jueves, 29 de marzo de 2012

Pratt and Boeing Sign Engine Contract for KC-46 Tanker

Pratt and Boeing Sign Engine Contract for KC-46 Tanker: Bennett Croswell, president of Pratt & Whitney's Military Engines division, and Maureen Dougherty, Boeing vice president and program manager, KC-46 Tanker Program, hosted a ceremonial engine contract signing event today at Boeing's Tanker Program Office in Mukilteo, Wash., for contracts...

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Iberia pilots announce 30 days of more strikes

Iberia pilots announce 30 days of more strikes:
Iberia (IB) pilots, represented by the Sepla union, announced they intend to strike for 30 days to protest the Spanish airline’s new low-cost airline, Iberia Express (I2), which launched operations March 25.

Study: AirForce lacks stealth aircraft to fight China

Study: AF lacks stealth aircraft to fight China: The Air Force does not have enough stealth aircraft to wage an effective air campaign against China or North Korea, according to a recent study by the American Enterprise Institute, a think tank in Washington.

Apollo 17 Astronaut Advocates A Private Return To The Moon

Apollo 17 Astronaut Advocates A Private Return To The Moon: Says Mining The Lunar Surface Could Prove Lucrative The last person to set foot on the lunar surface says that private companies offer the best prospects for returning humans to the Moon, and perhaps setting up profitable mining operations there.

Sukhoi Tackles Superjet 100 Landing Gear Defect - Aviation Week

vía sukhoi: Google Noticias el 29/03/12


Sukhoi Tackles Superjet 100 Landing Gear Defect
Aviation Week
By Maxim Pyadushkin, Maxim Pyadushkin Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Co. plans to improve the landing gear on the entire fleet of Sukhoi Superjet 100s following two incidents of Aeroflot-operated SSJ100s that revealed broken pods on the actuator of the landing ...
Aeroflot launches five new Sukhoi Superjet 100 routesanna.aero

los 2 artículos informativos »


Santiago, Chile, March 28, 2012 – Embraer Defense and Security disclosed today that it has signed contracts with three African nations for the acquisition of the A-29 Super Tucano light attack and advanced training turboprop. The Burkina Faso Air Force, the first operator of this model in Africa, has already received three aircraft that are used on border patrol missions. The Angola Air Force recently acquired six of this aircraft for the same mission, and the first three will be delivered in 2012. Also, the Air Force of Mauritania chose the A-29 Super Tucano to carry out counter-insurgency missions. The total value of the contracts – including an extensive logistical, training, and replacement parts package – comes to more than USD 180 million.

“The Super Tucano is highly efficient and presents low operating costs. Its capability for surveillance and counter-insurgency missions makes it ideal for service on the continent of Africa,” said Luiz Carlos Aguiar, President, Embraer Defense and Security. “The proof is in the fact that several customers will soon be exercising their purchase rights, and the airplane has awakened the interest of several African nations.”

With these orders, nine air forces have now chosen the A-29 Super Tucano in Latin America, Africa and Southeast Asia, and the aircraft is already operating in six of them. The A-29 Super Tucano is capable of performing a broad range of missions that include light attack, aerial surveillance and interception, and counter-insurgency measures. With more than 130,000 flight hours and over 18,000 combat hours, the A-29 Super Tucano is equipped with the very latest avionics technology, including night vision, Electro-Optical/Infrared (EO/IR) system with laser aim, secure communications and data link package, as well as an unequalled weapons capacity, which makes it highly effective and gives the aircraft an excellent cost-benefit ratio.

Tomorrow's carbon fiber could be made from plastic bags

Tomorrow's carbon fiber could be made from plastic bags:
Some of the carbon fiber shapes, created out of polyethylene using Oak Ridge's new techniq...
Thanks to research currently being conducted at the U.S. Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory, our unwanted plastic bags may one day be recycled into carbon fiber. Not only that, but the properties of the fibers themselves could be fine-tuned, allowing different types of carbon fiber to be created for specific applications...
Continue Reading Tomorrow's carbon fiber could be made from plastic bags

Solar Impulse to attempt its longest, furthest flight yet

Solar Impulse to attempt its longest, furthest flight yet:
Solar Impulse flying at the Paris Air Show in June 2011 (Photo: Solar Impulse)
After its successful inaugural Paris-to-Brussels flight last year, the Solar Impulse solar-powered aircraft will attempt to fly all the way to Morocco in May or June of this year, a journey almost ten times the distance, and its furthest flight and as a close as it has yet come to a trial run of its round-the-world flight planned for 2014...
Continue Reading Solar Impulse to attempt its longest, furthest flight yet

Chile necesitará más de 160 aviones en los próximos 20 años

Chile necesitará más de 160 aviones en los próximos 20 años:
Airbus presentó su proyección de mercado para el país en FIDAE 2012  estimando que las aerolíneas chilenas necesitarán 164 nuevos aviones de pasajeros de más de 100 asientos en los próximos 20 años para poder cumplir con la demanda del creciente mercado aéreo. Los nuevos aviones se dividirán en 108 aviones de pasillo único, 53 de pasillo doble y tres aviones de gran tamaño como el A380, lo que representa un valor total de US$19.800 millones.

Russian Murderer Stages Hollywood-Style Helicopter Escape

Russian Murderer Stages Hollywood-Style Helicopter Escape: But He Is Quickly Brought Back To The Rural Russian Prison It looked like something right out of a Hollywood movie. A man on a rope suspended beneath an MI-2 helicopter being lifted out of a Russian prison. But it wasn't Hollywood, it actually happened.

miércoles, 28 de marzo de 2012

Rusia y Ucrania producirán el avión de transporte militar An-70 en ... - RIA Novosti

Rusia y Ucrania producirán el avión de transporte militar An-70 en ... - RIA Novosti:

Rusia y Ucrania producirán el avión de transporte militar An-70 en ...
RIA Novosti
El grupo ucraniano Antonov y la corporación rusa OAK fabricarán aviones de transporte militar An-70 en la ciudad rusa de Vorónezh, comunicó hoy Dmitri Kiva, presidente y diseñador jefe de Antonov. “Produciremos los An-70 en la planta de construcciones ...

El Sepla anuncia 30 paros en los próximos meses, hasta julio

El Sepla anuncia 30 paros en los próximos meses, hasta julio: Nuevos paros amenazan la actividad aérea de Iberia en España, incluso durante el verano: según se anunció recientemente desde el sindicato de pilotos, Sepla, se han programado huelgas todos los lunes y viernes del 9 al 20 de julio, ante el no acuerdo en el proceso de mediación propuesto.
El Sepla convocó a los pilotos de Iberia a nuevos paros para los próximos cuatro meses
Fuentes del Sepla

USAF deploys first upgraded F-22 Raptor jet

USAF deploys first upgraded F-22 Raptor jet: The US Air Force (USAF) has started deployment of the first increment of its 3.1 upgraded Lockheed Martin-built F-22A Raptor fighter jets to its operational fleet at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson in Alaska, US.

