides a strong platform from which to address the challenging year ahead leading to first delivery to the French Air Force.”

During 2011 the A400M has successfully completed an extremely intensive test schedule and the aircraft has now been flown by more than 60 pilots. The key high-energy rejected take-off test has been passed as well as emergency evacuations in different configurations. Crosswind and wet runway testing is complete, and so is testing with artificial ice shapes fitted to the wings.

All stalling and braking tests have been passed, together with cruise performance, and the minimum unstick speed (Vmu), minimum control speed on ground (Vmcg) and minimum control speed in the air (Vmca) tests are also complete.

The Grizzly fleet will immediately start 2012 with an aggressive test programme, including an increasing proportion of military tests, in preparation for first delivery around the turn of the year 2012/2013.

The attached photo shows Grizzly 5 taking off from Seville this morning


Airbus Military refunds A400M payments to Armscor - opens door to future cooperation with South Afric

Airbus Military confirms that, following constructive discussions with Armscor, it has refunded South Africa’s pre-delivery payments for the A400M military transport aircraft while at the same time, opening the door to further close cooperation with South Africa.

“The agreement we signed with Armscor on 29 November 2011, draws a line under the cancelled A400M acquisition, but crucially, it lets us all move forward together to explore further opportunities, including upcoming acquisition projects led by ARMSCOR., “explained Airbus Military CEO, Mr Domingo Urena.

Background notes:
South Africa was given full industrial partner status in the A400M programme in 2005. In return, South Africa committed to acquire 8 A400M aircraft in a firm- and fixed-price contract worth EUR 837 million (which had never increased).

Despite South Africa cancelling its A400M acquisition in November 2009, local companies, Denel Aerostructures and Aerosud, have remained responsible for the design engineering, manufacturing and supply of several major parts, including:
• aircraft top shells (roof),
• wing-fuselage fairing (the largest single aircraft component ever manufactured in South Africa),
• aerodynamically complex wing-tips (which directly influence fuel efficiency and carbon emissions)
• cabin and cockpit insulation & linings and
• galleys

In addition, Cape Town-based Cobham South Africa, supplies the satellite communications antennae and related systems.

Airbus has also launched and committed to ZAR4 billion worth of industrial and research activities with South African partners through to 2020.

Japan Selects Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II

FORT WORTH, Texas, December 19th, 2011 -- The Japan Ministry of Defense has announced its selection of the Lockheed Martin [NYSE: LMT] F-35 Lightning II as the Japan Air Self Defense Force’s (JASDF) next generation fighter aircraft, following the F-X competitive bid process. The F-35A conventional takeoff and landing variant (CTOL) was offered by the United States government with participation from Lockheed Martin. The initial contract will be for four jets in Japan Fiscal Year 2012, which begins April 1, 2012.

"We are honored by the confidence the Japanese government has placed in the F-35 and our industry team to deliver this 5th Generation fighter to the Japan Air Self Defense Force," said Bob Stevens, Lockheed Martin chairman and chief executive officer. "This announcement begins a new chapter in our long-standing partnership with Japanese industry and builds on the strong security cooperation between the U.S. and Japan."

Global participation is a centerpiece of the F-35 program and essential for its success and affordability through economies of scale. The program is comprised of nine partner nations: the United States, United Kingdom, Italy, Netherlands, Turkey, Canada, Australia, Denmark and Norway. The United Kingdom and Netherlands have ordered test aircraft, and Italy and Australia have committed long-lead funding for their initial operational aircraft. In October 2010, Israel selected the F-35A as the Israel Air Force’s next generation fighter and is scheduled to receive the F-35 through the U.S. government’s Foreign Military Sales process.

The F-35 Lightning II is a 5th Generation fighter, combining advanced stealth with fighter speed and agility, fully fused sensor information, network-enabled operations and advanced sustainment. Lockheed Martin is developing the F-35 with its principal industrial partners, Northrop Grumman and BAE Systems.

Headquartered in Bethesda, Md., Lockheed Martin is a global security company that employs about 126,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products and services. The Corporation’s 2010 sales from continuing operations were $45.8 billion.

Seoul Will Be Watching

Iberia cancelará 118 vuelos el día 29 por la huelga de sus pilotos

Madrid.- La compañía aérea española Iberia, como consecuencia de la huelga convocada por llos pilotos de la sección sindical del Sepla, cancelará 118 vuelos el próximo día 29, el 36% de los inicialmente previstos para esta fecha, por no estar cubiertos por los servicios mínimos fijados por el Ministerio de Fomento.

