Farnborough Airshow: An airline black box in 'the cloud'

The aviation business was shaken by the the disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 earlier this year. Soon, an industry taskforce is due to set out how flight positioning data should be automatically transmitted from aircraft in flight wherever they are in the world. The aim is that never...


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In Flight Test, British Stealth Drone Is Actually Stealthy

Last week, the U.K. Ministry of Defense announced that, after a successful series of trials, BAE Systems' Taranis test drone is as stealthy as hoped. This is good news for people who like stealth drones, and bad news for people who want to shoot them down. The major challenge for a stealthy drone...


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Reino Unido se prepara para tener su primer aeropuerto espacial

El gobierno de Reino Unido acaba de anunciar su iniciativa para construir el primer aeropuerto espacial de la región, el cual podría ser utilizado por empresas privadas para lanzar sus cohetes y no representa un esfuerzo formal del país por entrar en la carrera espacial con más fuerza, manteniend...


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FARNBOROUGH: Airbus leads Clean Sky 2 rotorcraft development effort [feedly]

FARNBOROUGH: Airbus leads Clean Sky 2 rotorcraft development effort
// Aircraft news

Airbus Helicopters is planning a rapid return for the technology employed on its record-breaking X3 compound rotorcraft demonstrator that flew off into graceful retirement last month.

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