FCC vende Flightcare a Swissports

FCC vende Flightcare a Swissports:

Según informó ayer el diario económico madrileño “Expansión”, FCC y PAI se han dado un plazo de exclusividad para cerrar la operación, que podría finalizar después de Semana Santa. Aunque no ha transcendido ninguna cifra preliminar concreta, la venta podría situarse entre los 140 y 150 millones de euros.

Un piloto se vuelve 'loco' en pleno vuelo

  • Un avión de JetBlue entre Nueva York y Las Vegas, forzado a aterrizar en Texas
  • Su capitán se puso a gritar que había a bordo bombas de Al Qaeda
  • 'Nos estrellamos. Decid vuestras oraciones', decía mientras corría por el avión

Noticia completa y video

Airbus to invest € 2bn in R&D in 2012

Over 90% to benefit the environment


At the Airbus Day 2012 in Brussels, a high-profile gathering of over 100 Members of the European Parliament, policy-makers and industry representatives discussed key issues for the European aerospace industry. Christian Scherer, Head of Airbus Strategy and Future Programmes said: "Airbus is a truly European company, and one that highlights how successful Europe can be if we work together. Despite the tough economic environment, we will invest nearly two billion Euros in environmental research and development this year. We will also recruit 4,000 new high-skilled employees in 2012, and many more in the supply chain."

"Over the last decade, aviation achieved 45 percent growth with only 3 percent more fuel," said Rainer Ohler, Head of Airbus Public Affairs and Communications, "That is the best evidence for our industry's long track record in going green. The EU and national governments should support this commitment by making progress with the Single European Sky and the modernisation of Europe's outdated air traffic management technology. This could reduce Europe's CO2 emissions from aviation by 10%." 

Airbus' R&D efforts are focused on reducing gaseous and noise emissions. Airbus is fully committed to meet the global aviation industry targets: improving fuel efficiency by 1.5 % on average per year to 2020, to cap net carbon emissions from 2020, and work towards the ambitious goal of a 50 % reduction by 2050 – compared to 2005 levels.

Airbus is the leading aircraft manufacturer offering a complete range of aircraft families, from 100 to well over 500 passenger seats, as well as the most modern, comprehensive and eco-efficient product line on the market.

CATEC se convierte en el partner tecnológico de Álava Ingenieros

Con este acuerdo el Grupo Álava Ingenieros, compañía con una facturación de 40 millones y presencia en cuatro continentes, pretende reforzar su capacidad tecnológica y cartera de servicios hacia el sector aerospacial, extendiéndola más allá del suministro de alta tecnología y enfocándola de modo muy particular al asesoramiento y acompañamiento al cliente, ofreciéndole respuestas integrales a sus necesidades, que incluyen no sólo la tecnología, sino todo el proceso de su exitosa aplicación: diagnóstico, respuesta, implantación, seguimiento y soporte técnico postventa.


Emirates seleccionará en abril tripulantes de cabina en Sevilla, Barcelona y Valencia

Emirates Airline, una de las aerolíneas de crecimiento más rápido y más rentables a nivel mundial, continúa celebrando Jornadas de Puertas Abiertas para Tripulantes de Cabina en España, en esta ocasión el 14 de abril en Sevilla y Barcelona y el 21 de abril en Valencia. http://www.aerotendencias.com/laboral-aviacion/5090-emirates-seleccionara-en-abril-tripulantes-de-cabina-en-sevilla-barcelona-y-valencia

European defence industry nearing crisis, report

Commissioned by the European Defence Agency (EDA), the Future Air Systems for Europe (FAS4Europe) group study says "the situation for future air systems is severe, with some important industrial capabilities and technologies already at risk".

Without additional investment and a joint strategy, the situation "will soon become critical", it says, identifying the "development of future combat aircraft (manned and unmanned) and attack helicopters" as being at risk.


Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) presents the comprehensive and high-quality mission trainer: UMT UAS (Unmanned Aerial Systems) Mission Trainer.

Based on IAI's vast experience in UAS development, operation, training and simulation UMT is designed to enable the operator in training to control the UAS flight as well as operate its systems in a professional manner. UMT systems simulate complex operational scenarios in which a separate or coordinated operation is required as well as control of various payloads, changing targets and extreme weather conditions.


Tecniberia quiere convertir Madrid en el Centro Mundial de la Ingeniería

Mediante la celebración de foros y eventos en los que se analice la situación del sector

Tecnibera ha creado la Fundación Madrid Centro Mundial de Ingeniería, en colaboración con la Comunidad y el Ayuntamiento de Madrid, el apoyo del Gobierno y de varias organizaciones territoriales de ingenieros, con el objetivo de poner en marcha diferentes foros en los que se analicen los problemas del sector.

El primer avión que aterrice en el aeropuerto de Castellón será el remate de la escultura de Fabra

Una armadura de andamios protege la obra, a la espera de rematarla con un avión de 12 metros, que irá insertado en la cabeza del "individuo múltiple" (según la definición que hace la Generalitat de la escultura). El artista asegura que la pieza de aluminio está prácticamente finalizada y prevé su colocación en el plazo de dos semanas. Según dice, el montaje-que se hará con una grúa- será rápido y la soldadura no llevará más de tres horas.


Singapore Airlines A380 engine shut down in flight - BusinessWeek

The aircraft is capable of flying safely on three engines and at no time was the safety of our customers and crew compromised," Singapore Airlines said in a statement. "We are looking into the incident and the engine will undergo thorough inspections in consultation with Rolls-Royce."


martes, 27 de marzo de 2012

Vuela el avión de papel más grande del mundo

Ocurrió en Tucson, Arizona, el miércoles de la semana pasada. Un avión de papel de 400kg de peso, 14m de largo y 7 de envergadura surcó los cielos tras ser remolcado por un helicóptero hasta 1200m de altitud. Durante unos 6 segundos voló a 160km/h, antes de que una racha de viento lo desestabilizase y lo hiciera caer.


Super-buoyant material inspired by water striders

Super-buoyant material inspired by water striders:
Tiny fibers in the new aerogel serve the same purpose as tiny hairs on the water strider's...
Aerogels are among the lightest solid materials in existence, and are created by replacing the liquid component of a gel with a gas – this results in their extremely low density, and has earned them the nickname of “frozen smoke.” Now, scientists have created a new type of aerogel that is inspired by the feet of the water strider. The material is reportedly so buoyant, that a boat made from one pound (454 grams) of it could carry about 1,000 pounds (454 kg) of cargo.
Continue Reading Super-buoyant material inspired by water striders

3D solar towers offer up to 20 times more power output than traditional flat solar panels

3D solar towers offer up to 20 times more power output than traditional flat solar panels:
Two small-scale versions of three-dimensional photovoltaic arrays that were tested by MIT ...
While we’ve looked at the development of solar cell technologies that employ nanoscale 3D structures to trap light and increase the amount of solar energy absorbed, MIT researchers have now used 3D on the macro scale to achieve power output that is up to 20 times greater than traditional fixed flat solar panels with the same base area. The approach developed by the researchers involves extending the solar cells upwards in a three-dimensional tower or cube configuration to enable them to better capture the sun's rays when it is lower on the horizon...
Continue Reading 3D solar towers offer up to 20 times more power output than traditional flat solar panels