Noticia completa: Iberia cancelará 118 vuelos el día 29 por la huelga de sus pilotos

Scientists create first solar cell with over 100 percent quantum efficiency

Scientists create first solar cell with over 100 percent quantum efficiency

Researchers over at the National Renewable Energy Lab have reportedly made the first solar cell with an external quantum ... Read more

domingo, 18 de diciembre de 2011

OGMA participará en el programa brasileño del avión de transporte KC390

OGMA participará en el programa brasileño del avión de transporte ... - Atenea Digital:

OGMA participará en el programa brasileño del avión de transporte ...
Atenea Digital
La empresa OGMA, Industria Aeronautica de Portugal, participada por Embraer y EADS, ha firmado con empresa brasileña Embraer Defense and Security un acuerdo para participar en el programa de desarrollo del avión de transporte y reabastecimiento en ...

COMAC begins pilot production of C919 jet - People's Daily Online

COMAC begins pilot production of C919 jet - People's Daily Online:

COMAC begins pilot production of C919 jet
People's Daily Online
By Li Zhiguo (The Economic Daily) The comprehensive design plan of the home-grown C919 passenger jumbo jet, which is being developed by the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC), passed the evaluation of experts from the Ministry of Industry ...

El Altet tendrá en 2012 dos vuelos diarios a Moscú - Información

El Altet tendrá en 2012 dos vuelos diarios a Moscú - Información:

El Altet tendrá en 2012 dos vuelos diarios a Moscú
Trabajadores de El Altet observan el aterrizaje de un Antonov ruso de carga procedente de Moscú en una imagen de archivo . antonio amoróS FJ BENITO El gran poder de atracción que ha tenido este año la provincia entre el turismo ruso, convencional y, ...

y más »

Alestis despedirá a 190 trabajadores en mayo tras las elecciones andaluzas

Alestis despedirá a 190 trabajadores en mayo tras las elecciones ... - El País.com (España)

Alestis no está atravesando su mejor momento. La segunda empresa aeronáutica española, de origen e ingeniería vasca -a través de la firma SK10- y cuyo consejero delegado es el empresario Gaizka Grajales, va a despedir a 190 trabajadores después de las elecciones autonómicas andaluzas previstas para marzo de 2012. El estudio interno, al que ha tenido acceso EL PAÍS, establece que la empresa entiende la reducción de empleo directo como una de las tres patas de un plan de ajuste tendente a adecuar las escasas ventas a sus elevados gastos que le están generando unos altos déficit de tesorería y resultados negativos recurrentes.

737 Max commitments top 948

737 Max commitments top 948: Boeing now holds firm orders and commitments for 948 737 Max aircraft from 13 customers, and expects that figure to climb to as high as 1,500 by the end...

DARPA Maps Out Air-Launch Plans

DARPA Maps Out Air-Launch Plans: While Paul Allen and Burt Rutan plan to air-launch Elon Musk's Falcon 9 booster from a six-engined, 385ft-span mothership, DARPA is looking at the other end of the scale with its new Airborne Launch Assist Space Access (ALASA) program. This aims to air-launch 100lb satellites into low Earth orbit from an essentially unmodified aircraft, such as a business jet.

K-MAX Makes First Unmanned Flight in Afghanistan [UPDATED]

On Saturday morning, the ISAF Joint Command (IJC) in Afghanistan confirmed that the K-MAX unmanned helicopter had (or will some time today) fly its first cargo mission in Afghanistan, meaning that if all goes well, we’re now in the age of unmanned logistics. In response to an email,the IJC writes back:

“The first unmanned flight without cargo was 15 December. It is scheduled for its first unmanned flight with cargo, today, 17 December.”

K-MAX Makes First Unmanned Flight in Afghanistan [UPDATED]

Piper Quietly Acquired By Sultan Of Brunei

Piper Quietly Acquired By Sultan Of Brunei: Imprimis Has Sold The Florida Planemaker To The Brunei Finance Ministry Piper has apparently very quietly been sold to one of the world's richest men ... the Sultan of Brunei. The previous owner ... Singapore-based investment holding company Imprimis ... says on its website "We divested our interests in Piper Aircraft and Piper Capital in October 2011."

