domingo, 19 de febrero de 2012

MotoLOAD motorcycle loading system for light aircraft

MotoLOAD motorcycle loading system for light aircraft:

The MotoLOAD winches a MotoCYCLE into an airplane using a cordless drill

Light planes are a great way to get from A to B, but with the majority of small airports not boasting ground transportation services, getting from B to C can pose more of a problem. That's where the MotoLOAD system from Illinois-based MotoPOD comes in. Designed to slot into a small aircraft, the system makes unloading and unloading of some additional two-wheeled transport a simple job for just one person and their trusty cordless drill...
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Tegris: Thermoplastic composite takes on carbon fiber

Tegris: Thermoplastic composite takes on carbon fiber:

Whilst having similar properties to carbon fiber, Tegris won't shatter on impact, is appro...

Spartanburg, South Carolina, is home to one of the largest privately owned chemical and textile research establishments in the world, Milliken & Company. The firm's innovative research that combines textiles and chemistry has now produced a thermoplastic composite called Tegris that is cheap, recyclable and tough. These properties make Tegris an attractive alternative to (or composite partner for) carbon fiber, and it's already proving to have wide ranging applications in the automotive, military and sporting industries. ..
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Un informe confidencial norteamericano revela que el F-35C (modelo embarcado), no está en condiciones de aterrizar en portaaviones

Un informe confidencial norteamericano revela que el F-35C (modelo embarcado), no está en condiciones de aterrizar en portaaviones:

Mientras los primeros F-35 ya han sido entregados a la Fuerza Aérea y al Cuerpo de Infantería de Marina, que pronto empezarán el entrenamiento de sus pilotos, un informe confidencial del Pentágono sobre este caza de quinta generación, obtenido y hecho público en su web por la organización sin ánimo de lucro Project On Government Oversight (POGO), revelaría que el avión de combate de factoría norteamericano presenta tantos desperfectos que desaconseja, por prematuro, su entrega a Fuerza Aérea de EEUU.

NASA Leadership In Space Exploration Shaken

NASA Leadership In Space Exploration Shaken: NASA faces a loss of confidence after unilateral withdrawal from series of joint robotic missions to Mars with the ESA.

New Bomber Force May Need 200 Aircraft

New Bomber Force May Need 200 Aircraft: The requirement for the Long Range Strike-Bomber could be as high as 200 aircraft as they replace aging B-1s and ­B-52s.

EASA AD Demands A380 Rivet Replacement

EASA AD Demands A380 Rivet Replacement: The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) mandated the replacement of six aluminum rivets on the Airbus A380 in its latest airworthiness directive (AD 12-014) for the type.

Unmanned revolution – how companies are aiding UAV progress

Unmanned revolution – how companies are aiding UAV progress: The unmanned aerial systems industry remains strong, as it adapts to support the requirements of global armed forces. Berenice Baker talks to BAE Systems, Lockheed Martin and Elbit Systems about their latest developments and how they work with the mi…

Pipistrel Circumnavigation Attempt Is Safe In Antarctica

Pipistrel Circumnavigation Attempt Is Safe In Antarctica: Landed On The Southernmost Continent February 16th The Slovene pilot Matev Lenarcic, who is flying around the world in his modified Virus SW 914 Turbo with an Intercooler unit, made a succesfull landing in the Antarctic February 16th at 1800 CET on the antarctic base of Base Presidente Eduardo Frei Montalva. This historic moment is the first-ever landing of a Pipistrel airrcaft of the 7th continent.

Airborne Laser Test Bed Retires To Arizona

Airborne Laser Test Bed Retires To Arizona: Modified 747 Has Completed Its Mission The Air Force said Tuesday that the Airborne Laser Test Bed (ALTB) has completed the key MDA Knowledge Points, and has transitioned into long-term storage at the 309th Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group at Davis Monthan Air Force Base, AZ. The ALTB demonstrated the viability of a directed energy weapon for missile defense by tracking and destroying a boosting, representative foreign ballistic missile in flight.