Ryanair presenta en España la tarjeta Ryanair Cash Passport

Ryanair presenta en España la tarjeta Ryanair Cash Passport: La irlandesa de bajo coste Ryanair ha lanzado en España la tarjeta Ryanair Cash Passport, que reemplazará las otras tarjetas prepago de Mastercard como la única forma de evitar los gastos de gestión de 6 euros que cobrará la compañía en cualquier reserva que se realice en el país a partir del 15 de abril.
La irlandesa de bajo coste presenta en España su Ryanair Cash Passport, respaldada p

Temporada de verano: 198 destinos desde el aeropuerto de Madrid Barajas

Temporada de verano: 198 destinos desde el aeropuerto de Madrid Barajas: Ya se presentó el programa de vuelos del Aeropuerto de Madrid Barajas de cara a esta temporada de verano, que será ideal para irse de vacaciones Marruecos: desde este domingo, un total de 85 aerolíneas operan vuelos regulares a 198 destinos.
Esta temporada alta Barajas conectará con 198 destinos gracias a 85 aerolíneas
Hay varias novedades con respecto a la temporada alta pasada, entre las qu

Boeing 737 MAX Enters Final Wind Tunnel Tests

Boeing 737 MAX Enters Final Wind Tunnel Tests: The Boeing 737 MAX is starting its last wind tunnel test phase, with high-speed testing getting under way in the company’s transonic facility March 19 in Seattle.

Airbus Military A400M flies to Latin America as part of flight test campaign

The Airbus Military A400M new generation airlifter for the 21st Century, landed today in Santiago de Chile during its first visit to Latin America as part of the A400M flight test campaign. Flown by Experimental Test Pilot Ignacio “Nacho” Lombo, the aircraft landed at FIDAE Airshow at approximately 13:15.

Grizzly 2, one of the five development aircraft, arrived in Latin America on 23 of March to perform high altitude flight tests at Cochabamba, Bolivia, where the airfield is located at 8,360ft (2,550 m) above sea level.  Flying from Cochabamba towards FIDAE Airshow, the A400M reached another milestone in its flight test programme: the 1000th flight.

After its arrival at FIDAE, it will stay at the show in static display until 28th of March when the aircraft will fly to Lima, Peru, for a visit and to La Paz, Bolivia, at more than 13,000ft (3,960 m), for further flight tests.

“I had the privilege to land the A380 for the first time at FIDAE in 2008, which was a proud moment. I am delighted to be back again at FIDAE and this time to bring the most versatile new generation airlifter: the A400M. It is an honor for us to have the A400M for the first time at FIDAE and see it here next to the A380, two new generation aircraft together”, said Nacho Lombo.

Airbus Military has successfully completed receiver qualification of the two primary aircraft-types that the UAE Air Force will refuel from the three A330 MRTT multi role tanker transports that it currently has on order.

In an extensive series of flight tests in Abu Dhabi, the compatibility of the new generation A330 MRTT with UAE Air Force Mirage 2000 and F-16 Block 60 fighters was fully demonstrated.

Operating from Al Dhafra airbase, the aircraft performed air-to-air refuelling at speeds throughout the refuelling flight envelope, at a range of altitudes, and in turns, climbs and descents as well as level flight.

Other versions of the F-16 have already been qualified with the A330 MRTT, but the trials added the Block 60 variant used by the UAE which features large conformal fuel tanks on the fuselage. The F-16 was refuelled using the A330 MRTT’s Airbus Refuelling Boom System (ARBS).

The Mirage 2000 was successfully tested in different configurations including the twin-seat version carrying two drop-tanks and two air-to-air missiles, and the single-seat version carrying six missiles and a centreline drop-tank. To refuel the Mirage 2000, the A330 MRTT used its two underwing refuelling pods, including demonstrations of refuelling two fighters simultaneously.

Antonio Caramazana, Vice President Programme Director Airbus Military Derivatives, said: “It is very satisfying to qualify another two aircraft types as receivers for the A330 MRTT and we look forward to entry into service with the UAE Air Force later this year.”

Crew training with UAE pilots is currently underway in Spain and the first two A330 MRTTs for the UAE, including the one that took part in the trials, are due to be delivered before the end of the year.

The attached photo shows a UAE Air Force Mirage 2000 refuelling from a A330 MRTT.

USAF Carpets Glider Landing Strip

USAF Carpets Glider Landing Strip: Artificial Turf Smoother, More Economical Than Grass Gliders taking off and landing at the U.S Air Force Academy are now operating from a surface that should be familiar with many NFL players ... artificial turf.

Eurofighter Typhoon Amateur Photography Competition 2012 Launches

2011 Competition winner Ian Ramsbottom's photo

  • Winner to be announced during ILA Berlin Air Show 2012.
  • Following the success of last year's competition, Eurofighter PR and Communications are proud to launch the 2012 edition of the popular Eurofighter Typhoon Amateur Photography Competition which will run from the 9th March until the 31st August 2012.

On the front cover of the 2012 Eurofighter calendar is a stunning atmospheric photograph taken by Ian Ramsbottom who was a clear winner in the 2011 competition. His photo of an RAF 17 Sqn Typhoon low level flying was taken in the Mach Loop valleys in Wales, UK.

The calendar has been released internationally and has received incredible feedback, proving that you don't have to be a professional photographer to take professional images of Typhoon. Lead judge Geoffrey Lee of Plane Focus said of the competition: "This is a perfect platform to prove that amateur photography can indeed be extraordinary".

This year's winner will be announced during ILA, Berlin Air Show in September 2012. The judging panel, which will include last year's winner Ian, will meet at the show to choose the winning photograph.

The judging panel for the competition will be Geoffrey Lee from Planefocus Ltd – Eurofighter's leading Typhoon photographer; Andreas Westphal – Managing Director of Images Art Design; Marco Valerio Bonelli – Head of PR and Communications for Eurofighter GmbH and Ian Ramsbottom – amateur aviation photographer and winner of the 2011 competition. Original images of Typhoon will be accepted from any amateur photographer in accordance with the terms and conditions provided below.

Please send all entries either via email to communications@eurofighter.com  or in the post:

Eurofighter Communications,
Am Söldnermoos 17,
85399 Hallbergmoos,

We look forward to another fantastic year for aviation photography.

Terms and Conditions:
The 2012 Eurofighter Typhoon Amateur Photography Competition will run from the 9th March 2012 to the 31st August 2012. The winner must be an amateur photographer which by definition means: "A person who engages in photography as a pastime rather than as a profession".

The competition entry is limited to one photograph per person, the image size should be around 30x40 cm and must be at a minimum 300dpi in quality.

The winner will have their image featured in the 2013 Eurofighter Calendar, will receive a 1:48 Lupa Typhoon model and will be invited to sit on the 2013 judging panel. In addition, the top three photographs will be published in Eurofighter World magazine, on the www.eurofighter.com website and will all receive a 2013 calendar. The 'Panel's Choice' prize will again be awarded to the best young Typhoon photographer for entries from those under the age of 16.