Bombardier 415 Amphibious Aircraft Reaches 200,000 Flight Hour Milestone

Bombardier 415 Amphibious Aircraft Reaches 200,000 Flight Hour Milestone: Water Bombers Have Dropped Over 1.3 Billion Gallons Of Fire Suppressant It may well be the least-well known of the Bombardier line, but it's apparently a real workhorse. Bombardier announced Thursday that its 415 aircraft has reached an important milestone in less than 20 years life span: over 200,000 hours flown since its entry-into-service.

jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2011

Mundial de Paramotor 2012 será en Marugán, España

En la reunión anual de la Comisión de Ultraligeros de FAI (CIMA) realizada el fin de semana pasado se concedió la organización del próximo Mundial a España, en agosto del año próximo, en el aeródromo de Marugán (provincia de Segovia). Tras un parón de dos años por falta de organizadores, este campeonato FAI1 es una buena noticia para los competidores.

Noticia completa http://www.ojovolador.com/esp/paramotor/?show=1494

Wraps Off Northrop's Fan-in-Wing MUVR

At the Quad-A UAS show in Washington today, Northrop Grumman has taken the wraps off the MUVR fan-in wing high-speed VTOL ship-to-shore cargo resupply unmanned aircraft it has been working on with the Office of Naval Research.



SEATTLE, WA, Dec 13, 2011 – Entrepreneur and philanthropist Paul G. Allen announced today that he and aerospace pioneer Burt Rutan have reunited to develop the next generation of space travel. Allen and Rutan, whose SpaceShipOne was the first privately-funded, manned rocket ship to fly beyond earth’s atmosphere, are developing a revolutionary approach to space transportation: an air-launch system to provide orbital access to space with greater safety, cost-effectiveness and flexibility.

The space flight revolution Allen and Rutan pioneered in 2004 with SpaceShipOne now enters a new era. Only months after the last shuttle flight closed an important chapter in spaceflight, Allen is stepping in with an ambitious effort to continue America’s drive for space.

“I have long dreamed about taking the next big step in private space flight after the success of SpaceShipOne – to offer a flexible, orbital space delivery system,” Allen said. “We are at the dawn of radical change in the space launch industry. Stratolaunch Systems is pioneering an innovative solution that will revolutionize space travel.”

Allen’s new company, Stratolaunch Systems, will build a mobile launch system with three primary components:
A carrier aircraft, developed by Scaled Composites, the aircraft manufacturer and assembler founded by Rutan. It will be the largest aircraft ever flown.
A multi-stage booster, manufactured by Elon Musk’s Space Exploration Technologies;
A state-of-the-art mating and integration system allowing the carrier aircraft to safely carry a booster weighing up to 490,000 pounds. It will be built by Dynetics, a leader in the field of aerospace engineering.
Stratolaunch Systems will bring airport-like operations to the launch of commercial and government payloads and, eventually, human missions. Plans call for a first flight within five years. The air-launch-to-orbit system will mean lower costs, greater safety, and more flexibility and responsiveness than is possible today with ground-based systems. Stratolaunch’s quick turnaround between launches will enable new orbital missions as well as break the logjam of missions queued up for launch facilities and a chance at space. Rutan, who has joined Stratolaunch Systems as a board member, said he was thrilled to be back working with Allen. “Paul and I pioneered private space travel with SpaceShipOne, which led to Virgin Galactic’s commercial suborbital SpaceShipTwo Program. Now, we will have the opportunity to extend that capability to orbit and beyond. Paul has proven himself a visionary with the will, commitment and courage to continue pushing the boundaries of space technology. We are well aware of the challenges ahead, but we have put together an incredible research team that will draw inspiration from Paul’s vision.”

To lead the Stratolaunch Systems team, Allen picked a veteran NASA official with years of experience in engineering, management and human spaceflight. Stratolaunch Systems CEO and President Gary Wentz, a former chief engineer at NASA, said the system’s design will revolutionize space travel.

Former NASA Administrator Mike Griffin, also a Stratolaunch board member, joined Allen and Rutan at a press conference in Seattle to announce the project. “We believe this technology has the potential to someday make spaceflight routine by removing many of the constraints associated with ground launched rockets,” Griffin said. “Our system will also provide the flexibility to launch from a large variety of locations.”

