viernes, 4 de septiembre de 2015

UK-Singapore Collaboration Prepares for Record 300km Hydrogen powered USB flight ... - Yahoo Finance UK [feedly]

UK-Singapore Collaboration Prepares for Record 300km Hydrogen ... - Yahoo Finance UK
// uav: Google Noticias

UK-Singapore Collaboration Prepares for Record 300km Hydrogen ...
Yahoo Finance UK
Set to take off within days, this historic flight is the result of a joint effort between UAV fuel cell power systems supplier Horizon Energy Systems (HES) of Singapore, and Scottish UAV developer RaptorUAS. The team is working with Northern Colorado ...

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Cell fuel powered UAV prepares for 300km flight - Shephard Media [feedly]

UAV prepares for 300km flight - Shephard Media
// uav: Google Noticias

Shephard Media

UAV prepares for 300km flight
Shephard Media
A new civilian unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is being prepared for a 300km UAV flight across the North Sea between Norway and Scotland, it was announced on 1 September. The flight is a joint effort between Singapore-based UAV fuel cell systems ...
UK-Singapore collaboration gears up for world's longest flight of ...International Business Times AU

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