Sukhoi promotes the Su-35 fighter to the Latin American market

Moscow, March 23. The Sukhoi Company will show off its multipurpose Su-35 fighter of the 4++ generation at the upcoming on March 27 17th International Aerospace Exhibition FIDAE-2012 in Santiago, Chile.

A model airplane will be presented on the stand of the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC), which includes the Sukhoi holding company. Visitors to the exhibition and experts will be able to look at its performance characteristics, and the military — to discuss with Sukhoi's representatives possible aircraft deliveries to the armed forces in the region.

Sukhoi is currently negotiating with foreign customers seeking to re-equip their Air Force. It plans to export Su-35 aircraft to countries in Southeast Asia, the Middle East and South America. If new contracts are signed, Russia will be able to maintain its high competitiveness on the fighter jets world market until the 5th generation fighter aircraft enters the market in 2016-2025.

The serial production of the Su-35S is going on at the Sukhoi's Y.A.Gagarin Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aircraft Production Association (KNAAPO) in accordance with the state contract signed in 2009 to deliver 48 aircraft to the Russian Ministry of Defence by the year 2015.

At present, the Joint State Tests (JST) of the airplane are going on. In March this year the fourth production Su-35S was delivered to the JST. The Su-35-1 and 2 carried out preliminary flight tests, during which the main established flight and technical characteristics of the on-board equipment and super maneuverability features were fully confirmed, stability and controllability characteristics, the characteristics of the power plant and the work of the navigation system were tested.

The plane reached the maximum ground-level speed of 1,400 km/h, speed at altitude — 2400 km/h, the ceiling — 18 thousand meters. The detection range of targets in the "air-to-air" mode is over 400 km. This is significantly higher than that of the combat aircraft currently in service. The onboard OLS (optical locator station) can detect and track multiple targets at ranges exceeding 80 km. More than 400 flights were made as part of flight testing on the fighters. The aircraft complex is ready to undergo tests for combat use.

The analysis of the amount of work already done allows a conclusion that Su-35/Su-35S has a much better flight characteristics compared to analogue aircraft in service. The airborne equipment of the plane allows solving a wider range of tasks set by tactical and technical requirements.

The potential characteristics incorporated in the aircraft will allow it to exceed all tactical fighters of the 4th and 4 + generations, such as "Rafale" and EF 2000, modernized fighters like the F-15, F-16, F-18, F-35 and to counter the F-22A fighter.

The UAC products are presented at the air show in Chile by military and civilian aircraft, manufactured by enterprises of the corporation. In addition to the Su-35 the UAC stand will also host the Yak-130, Sukhoi Superjet 100 and MC-21 aircraft models.

Sukhoi delivered the 4th production Su-35S fighter for the State Joint Tests

Sukhoi delivered the Su-35S-4 for the State Joint Tests. The plane flew from Komsomolsk-on-Amur to the V.P.Chkalov State Flight Test Centre of the Ministry of Defence.

The serial production of the Su-35S is going on at the Sukhoi's Y.A.Gagarin Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aircraft Production Association (KNAAPO) in accordance with the state contract signed in 2009 to deliver 48 aircraft to the Russian Ministry of Defence by the year 2015.


Melbourne, Florida, March 20, 2012 – Embraer will display its entry-level Phenom 100 and light Phenom 300 jets during the 38th Annual Sun 'n' Fun, scheduled for March 27-April 1 in Lakeland, Fla.

Embraer will host operators, potential customers and media in its chalet, located at Booth MD34A at the Linder Regional Airport (LAL) in Lakeland.

"The relaxed atmosphere at Sun 'n' Fun allows us to really get to know potential customers and become re-acquainted with our operators who attend," said Bob Knebel, Vice President of Sales for North America, Embraer Executive Jets. "Showcasing both the Phenom 100 and 300 allows those interested to have a hands-on experience with the jet as well as to get updated on some of the milestones achieved recently. We have delivered over 300 Phenom aircraft, including the first Phenom 100 produced by our new production facility in nearby Melbourne."

The Phenom 100 can accommodate up to eight occupants and has seven different interior options designed in partnership with BMW Group DesignworksUSA. Its range of 1,178 nautical miles (2,182 kilometers), including NBAA IFR fuel reserves, means the aircraft is capable of flying nonstop from New York to Miami, in the U.S.; from London to Rome, in Europe; or from Brisbane to Melbourne, in Australia. The jet has proved to be the fastest in its class. It also has a private aft lavatory as well as the largest baggage capacity available today in the entry-level category. The cockpit features the latest Garmin Prodigy® Flight Deck 1000.

The Phenom 300 reaches 521 mph (839 km/h, or 453 knots - KTAS) and can fly at an altitude of up to 45,000 feet (13,716 meters). Its range of 1,971 nautical miles (3,650 kilometers), including NBAA IFR fuel reserves, means the aircraft is capable of flying nonstop from Los Angeles to Chicago in the U.S. The Phenom 300 carries up to 11 occupants, has a single point of refueling and an externally service lavatory.

For more information on Embraer Executive Jets, visit www.EmbraerExecutiveJets.com.

Follow Embraer on Twitter: @EmbraerSA.

Airbus showcases A350 XWB cabin flexibility throughout the A350 Family at Aircraft Interiors Expo 2012

  • New A350 XWB and A380 cabin models
  • A350's flat-floor demonstrator – unique seamless seat-to-seat integration
  • Find out about our innovative retrofit solutions
Airbus once again showcases its cabin innovations at this years' Aircraft Interiors Expo in Hamburg, Germany.

A key to cabin flexibility, the A350 XWB 'Enabling Platform', with its unique 'flat-floor', is impressively demonstrated at the Airbus booth. It also shows how a wide variety of operator needs and cabin furnishings can be accommodated, and allows airlines to reconfigure their cabin in service more easily than before.

Airbus' space-efficient concepts go beyond new products. For example, Airbus Upgrade Services will present its range of retrofit solutions and services. Our Cabin experts and executives will be available for dedicated media briefings and interview opportunities each day. And our human resource representatives will also be on hand on Wednesday 28th to talk to students and young talents about career opportunities.

Boeing Celebrates Delivery of Japan Airlines' First Two 787 Dreamliners

  • First 787s delivered with the General Electric GEnx engines
  • First ever 787 double delivery on Sunday
  • JAL uses 787 to start new routes

EVERETT, Wash., March 26, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Boeing (NYSE: BA) and Japan Airlines (JAL) today celebrated the delivery of the airline's first two 787 Dreamliners. JAL is the first airline to take delivery of a 787 powered by fuel-efficient General Electric GEnx engines.

"Today is an important moment in our 60-year relationship with Japan Airlines as we celebrate the deliveries of not one, but two Dreamliners," said Jim Albaugh, president and CEO of Boeing Commercial Airplanes. "The 787 will provide the fuel-efficient airplane needed to serve Japan Airlines' growing international operations."

The 787 Dreamliner is more efficient to operate and has lower fuel use compared with today's similarly sized airplanes because of use of light weight composites and advancements in systems, engines and aerodynamics.