The Stratolaunch system will eventually have the capability of launching people into low earth orbit. But the company is taking a building block approach in development of the launch aircraft and booster, with initial efforts focused on unmanned payloads. Human flights will follow, after safety, reliability and operability are demonstrated.

The carrier aircraft will operate from a large airport/spaceport, such as Kennedy Space Center, and will be able to fly up to 1,300 nautical miles to the payload’s launch point.

It will use six 747 engines, have a gross weight of more than 1.2 million pounds and a wingspan of more than 380 feet. For takeoff and landing, it will require a runway 12,000 feet long. Systems onboard the launch aircraft will conduct the countdown and firing of the booster and will monitor the health of the orbital payload.

The plane will be built in a Stratolaunch hangar which will soon be under construction at the Mojave Air and Space Port. It will be near where Scaled Composites built SpaceShipOne which won Allen and Scaled Composites the $10-million Ansari X Prize in 2004 after three successful sub-orbital flights. Scaled Composites is a wholly owned subsidiary of Northrop Grumman.

“Scaled is all about achieving milestones and pursuing breakthroughs, and this project offers both – building the largest airplane in the world, and achieving the manufacturing breakthroughs that will enable Scaled to accomplish it. We are thrilled to be a part of this development program,” said Scaled Composites President Doug Shane. “We anticipate significant hiring of engineering, manufacturing, and support staff in the near and medium term.”

The multi-stage booster will be manufactured by California-based Space Exploration Technologies, one of the world’s pre-eminent space transportation companies. “Paul Allen and Burt Rutan helped generate enormous interest in space with White Knight and SpaceShipOne,” said SpaceX President Gwynne Shotwell. “There was no way we weren’t going to be involved in their next great endeavor. We are very excited.”

Dynetics will provide the mating and integration system and the systems engineering, integration, test and operations support for the entire air-launch system. The mating and integration system will be manufactured in Huntsville, Alabama in Dynetics’ new 226,500 square foot prototyping facility. Dynetics has been a leader in aerospace engineering since 1974. “We are excited to play such a major role on this system. This is an ambitious project unlike any that has been undertaken and I am confident the Stratolaunch team has the experience and capabilities to accomplish the mission,” said Dynetics Executive Vice President and Stratolaunch Board Member David King.

Stratolaunch Systems’ corporate headquarters is located in Huntsville, Alabama. Today’s announcement was the first public word that Allen and Rutan were back in the space business. But space has long been on Allen’s mind. In the close of his memoir, Idea Man, published earlier this year, he hinted at his plans, writing that he was “considering a new initiative with that magical contraption I never wearied of sketching as a boy: the rocket ship.”


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EADS and DolphiTech are cooperating in the development of non-destructive testing equipment

Raufoss, 08 December 2011

EADS Innovation Works, the corporate Research and Technology network of EADS, and the Norwegian SME DolphiTech AS have signed a cooperation agreement for the development of a new non-destructive testing (NDT) system based on an innovative ultrasonic camera component for composite inspections.

The new tool can be used for all types of NDT applications for composite materials. NDT is a method of screening structures – for example an aircraft fuselage – and detecting damage not visible from the outside without destroying the material. Methods used for NDT include radiography, the application of infrared light, electromagnetism or endoscopy. The new ultrasonic NDT device will be used by manufacturers and operators of aerospace products as well as in other industries. Simple and easy to operate, the new system is more favourably priced than existing NDT camera systems. It is the first product of its kind to be configured for composite materials and can be used easily by maintenance staff. A prototype will be available by the end of 2012.

The 3D ultrasonic camera, developed by DolphiTech, could complete the ‘Smart NDT Tools’ product line of mobile NDT systems offered by EADS Innovation Works. “The new system will speed up NDT procedures in manufacturing and maintenance and will help the users to save time and money,” said Martin Bach, NDT specialist at EADS Innovation Works.

“The adaptation of our novel ultrasound technology for impact assessment by EADS Innovation Works and the EADS Divisions will open a very attractive global market for our technology,” said DolphiTech’s managing director Terje Melandso. “After many years of Research and Development supported by Innovation Norway we have patented the world’s first ultrasonic 2D barcode reader. The cooperation and marketing opportunities within EADS, its suppliers and customers will be very valuable for DolphiTech when we launch the technology on the aerospace market.”

