miércoles, 4 de abril de 2012

Indian student's stunning personal transportation concept

Indian student's stunning personal transportation concept:
Very little is known about this 'single person transport system' concept dreamed up by the...
Very little is known about this "single person transport system" concept dreamed up by the enigmatically-named product design student Sanu K R from Ernakulam on India's west coast, but one thing is clear: it's a head-turner...
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NASA investigates sending CubeSats to Phobos and back

NASA investigates sending CubeSats to Phobos and back:
A CubeSat with solar sails could be sent on a mission to the Martian moon Phobos (Image: N...
NASA's Innovative Advanced Concepts Program provides funding to study a small number of highly advanced spaceflight concepts, with the goal of understanding the technological possibilities which will guide the development of future space missions. Under this program, a JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) researcher has proposed the use of a pair of CubeSats for an autonomous mission to retrieve samples from Phobos, Mars' larger moon.
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Air France también creará una filial de bajo coste

Air France también creará una filial de bajo coste:

«El próximo mes de junio estaremos en disposición de presentar el proyecto industrial de la compañía. El objetivo  es reducir como mínimo un 20% de los costes.  Lograr menos comprometería  el reencauzamiento del futuro de la compañía», comentó su presidente y director general, Alexandre de Juniac.