"JAL will be the first airline to start new routes that have never been flown before by taking full advantage of the efficiencies of this aircraft, starting with Boston service next month and San Diego later this year," said Yoshiharu Ueki, president of Japan Airlines. "The 787 with GEnx engines has the performance economics that JAL is looking for to ensure route profitability, and also the enhanced in-flight comfort that our customers will be delighted with."

Japan Airlines ceremonially took possession of the 787 Dreamliner at a celebration with Japanese Taiko drummers and a dramatic airplane unveiling earlier this morning. Guests from Boeing, Japan Airlines and General Electric attended.

"GE is proud that its GEnx-1B engines will power JAL's Boeing's 787 Dreamliner," said Chuck Nugent, vice president and general manager of the GEnx program at GE Aviation. "The GEnx engine combines advanced technology and material to offer improved fuel efficiency, reduced emissions and less noise to benefit our operators."

The Boeing 787 Dreamliner is an all-new airplane featuring a host of technologies that provide exceptional value to airlines and unparalleled levels of comfort to passengers. It is the first mid-size airplane capable of flying long-range routes, enabling airlines to open new, non-stop routes preferred by the traveling public.

Iberia renueva su contrato de Hnadling con Monarch Airlines

De izquierda a derecha: Eduardo García Sansigre, director de aeropuertos de Iberia; Kevin George, director de operaciones de Monarch Airlines, y José Gómez, subdirector comercial de Iberia Airport Services.



  • El nuevo acuerdo se ha firmado para los próximos 5 años.
  • En 2011, Iberia Airport Services atendió más de 7.500 aviones de la compañía Monarch Airlines.


Madrid, 27 de marzo de 2012

La división de handling Iberia, Iberia Airport Services (IBAS), acaba de renovar el contrato de asistencia en tierra con uno de sus clientes más importantes, la compañía Monarch Airlines.

Gracias a este nuevo acuerdo, Iberia Airport Services seguirá siendo el principal agente de handling de la compañía inglesa en España durante los próximos 5 años, proporcionándole servicios de pasaje y rampa.

La renovación del contrato refleja la excelente relación entre ambas compañías, afianzada tras muchos años de trabajo conjunto.
En 2011, Iberia Airport Services ha atendido más de 7.500 aviones de la compañía Monarch Airlines, la mayoría operados en los principales aeropuertos españoles donde opera  la compañía inglesa: Alicante, Málaga,Tenerife y Palma de Mallorca.

Sobre IBAS

IBERIA Airport Services (IBAS) es el primer agente de handling en España y el mayor proveedor de servicios aeroportuarios a terceras compañías
integrado en un grupo global de transporte aéreo (IAG). Con 85 años de experiencia, IBAS presta Servicios aeroportuarios en 41 aeropuertos españoles a más de 359.000 aviones de 220 compañías aéreas y atiende a más de 74 millones de pasajeros con una plantilla de 8.000 profesionales. Todo sobre IBAS en  www.iberiaairportservices.com 

Sobre Monarch Airlines

Como parte fundamental del Grupo Monarch,  Monarch Airlines opera, con una flota de 32 aviones, vuelos charter y regulares desde un gran número de
aeropuertos del Reino Unido incluidos los de Birmingham, London Gatwick, London Luton y Manchester.  Vuela a más de 50 destinos en todo el mundo y
transporta 6 millones de pasajeros al año. Monarch Airlines también proporciona aviones y asientos para los más importantes touroperadores. www.monarch.co.uk



El 42% de Alestis pide por vía notarial una junta de socios para decidir su futuro

El desencuentro entre los accionistas de Alestis, escenificado con la dimisión de la mitad de su consejo, se acentúa. El grupo liderado por Gaizka Grajales, consejero delegado hasta el pasado miércoles del fabricante de componentes aeronáuticos y titular, a través de Alcor, del 42,15% de su capital, ha solicitado la convocatoria, por vía notarial, de una junta universal en la que la situación económico financiera de Alestis centra el orden del día.

lunes, 26 de marzo de 2012

Defensa crea un título para dirigir y pilotar aviones no tripulados (UAV)

Defensa ha creado el título de Operador de Sistemas Aéreos no Tripulados para los miembros de las Fuerzas Armadas con el objetivo de garantizar que el empleo de estos sistemas aéreos no interfiera con otras aeronaves que actúan en el espacio aéreo, asegurando las necesarias condiciones de seguridad en su operación.


Has the ‘Cyber Pearl Harbor’ already happened?

The Russians are picking our pockets, the Chinese are stealing our most vital secrets, and there’s nothing we can do about it – and it’s all going to get worse.

That was the basic conclusion after Friday’s Air Force Association cyber-conference, where speaker after speaker drove home the utter futility and helplessness of today’s cyber climate, all the while warning that the problem will only grow.

Richard Bejtlich, chief security officer for the info-security firm Mandiant, said 100 percent of the high-profile intrusions his company tracks were done with “valid credentials” – meaning the cyber bad-guys had been able to steal a real user’s login and password, obviating the need for more complex attacks.

The typical time between an intrusion and its discovery is 416 days, he said – down from two or three years – and the way most companies find out about them is when they get a visit from the FBI.

Read more: http://www.dodbuzz.com/2012/03/26/has-the-cyber-pearl-harbor-already-happened/

The Air Force accelerates work on a new multi-billion dollar strategic bomber despite the critics

Critics have expressed concerns that the Air Force will not fit the bombers into its budget; that their preliminary design is too technically ambitious; and that a key potential mission — conducting bombing raids over China — is implausible. They also have asked why new planes are needed when old ones are undergoing multi-billion-dollar upgrades.


Germany Becomes Major EADS Shareholder

Once the deal is completed, Germany’s 15% stake in EADS will equal that of France. EADS management has been calling upon its controlling shareholders to reduce government influence, but so far the opposite is happening. Executives are hoping the two countries could decide to sell down their stakes in parallel in the future.


New Jetstar Carrier Aims At Chinese Market

New Jetstar Carrier Aims At Chinese Market: Jetstar Hong Kong will be established as a joint venture between the Qantas Group and China Eastern.

Udvar-Hazy Questions CSeries Sales Strategy

Udvar-Hazy Questions CSeries Sales Strategy: Bombardier needs to be more aggressive in selling its CSeries, says Steven Udvar-Hazy.

Dassault Targets 2014 For SMS First Flight

Dassault Targets 2014 For SMS First Flight: Dassault, which has been closely guarding details of the super midsize SMS, anticipates first flight of the business jet in 2014.

F-35 Reaches Critical Juncture After Strong Year, Official Says

F-35 Reaches Critical Juncture After Strong Year, Official Says: Acting Undersecretary Of Defense For Acquisition Calls Airplane 'Essential' The F-35 Lightning II joint strike fighter program -- the centerpiece of future tactical aviation and a key to implementing new military strategic guidance -- made strong progress in its development last year, a defense official said Wednesday. Frank Kendall, the acting undersecretary of defense for acquisition, technology and logistics, told the House Armed Services Committee that the fighter aircraft is essential to the Defense Department.