Australian Aerospace Delivers 15th MRH90 Helicopter

14 December 2011

Local defence manufacturer, Australian Aerospace, yesterday delivered the 15th MRH90 (Multi-Role Helicopter), tail number 014, to the Australian Defence Force (ADF) – the second such handover in two weeks following signing of an agreement to overcome Program issues and ensure timely delivery of the world's most advanced helicopters.

Australian Aerospace's production facility on Brisbane Airport is assembling and delivering 46 MRH90s to replace Army and Navy Black Hawk and Sea King helicopters. Since the helicopter's entry to service, Australian Aerospace, its industry partners and the Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO), have been working to introduce the new capability into service.

On 23 November, Australian Aerospace and the Commonwealth of Australia signed a Deed of Agreement, encompassing a remediation plan to overcome a number of identified issues, including an engine failure and oil cooler fan issues, and ensure timely deliveries of the MRH90s. One week later, Defence accepted the 14th helicopter.

"The delivery of the 15th MRH90, just two weeks after signing the Deed of Agreement is very encouraging indeed," said Dr. Jens Goennemann, Chief Executive Officer of Australian Aerospace. "It augurs well for the Program's future and is a strong sign of our commitment to delivering the capability to Defence".

Capable of carrying 2 pilots, 2 loadmasters and 18 combat troops up to 900km at speeds in excess of 300 km/h, the MRH90 is a fly-by-wire, all-composite construction, medium-lift helicopter with the highest crash-worthiness standards. Chosen by Australia over competing types as part of a program to modernise and rationalise its military helicopter fleet, the MRH90 is the world's most advanced helicopter in the ten-tonne class.

El Aeropuerto de Barcelona-El Prat alcanza 33 millones de pasajeros y bate hoy su récord histórico

15 de diciembre de 2011

El Aeropuerto de Barcelona-El Prat ha batido hoy su récord histórico de pasajeros al alcanzar los 33 millones en lo que llevamos de año. Esta cifra supera los 32,8 millones de usuarios logrados en el global de 2007, el máximo histórico anual.

En agosto de 2011, el aeropuerto batió el récord de mayor número de pasajeros en un mes, con 3.623.889.

El Aeropuerto de Barcelona-El Prat alcanzó por primera vez el millón de pasajeros en 1963 y en menos de quince años quintuplicó esa cifra logrando superar los 5 millones en 1977.

En 1992, con la celebración de los Juegos Olímpicos, superó el umbral de 10 millones de pasajeros al año y apenas cinco años después absorbía más de 15 millones. El tráfico de pasajeros fue creciendo, en 2002 fueron ya 21 millones y en 2006 se llegó a los 30.






Dic. 2011

Millones de pasajeros












Eurocopter Romania delivers a new EC135 to the Romanian Ministry of Health

Marignane, December 15, 2011

A ceremony was held in Bucharest today for the delivery by Eurocopter Romania, a subsidiary of Eurocopter - the world's leading civil and parapublic helicopter manufacturer - of an EC135 helicopter to Romania's Ministry of Health. The ceremony was attended by the Romanian Minister of Health Ladislau Ritli, the Secretary of State in the Romanian Ministry of Administration and Interior Mihai Capra, His Excellence Henri Paul from the French Embassy in Romania, His Excellence Andreas Von Mettenheim from the German Embassy in Romania, as well as by Jean-Louis Mascle, CEO of Eurocopter Romania and Xavier Poupardin, Eurocopter Vice President for the EC135 program.

This is the first delivery following a contract that was awarded to Eurocopter Romania last august. The framework contract foresees the purchase of up to six helicopters by the Ministry of Health.

The EC135 will be used for emergency medical missions to assist the general population in Romania. This delivery is part of a wide-scale program launched by the government to develop its medical evacuation capabilities, which includes plans to enlarge its existing fleet.

Ministry of Health already owns two EC135 operated by the General Aviation Inspectorate of the Ministry of Administration and Interior (MAI). This new delivery confirms that the EC135 perfectly meets the stringent requirements of the medical evacuation missions.

At the ceremony, Mr. Mascle talked about the importance of this new delivery: "This is a big day for Eurocopter Romania, as the delivery of this EC135 illustrates our commitment to designing products in close cooperation with our customers and to further promoting development of emergency medical missions. It is also additional proof of the confidence the Romanian government has placed in our subsidiary."

