lunes, 4 de marzo de 2013

High-Speed VTOL -- DARPA Tries ... Again

High-Speed VTOL -- DARPA Tries ... Again:
DARPA does not want bidders for its new VTOL X-Plane program to "just revisit old concepts" for vertical take-off and landing that combine the high-speed performance of fixed-wing aircraft with the low-speed agility of helicopters.
A look at the American Helicopter Society's wonderful V/STOL Wheel (of fortune or of shame, take your pick) shows how hard that could be, as it lists no fewer than 45 different concepts that have been tried, of which only three can be considered successes -- the Hawker Harrier, Yakovlev Yak-38 and Bell Boeing V-22 (four if you include the Lockheed Martin F-35, but I won't go there).

Read full text here: High-Speed VTOL -- DARPA Tries ... Again


Enders: We need to close the innovation gap between Aerospace and IT

Hannover, 04 March 2013

  • EADS’s CEO Tom Enders delivers opening speech at CeBIT
  • High safety requirements slow down the adoption of new IT developments
  • Product cycles in the aerospace industry of up to 90 years make new approaches necessary

A high-tech Mars Rover vehicle is operated by processors from the last century. In this respect, games consoles are head and shoulders above them. It was with this metaphor that EADS’s CEO, Tom Enders, confronted the participants at the opening ceremony of this year’s CeBIT trade show. Enders presented ‘Bridget’, the futuristic Mars Rover on which EADS’s subsidiary Astrium is working, together with the European Space Agency (ESA), to the guests on the stage. Although this wonder of technology can not only climb over boulders and drill holes into the surface of Mars, but also independently determine its own way across the planet, he said, its core processors were made in the 1990s.

Enders stated that a growing innovation gap between the IT industry and the processing industry lies in the diverging life and innovation cycles of the products. “When Bridget sets off for Mars in 2018, computer performance will have tripled in comparison to today,” said Enders. “By that point her computer will be 30 years old.”

According to Enders, the IT industry has enabled aviation today to become safer and greener. But if the processing industry had been the one to set the pace in the area of microcontrollers and software at the start, he continued, then the roles would have been reversed today. The IT industry, particularly consumer IT, is now setting the standards, with its innovations opening up completely new production processes and possibilities in other sectors.
“From the initial research work to its decommissioning, an aircraft’s entire service life can amount to up to 90 years,” Enders said. Developing a new aircraft programme costs more than 10 billion euros. From the first to the last day, up to three million parts have to work perfectly, because the lives of over three billion people a year depend on compliance with safety standards. This is what differentiates the aviation industry from sectors whose models change frequently.

Today, when supervisory authorities certify a new type of aircraft, all software components are frozen at the respective level of technology, which already makes the software outdated by the time the airlines put the aircraft into operation.
Enders: “In addition to the approximately 200 million euros in investments for the
IT systems of a new type of aircraft, further high costs are incurred due to maintenance, as we are dealing with outdated systems from the very start.”

Enders called for “the innovation process to be revolutionised, without causing damage to the industry. We need to increase the speed of innovation, without compromising on safety.” He called for cross-industry collaboration in order to close the innovation gap. “The motto of CeBIT 2013 is ‘shareconomy’, which is something we can bring to life by sitting round a table and working together to close the gap,” said the CEO. Not only the aerospace industry can profit from collaboration of this kind, he continued, but also all processing industries.

Airbus Military y Thales firman un contrato con Reino Unido para suministrar servicios de formación del A400M

Airbus Military y Thales firman un contrato con Reino Unido para suministrar servicios de formación del A400M:
Airbus Military y Thales han llegado a un acuerdo con el Ministerio de Defensa británico para proveer servicios de formación sobre el A400M. El contrato establecido tendrá una duración de 18 años y se llevará a cabo a través de la joint venture creada por Airbus Military y Thales: la A400M Training Services LTD. Se proveerán prestaciones de diseño, construcción y gestión en la que se denominará como “escuela de formación A400M Atlas”.