Boeing Unveils BBJ with Luxury Interior and New High-Speed Digital System

SHANGHAI, March 25, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Boeing [NYSE: BA] Business Jets (BBJ - http://www.boeing.com/commercial/bbj ) unveiled the latest BBJ to enter service at the Asian Business Aviation Conference & Exhibition (ABACE) in Shanghai.

The airplane, a 737-700 with -800 wings and other modifications for longer range, was delivered earlier this month to a private businessman in the United States. It is the second BBJ for this customer.

"Our repeat customers aren't limited to governments and charter companies, but include private individuals who love the comfort and capability of their BBJ so much, they buy another one," said Capt. Steve Taylor, BBJ president. 

This is the first BBJ to enter service with Honeywell's Ovation Select digital system allowing the passengers to be just as productive onboard their airplane as they are in the office.

"Ovation Select offers the latest technological advancements to deliver seamless and easy connectivity – whether passengers are connected via their BlackBerry, using their laptops or iPads or conducting a video conference call," said Tony Brancato, vice president for Business and General Aviation Aftermarket at Honeywell Aerospace. "The modular, lightweight and flexible cabin management system provides component command and control, high-quality, crystal-clear surround sound audio and vivid full high-definition (1080p) video which is stunning to watch on the 42-inch and 46-inch high definition monitors found in this BBJ."

This particular BBJ can carry up to 19 passengers and boasts a luxury interior completed by Jet Tech of Spokane, Wash. It has all the amenities of a home including a large personal stateroom with a king-size bed, private lavatory and shower. It also has a smaller guest stateroom with divans that convert into beds enabling the BBJ to sleep up to 8 passengers.

The BBJ has a center island and appliances similar to that in a typical kitchen including convection and microwave ovens, a refrigerator, wine cooler and trash compactor.

The capability of the BBJ is as impressive as its interior. With seven auxiliary fuel tanks, the owner will enjoy more than 5,600 nautical mile range at Mach 0.80 – equivalent to about 12 hours nonstop flight time (plus reserve fuel).

All Nippon Helicopter acquires two Eurocopter AS365 N3+ Dauphin rotorcraft for electronic newsgathering missions with Japanese broadcaster NHK

Eurocopter Japan has received an order for two new AS365 N3+ Dauphins from All Nippon Helicopter (ANH) to replace two rotary-wing aircraft from its existing fleet for use in electronic newsgathering missions on behalf of Japanese national broadcaster, NHK.

ANH, which is an operator for NHK in news missions, owns a fleet of 12 Eurocopter helicopters, including six AS365 N2s and six EC135 T2s. The two new AS365 N3+ will be delivered in 2013 and 2014 respectively, with high-definition cameras to be installed by Eurocopter Japan T&E – a business unit of Eurocopter Japan with design and engineering capability.

The electronic newsgathering market in Japan is 10 times bigger than Europe. In fact, Japanese broadcasting companies frequently purchase their own helicopters – a phenomenon that is observed significantly more in Japan than in other developed markets. As a result, new technologies are constantly being developed locally to enhance the broadcast quality of aerial footage. For instance, the equipment for electronic newsgathering helicopters has been significantly improved in Japan in response to the introduction of digital satellite broadcasting in 2000 and digital terrestrial broadcasting in 2003.

Eurocopter is the leading provider of electronic newsgathering helicopters in Japan, with 75 percent of the country's 96-aircraft fleet. The cost-efficiency, great capability and high availability of Eurocopter helicopters and their associated electronic newsgathering technology and equipment have contributed to the high demand and popularity of the company's products.

"Our light and medium twin-engine helicopters such as the Dauphin AS365 and EC135 are especially popular for use in Japanese electronic newsgathering missions," stated Stephane Ginoux, President & CEO of Eurocopter Japan. "We are delighted that All Nippon Helicopter has once again placed their confidence in us and our products and services. We are committed to providing customers with top-notch after-sales support, as well as developing new technologies for the advancement of aerial filming and broadcasting in Japan."

The AS365 N3+ is an upgraded version of the AS365 N3 – an ideal aircraft for electronic newsgathering missions due to its low vibration level, long range and high speed. It is equipped with enhanced avionics and a unique four-axis autopilot system that helps to ease the pilot's workload.

Temporada de verano: 2012 Tres nuevas aerolíneas chárter operarán en el Aeropuerto de Reus

Durante la temporada de verano se efectuarán conexiones a 32 destinos Por segundo año  consecutivo se realiza la operativa con la Senioren Reisen Austria, que  moverá a 10.000 pasajeros

Tres nuevas compañías chárter operarán en el Aeropuerto de Reus esta temporada de verano. Se trata de CityFlyer Express, que a partir del 5 de 
mayo opera un vuelo semanal a Glasgow cada sábado; Skywork, que vuela a Berna a partir del 31 de marzo también cada sábado; y BMIBaby, 
que el 4 de mayo inicia su operativa semanal, los viernes, hacia Nottingham.

La temporada de verano comienza oficialmente el último domingo del mes de marzo, este año el día 25, y acaba el sábado 27 de octubre. Durante 
este periodo, el aeropuerto tendrá 32 rutas, la mayoría a Reino Unido e Irlanda. Como nuevo destino respecto a la temporada de verano de 2011, 
destacan Isla de Man (Irlanda) y Leeds.

Operativa con la Senioren Reisen Austria 
Este es el segundo año consecutivo que el Aeropuerto de Reus es base de la operativa de la Senioren Reisen Austria, asociación equivalente al  IMSERSO español. Durante los meses de abril y mayo hay previstos más de sesenta vuelos entre llegadas y salidas, que moverán alrededor de 
10.000 personas.

Austrian Airlines realiza las conexiones con Viena y Linz mientras Adria Airways opera los vuelos con Ljubljana (Eslovenia) que,  dada suproximidad con Austria, se ha incluido en esta operativa especial.

Nuevas infraestructuras e inversiones
En el mes de enero el Aeropuerto de Reus terminó los trabajos de adecuación al RD 862/2009, que aprueba la normativa técnica de diseño y operación en los aeropuertos públicos. Se trata de unas obras que aumentan la seguridad aeronáutica y operacional y que son el paso previo para obtener el Certificado de Aeródromo expedido por la Agencia Estatal de Seguridad Aérea en 2014.

Entre los trabajos realizados figuran la ampliación de la zona de espera de aeronaves y de los carriles de rodaje, la pavimentación de los márgenes de pista y la mejora del sistema de balizamiento. Las obras se adjudicaron a la empresa Copcisa y contaron con un presupuesto de 13,86 millones de euros. 

Además, en este 2012 se ha construido un pasillo que conecta las terminales de embarque uniendo el nuevo edificio de salidas inaugurado en julio de 2010 con el edificio modular utilizado para el embarque de vuelos a países no Schengen. Los trabajos costaron 147.436 euros y los realizó la empresa Cyes. 

Finalmente, también se ha adecuado el vial de acceso a plataforma de aviación comercial para que se cubran a medio y largo plazo las necesidades del aeropuerto en cuanto a circulación de vehículos pesados e iluminación y señalización. Estas obras se adjudicaron a Copcisa por 157.935 euros.








