lunes, 11 de julio de 2016

F-35 pilot explains how he dominated dogfights against multiple A-4 aggressors. Every time. [feedly]

F-35 pilot explains how he dominated dogfights against multiple A-4 aggressors. Every time.
// The Aviationist

Air Combat in the F-35, a new chapter in the saga. In March 2016, we published an article written by Major Morten "Dolby" Hanche, a Royal Norwegian Air Force experienced pilot with more than 2,200 hours in the F-16, a U.S. Navy Test Pilot School graduate and the first to fly the F-35. In that post "Dolby" […]

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FARNBOROUGH: Comac wins deals for 90 ARJ21s [feedly]

FARNBOROUGH: Comac wins deals for 90 ARJ21s
// Flight Global HEADLINES

Comac has disclosed commitments for 90 ARJ21 regional jets from two Chinese lessors, with both deals targeted at putting the Chinese aircraft with foreign customers.

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Chinese participation at UK ' s Farnborough Air Show is biggest ever - China Daily

Scottish Daily Record

Chinese participation at UK ' s Farnborough Air Show is biggest ever
China Daily
... China General Aviation Industry , Baoji Titanium Industry , Shaanxi China Aero Industry Gas Spring Co ., Tipro International Co , Wuxi Blade Co and COMAC , which builds China ' s first-ever locally designed and built short and medium-haul jet , the ...
Farnborough Airshow: industry expects fewer aircraft ordersBBC News
Farnborough Air Show: What to expectYahoo Finance UK

Airbus fuels investor concern on slowdown - Financial Times

Airbus fuels investor concern on slowdown
Financial Times
Airbus on Monday fuelled investor concerns that the current boom in passenger jet orders could be running out of momentum, but joined rival Boeing in upgrading forecasts for longer-term demand. John Leahy, Airbus chief operating officer for customers, ...
Boeing and Airbus, Forget the Airshow GeeksBloomberg
Airbus and Boeing could sell $33 billion worth of planes todayBusiness Insider Nordic
BoeingAirbus Offer Rosy Outlooks for Aircraft DemandABC News
Fortune -International Business Times
los 182 artículos informativos »

Bombardier confirms CSeries wing could accommodate larger variant [feedly]

Bombardier confirms CSeries wing could accommodate larger variant

Bombardier could use the existing CSeries wing without major changes if it were to develop an additional large model within the family.

Elbit completes night flight demonstrations of digital eye piece [feedly]

Elbit completes night flight demonstrations of digital eye piece

Elbit Systems has successfully completed a series of night flight demonstrations with the digital eye piece (DEP), designed to improve situational awareness and meet operational needs of military aviators.

Hybrid balloon/glider designed to wing its way through Titan's atmosphere [feedly]

With a suspected subterranean sea of liquid water, oceans of methane on the surface and an atmosphere that could give rise to non-water-based life, it's no surprise that scientists are keen to learn more about Saturn's moon Titan. To that end, a new joint project between the Global Aerospace Corporation (GAC) and Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems (NGAS) is developing a new exploration vehicle designed to soar through the skies of that mysterious moon.

.. Continue Reading Hybrid balloon/glider designed to wing its way through Titan's atmosphere

Boeing considers developing medium haul airliner

US-based aircraft manufacturer Boeing has been reported to be in talks with potential customers over a new medium-haul airplane, that would seat up to 270 passengers and conduct flights between 3000 and 5,000 nautical miles.

According to Boeing estimates, there is a demand in the midrange aircraft market between 4,000 - 5,000 airplanes. The new medium-haul jet would fill in the gap between short to medium-range single-aisle 737 and the newly introduced long-range 787 Dreamliner. Like the former, the new aircraft would have carbon fiber composite wings. read full text:

Brexit aftermath: easyJet in search of EU operator certificate

"As part of easyJet’s contingency planning before the referendum we had informal discussions with a number of European aviation regulators about the establishment of an AOC in a European country to enable easyJet to fly across Europe as we do today,“ said easyJet in a statement. It added: "easyJet has now started a formal process to acquire an AOC.“ full text:

Lack of customers leads the Airbus A380 program into the unknown

The four-engined A380 has been difficult to sell because of its high fuel consumption and bad program start timing. When the world was hit by economic crisis in 2008, increased oil prices discouraged carriers to invest in the aircraft that can seat between 489 and 615 travelers. Aviation experts claim, that Airbus may not recoup its initial €25 billion investment and, if the production rate of the A380 aircraft falls bellow 30 airliners per year, the company may even have to shut down the program.