Eurocopter Romania was founded over a decade ago in the country, and is a key player in helicopter overhaul, repair and retrofit activities. More than one hundred helicopters, including Pumas, Super Pumas, Dauphins and EC135s, from around the world have been overhauled at the subsidiary's facility. In addition to maintenance activities, EC Romania has also delivered more than 25 new and previously-owned helicopters.

The EC135 has become synonymous with modernity and innovation. In compliance with international aviation safety regulations, the helicopter is fitted with a dual-engine and can obtain speeds of up to 254 km/h, with an average range of approximately 635 kilometers. Eurocopter has had a great deal of success with this type of helicopter worldwide thanks to its excellent maneuverability, outstanding agility and high availability rate (98%). Other keys to the EC135's success are its low operating and maintenance costs, its durability and last but hardly least, the wide variety of uses it offers operators: training, surveillance missions on offshore wind parks and oil rigs as well as a wide range of law enforcement and border patrol activities.

The world class training center for the Sukhoi Superjet 100, the first Russian brand new commercial aircraft

December 15, 2011, Zhukovsky, Moscow Region – The opening ceremony of the Training center for the flight and technical staff of customers and operators of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 (SSJ100) aircraft was held today in Zhukovsky. The ceremony was attended by representatives of the Russian Government, Aviation Authorities, Interstate Aviation Committee, Russian aircraft industry and institutes, airlines-operators of the SSJ100, Russian financial organizations and leading media.

The Training center offers the complete cycle of training for flight and technician staff of the SSJ100 customers and has a range of the most advanced training equipment and simulators including Computer Based Training (CBT), Flight Procedure Training Device (FPTD), Flight Training Device (FTD LV), Full Flight Simulator (FFS) and Cabin Emergency Evacuation Trainer (CEET).

The training for pilots and technician staff is being carried out in the Training Center in Zhukovsky (Moscow) according to the program approved by the Russian Aviation Authority Rosaviatsiya with extensive use of the advanced simulators. Due to its current modern equipment the Training Center is able to train up to 180 pilots and 250 technicians annually starting from 2012.

Training for flight and technician staff of the SSJ100 customers is conducted by SuperJet International – a joint venture between the Italian Alenia Aeronautica and the Russian Sukhoi Holding.

JSC "Sukhoi Civil Aircraft", a Sukhoi and Alenia Aeronautica Company, provides the proper functioning of the installed training equipment. By the end of November 2011 19 crews (38 pilots) and 93 technicians were trained (with a previous version of the course being the FFS not yet available) for Aeroflot and Armavia. Three more crews (6 pilots without previous "glass cockpit" experience) of Aeroflot should be trained by the end of December 2011.

Sukhoi Superjet 100 (SSJ100) is a 100 seat regional jet designed, developed and built by Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company (SCAC), in partnership with Alenia Aeronautica. On May 19th 2008 SSJ100 successfully accomplished its first flight. The Sukhoi Superjet 100 cruises at a Maximum Operating Speed of Mach 0.81 and 40,000 feet. It takes off from a 1,731 meters runway in the basic range and 2,052 meters in the long range. The operating range for the basic version is 3.048 km and 4.578 km for the long range version. In February 2011, the SSJ100 obtained the Type Certificate by the Russian Certification Authority IAC AR. The EASA certification is expected to follow in 2011. On April 19th 2011 first production SSJ100 was delivered to Armavia airlines (Armenia). There are currently four SSJ100s in service with Armavia and Aeroflot.

Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company

The Company's shareholders are the Sukhoi Holding owing 75% - 1 share and the Italian Alenia Aeronautica, a Finmeccanica Company, holding 25% + 1 share since April 7, 2009. Sukhoi Civil Aircraft was founded in 2000 to develop new regional aircraft projects. Headquartered in Moscow, the Company enjoys several production branches seated in the cities of Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Novosibirsk and Voronezh. Today the company employs over 2,000 people.

Sukhoi Superjet 100 – a new family of regional jets – is the Company's major project.

SuperJet International

SuperJet International, a joint venture between Alenia Aeronautica, a Finmeccanica Company (51%) and Sukhoi Holding (49%), is in charge of the marketing, sales, customization and delivery of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 regional jet in Europe, the Americas, Oceania, Africa and Japan. The Company is also responsible for training and worldwide after-sales support, as well as the design and development of VIP and cargo variants. A SuperJet International branch is active in Moscow, together with a sales office in Washington, DC, U.S.A.