Glasgow, Aberdeen


Edimburg, Illa de Man*


Belfast, Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, Doncaster, Dublin, Glasgow, Londres-Gatwick, Londres-Luton, Manchester, Newcastle






Birmingham, Bristol, Brussel·les, Cork, Dublín, Eindhoven, Frankfurt, Glasgow, Leeds*, Liverpool, Londres Luton, Londres Stansted, Manchester, Niedherrein, Nottingham, Palma de Mallorca




Dublín, Londonderry




Aberdeen, Belfast, Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, Glasgow, Londres-Gatwick, Manchester, Newcastle, Tenerife Sud


Linz*, Viena










Cork, Shannon


*En color verd hi ha les noves companyies i destins respecte la temporada d'estiu de 2011.


Air Berlin, Helitt y Niki Airlines se trasladan a la T1 del Aeropuerto de Barcelona-El Prat

Durante el primer día de la nueva operativa  estas compañías  realizarán 11 vuelos de salida

Las aerolíneas Air Berlin, Helitt  Líneas Aéreas S.A.  y Niki Airlines operarán en la terminal T1 del Aeropuerto de Barcelona-El Prat a partir de
este domingo, 25 de marzo, coincidiendo con el inicio de la temporada de verano.  Durante el primer día de su operativa, Air  Berlin tiene previsto
realizar 6 vuelos de salida,  Helitt  4 y Niki  1 desde la instalación barcelonesa.

Las compañías germanas Air Berlin y Niki Airlines se han unido recientemente a la alianza One World, cuyos miembros operan en la terminal T1. Para que sus usuarios puedan realizar conexiones con otras aerolíneas de la misma alianza sin cambiar de terminal, pasarán a operar también en la nueva instalación de Barcelona-El Prat, efectuando la facturación en los mostradores comprendidos entre el 301 y el 314.

Por su parte, la aerolínea andaluza Helitt, que  conecta Barcelona con  Málaga, Melilla, San Sebastián y Badajoz; operará en el área de vuelos regionales de la terminal T1 a partir de este domingo y realizará la facturación en los mostradores comprendidos entre el 701 y 714.

Estas compañías realizaran 11 vuelos de salida durante el primer día de su nueva operativa, aproximadamente la media de vuelos que realizaran  diariamente durante esta temporada de verano.

Airbus Tries Again for Indian Tanker Win

The Indian Air Force (IAF) will decide on a new multi-role tanker transport by year-end. Bids for six aircraft from Airbus Military for the A330MRTT and from Ilyushin for the Il-78MK are now being compared, Airbus Military market development vice president Ian Elliott told AIN in Delhi this week. The new in-flight refuelers will augment the existing fleet of six Il-78s, which has been in service for over half a decade at Agra airbase.

Expertos del MIT crean una cámara que ve objetos ocultos

Las aplicaciones de esta cámara son diversas: permitirá construir
dispositivos que puedan explorar escenas que no están al alcance del
ojo humano o que son peligrosas, como el interior de un edificio en
llamas, crear sistemas de navegación para vehículos que puedan
responder ante curvas ciegas o dispositivos médicos endoscópicos, para
poder observar las regiones oscuras del cuerpo humano.


Boeing se une a su rival Airbus en el rechazo a la tasa al CO2 de la UE

El presidente ejecutivo de la aerolínea aboga por el establecimiento de una serie de reglas internacionales a las que todas las compañías puedan comprometerse


Marruecos, ¿nueva potencia aeroespacial?

Nassima Boukhriss jamás ha puesto un pie en un avión, pero pronto ayudará a instalar los sistemas de conexión de los aviones más avanzados del mundo.

La estudiante de una escuela técnica es parte de una de las iniciativas de desarrollo económico más ambiciosas en África del Norte: la formación de una industria aeroespacial.

A lo largo de Marruecos, millones de personas carecen de empleo, educación básica e incluso acceso a agua potable. El sector manufacturero sigue siendo una pequeña fracción de la economía comparado con la agricultura y el turismo. La industria textil que requiere pocas destrezas es una de las más grandes del país.


Qantas encuentra más grietas en las alas de dos de sus A380

El hallazgo de estas nuevas grietas de tipo 2, que son más severas
que las halladas en las primeras inspecciones, ha motivado que Qantas
esté considerando denunciar a Airbus para obtener compensaciones a las
interrupciones de sus operaciones causadas por las inspecciones y
reparaciones de su flota de A380.

Leer noticia completa:

El cierre de Clasa, Adisa e Insa, en el Boletín Oficial del Estado

"De conformidad con lo dispuesto en el artículo 169 f) de la Ley 33/2003, de 3 de noviembre, del Patrimonio de las Administraciones Públicas, se procederá a la extinción de Aena Desarrollo Internacional, S.A. (Aadisa), transmitiendo en bloque su patrimonio a Aena Aeropuertos, S.A. de acuerdo con lo dispuesto en el artículo 53 de la Ley 3/2009, de 3 de abril, de modificaciones estructurales de sociedades mercantiles"

"Se modificará el objeto social de Aena Aeropuertos, S.A. extendiéndose a aquellas actividades de Aena Desarrollo Internacional, S.A. que no estuvieran incluidas en su objeto socia"

"conforme con lo dispuesto en el artículo 169 f) de la Ley 33/2003, de 3 de noviembre, del Patrimonio de las Administraciones Públicas, se procederá a la extinción de Centros Logísticos Aeroportuarios, S.A. (Clasa), transmitiendo en bloque su patrimonio a Aena Aeropuertos, S.A. de acuerdo con lo dispuesto en el artículo 53 de la Ley 3/2009, de 3 de abril, de modificaciones estructurales de sociedades mercantiles. Se modificará el objeto social de Aena Aeropuertos, S.A. extendiéndose a aquellas actividades de Centros Logísticos Aeroportuarios, S.A. (CLASA) que no estuvieran incluidas en su objeto social"

"Se incorporan la totalidad de las acciones de titularidad del Organismo Autónomo INTA y representativas del 100% del capital social de la Sociedad Estatal Ingeniería y Servicios Aeroespaciales, S.A. (nsa) a favor de la Sociedad Estatal Ingeniería de Sistemas para la Defensa de España, S.A. (Isdefe) de conformidad con lo dispuesto en el artículo 168.1 de la Ley 33/2003, de 3 de noviembre, del Patrimonio de las Administraciones Públicas".

Europe’s armed forces team up on refueling Aircraft

European defence ministers facing shrinking budgets agreed Thursday to join forces to get more air-to-air refueling planes, deploy extra field hospitals and exploit "green" energy.
The projects are part of the European Union's efforts to pool and share military resources as the debt crisis and a US strategic pivot towards Asia forces Europe's armed forces to band together.