US DoD clears F-35 JSF fleet to resume flight operations

US DoD clears F-35 JSF fleet to resume flight operations: The US Department of Defense (DoD) has cleared the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II joint strike fighter (JSF) fleet to resume flight operations, following completion of comprehensive evaluation and root cause analysis.

Boeing y fabricante nipón de baterías de Litio, en desacuerdo sobre arreglos de 787

GS Yuasa cree que el arreglo de la batería debería incluir un regulador de voltaje que podría detener el ingreso de electricidad a la batería, informó el Journal, citando autoridades del Gobierno y la industria.

Boeing propuso su solución ante la Administración Federal de Aviación de Estados Unidos (FAA, por su sigla en inglés) el pasado viernes. El día anterior, GS Yuasa dijo a la FAA que sus pruebas de laboratorio indicaban que una sobrecarga de energía fuera de la batería o algún otro problema externo fue el causante de las fallas, según el diario.

La solución de Boeing incluía una caja de contención más fuerte, una batería con mayor capacidad de refrigeración y otros cambios.

Air China comprará 31 aviones Boeing por 4.800 mlns dlrs - Reuters América Latina

Air China comprará 31 aviones Boeing por 4.800 mlns dlrs - Reuters América Latina:

El Nuevo Herald

Air China comprará 31 aviones Boeing por 4.800 mlns dlrs
Reuters América Latina
Texto [+]. HONG KONG (Reuters) - La aerolínea Air China Ltd comprará 31 aeronaves a la empresa Boeing Company para expandir la capacidad de su flota, dijo la firma en un anuncio el viernes. La compañía acordó adquirir dos aviones Boeing 747-8I, una ...
Air Lease Corporation compra 10 Boeing 777Preferente
Encargo a Boeing por $3200 millonesEl Nuevo Herald
ALC encarga 10 aviones 777-300 a Boeing por 3.200 millones a ...Yahoo! Finanzas

los 5 artículos informativos »

Boeing prevé centenares de supresiones de empleos debido al 787 -

Boeing prevé centenares de supresiones de empleos debido al 787 -

Boeing prevé centenares de supresiones de empleos debido al 787
El constructor aeronáutico Boeing prevé suprimir centenares de puestos de trabajo en su planta del estado de Carolina del Sur (sureste de Estados Unidos), donde fabrica el 787 Dreamliner, modelo cuyo vuelo fue prohibido debido a problemas con la ...

Airbus ocupará la zona logística del puerto de Sevilla -

Airbus ocupará la zona logística del puerto de Sevilla -

Te Interesa

Airbus ocupará la zona logística del puerto de Sevilla
La compañía aeronáutica Airbus Military se instalará en la zona de actividades logísticas del puerto de Sevilla (ZAL Sevilla), tras la firma del contrato de alquiler de más de 8.000 metros cuadrados. El contrato, por un período inicial de dos años ...
La ZAL Sevilla incorpora a Airbus Military como clienteDiario del Puerto (Suscripción)

los 5 artículos informativos »

Boeing and Sikorsky to team up on X2-based rotorcraft for U.S. Army

Boeing and Sikorsky to team up on X2-based rotorcraft for U.S. Army:
Artist’s rendering of the JMR-FVL concept aircraft proposed by Boeing and Sikorsky
Sikorsky’s coaxial X2 Demonstrator may have taken its last flight, but the rotorcraft’s design will serve as the basis for a new aircraft proposed by Sikorsky and Boeing. The companies will submit a joint proposal to build the new aircraft for Phase 1 of the U.S. Army’s Joint Multi-Role (JMR) Technology Demonstrator (TD) program that aims to deliver the next generation of vertical lift utility and attack aircraft...
Continue Reading Boeing and Sikorsky to team up on X2-based rotorcraft for U.S. Army

China's first jumbo jet to debut in 2014 - Xinhua |

China's first
jumbo jet, the C919, is expected to make its
maiden flight in 2014 as planned, its chief
designer told Xinhua on Monday.
The design of C919's airframe has been
completed and the ground tests of the jet's
major equipment will start in 2013, said Wu
Guanghui, the jumbo jet's chief designer
and vice general manager of the
Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China
(COMAC), the aircraft's manufacturer.