Read more: http://www.defencetalk.com/europes-armed-forces-team-up-on-refueling-aircraft-41145/#ixzz1qCR9Bubj

Gaizka Grajales dimite como CEO de Alestis por los problemas con Airbus

  • El director general abandonó la empresa en noviembre pasado.
  • Domingo Ureña, hombre fuerte de EADS en España, impulsa la dimisión.
  • Airbus quiere fusionar sus tres tier-1 españoles: Alestis, Aernnova y Aciturri

domingo, 25 de marzo de 2012

Vuela el avión de papel más grande del mundo

Vuela el avión de papel más grande del mundo: El avión de papel más grande del mundo, jamás construido, voló en Tucson, Arizona, Estados Unidos: especialistas de la firma aeronáutica Pima Air & Space Museum diseñaron este particular avión de unos 400 kilos de peso, y una envergadura de 7 metros de ancho por 14 de largo.
En Tucson, Estados Unidos, voló durante unos segundos el avión de papel más grande jamás construido
Para que

Alestis y la jornada de reflexión

Alestis y la jornada de reflexión: La dimisión de Gaizka Grajales como consejero delegado de Alestis en plena campaña de elecciones andaluzas abre incógnitas sobre el futuro del sector aeroespacial andaluz.

Cessna, AVIC Join Forces To Develop Aviation In China

Cessna, AVIC Join Forces To Develop Aviation In China: Companies Will Pursue GA And Biz Av Ventures In The Region Two strategic agreements signed by officials of Cessna and Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) could lead to the joint development of general and business aviation in the People's Republic of China. The agreements together pave the way for a range of business jets, utility single-engine turboprops and single-engine piston aircraft to be manufactured and certified in China.

Fire Scout Team Takes Steps To Arm Unmanned Helicopter

Fire Scout Team Takes Steps To Arm Unmanned Helicopter: Navy Requests Weaponized MQ-8B, First For The Service The U.S. Navy for the first time has reqested that one of its unmanned aircraft be configured to carry weapons. The Navy plans to arm the MQ-8B Fire Scout with a laser-guided rocket, the Advanced Precision Kill Weapon System (APKWS), in just 18 months.

viernes, 23 de marzo de 2012

New York to Beijing in two hours without leaving the ground?

New York to Beijing in two hours without leaving the ground?:
An ETT (Evacuated Tube Transport) line in which car-sized passenger/cargo capsules would t...
Although there are similarities to the Startram concept we looked at recently, this take on maglev-like transport is all on terra firma and, if it ever eventuates, would take passengers from New York to Beijing in just two hours. Advocates of Evacuated Tube Transport (ETT) claim it is silent, cheaper than planes, trains or cars and faster than jets.
Continue Reading New York to Beijing in two hours without leaving the ground?

Se hará un manual de buenas prácticas para proteger a los pasajeros en casos de quiebras de aerolíneas

Se hará un manual de buenas prácticas para proteger a los pasajeros en casos de quiebras de aerolíneas: Este último tiempo se han sucedido varios casos de quiebras de compañías aéreas, y la cantidad de damnificados ha sido cuantiosa. Ante esta situación, la Agencia de Seguridad Aérea (AESA) se ha comprometido a colaborar con la Comisión Europea para crear un manual de buenas prácticas que proteja a los pasajeros ante posibles quiebras de las aerolíneas.

Fighters, Missiles For Countering Stealth

Fighters, Missiles For Countering Stealth: Russia has had decades to prepare products and plans to counter the Joint Strike Fighter.

Navy Readies For Training With First P-8A

Navy Readies For Training With First P-8A: The U.S. Navy's Boeing P-8A Poseidon shines as a program that appears to be broadly staying on both schedule and cost.

jueves, 22 de marzo de 2012

Flying the world: A380s carry more than 1 million passengers every month

The A380’s arrival in Latin America this week for a multi-country demonstration tour comes as the 21st century Airbus flagship jetliner confirms its operational success with a growing in-service fleet worldwide.


Having surpassed the 70-aircraft delivery milestone, A380s are now performing an average of 100 flights per day with seven airlines, carrying a combined total of more than one million passengers each month.

The 56 regularly-scheduled routes currently flown by A380s link 29 destinations that include the world’s top airports: Beijing, Dubai, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, London Heathrow, Los Angeles, New York-John F. Kennedy, Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Singapore and Sydney.

Additionally, the aircraft’s ability to successfully serve other than the largest hub cities is demonstrated by such examples as Emirates’ flights from Dubai to Rome and Manchester in England, as well as Singapore’s operations to Zurich.

The A380 continues to draw higher load factors in boosting traffic and market share for airlines, confirming the jetliner’s ability to attract passengers and increase operators’ revenues.

Airbus has firm contracts for 253 A380s from 19 customers.  This volume reflects the 29 new orders booked in 2011 from three new airlines, along with three reorders from existing customers last year.

The number of operators will grow in 2012, with the current list (Air France, China Southern Airlines, Emirates, Korean Air, Lufthansa, Qantas and Singapore Airlines) expanding when Malaysia Airlines and Thai Airways receive their initial A380s.

US Airways to extend Wi-Fi to regional jets

US Airways to extend Wi-Fi to regional jets:
US Airways announced Wednesday it has signed a new agreement with Wi-Fi supplier gogo to expand its onboard Wi-Fi service to more of its Airbus narrowbodies and to extend the service to its Embraer E-190/-175/-170 regional jets.

El helicóptero accidentado podría pertenecer a narcotraficantes – Diario de Sevilla

El helicóptero accidentado podría pertenecer a narcotraficantes – Diario de Sevilla: El helicóptero accidentado podría pertenecer a narcotraficantesDiario de SevillaImagen del helicóptero tras el accidente mortal. / Antonio Pizarro El helicóptero accidentado este martes en una finca ubicada entre los términos municipales de Lebrija y El Cuervo podría pertenecer a una banda de narcotraficantes.

Gone West: Sandy McDonnell

Gone West: Sandy McDonnell: Former Head Of McDonnell Douglas Dies At 89 Sanford N. "Sandy" McDonnell, who at one time led McDonnell Douglas Corp., passed away at his home in Clayton, MO, on March 19th. McDonnell was 89 years old.

Qatar Airways selecciona en Marzo personal en España

Qatar Airways selecciona personal en España:
Qatar Airways ha anunciado 2 convocatorias para la selección de candidatos en España con el objetivo de incorporar nuevos profesionales a su sede en Doha. Los procesos tendrán lugar el día 24 en Barcelona y el día 27 en Madrid.

De Madrid a Singapur en el A380 de Air France, por 639 euros

Air France incorpora Singapur como nuevo destino de verano para su flota de  A380, convirtiéndose en la séptima ruta que opera el nuevo avión de la compañía.

lea más: De Madrid a Singapur en el A380 de Air France, por 639 euros:

Expertos de la NASA restan importancia a la crisis que vive la agencia espacial

La Fundación Elecnor, dirigida por el astronauta español Pedro Duque, reunió en Madrid a dos expertos de la NASA para debatir acerca de la situación que vive la Agencia Espacial y el futuro de algunas de sus misiones, como las que se están preparando para Marte.

Expertos de la NASA restan importancia a la crisis que vive la agencia espacial

The Pirate Bay analiza construir una red de drones controlados por GPS

The Pirate Bay analiza construir una red de drones controlados por GPS: La cruzada del gobierno de EEUU contra los sitios de alojamiento de archivos y el P2P sigue bien firme y otros gobiernos están siguiendo esos pasos. Los fundadores de The Pirate Bay lo tienen bien claro...