Test pilots of Yakovlev Design Bureau set world records with Yak-130 aircraft

Press Release

Fédération Aéronautique Internationale registered the records set by the test pilots of Yakovlev Design Bureau flying Yak-130 combat trainer.

The batch of the record flights was performed at the airfield of Gromov Flight Research Institute from 17 to 26 October, 2016. The flight crews consisted of the Hero of Russia Oleg Kononenko, the Hero of Russia Oleg Mutovin, Andrey Voropaev, and Vasily Sevastianov test pilots.

Within the preparation for the records establishment the Honored test-navigator Sergey Kudryashov also took part in the series of flights.

Several Russia's and world records were set for the class of serial land-based turbo-jet aircraft with take-off weight from 6 000 to 9 000 kg (see the table below). The Hero of Russia Roman Taskaev, Yakovlev Design Bureau's Deputy Director General for flight tests, notes: “Record flights have demonstrated both outstanding capabilities of Yak-130 aircraft and masterhood of our test pilots.’’

Record Type

Time to climb to a height of 6 000 m
1 min 42 sec
Oleg Kononenko
Vasily Sevastianov

Time to climb to a height of 9 000 m
2 min 44 sec
Oleg Kononenko
Oleg Mutovin

Time to climb to 3 000 m with 1 000 kg payload
1 min 16 sec
Andrey Voropaev
Oleg Kononenko

Time to climb to 6 000 m with 1 000 kg payload
2 min 07 sec
Andrey Voropaev
Oleg Mutovin

Time to climb to 9 000 m with 1 000 kg payload
3 min 30 sec
Andrey Voropaev
Vasily Sevastianov

Time to climb to 2 000 m with 2 000 kg payload
1 min 17 sec
Vasily Sevastianov
Oleg Mutovin

Time to climb to 3 000 m with 2 000 kg payload
1 min 26 sec
Vasily Sevastianov
Oleg Mutovin

Time to climb to 6 000 m with 2 000 kg payload
2 min 39 sec
Vasily Sevastianov
Andrey Voropaev

Time to climb to 9 000 m with 2 000 kg payload
4 min 43 sec
Vasily Sevastianov
Oleg Kononenko

Irkut Corporation completed the construction of the second MC-21-300 aircraft

Press Release

At the Irkutsk Aviation Plant, a branch of Irkut Corporation (part of UAC), the construction of the second MC-21-300 aircraft, intended for flight testing, was completed. The testing results of the first test aircraft were taken into account in the production of a new aircraft. On March 25, the MC-21-300 was transferred from the final assembly shop to the flight test department.

"The completion of the second aircraft assembly is an important stage in the implementation of the MC-21 program. Entering of new machines this year to flight testing will solve the key tasks of the project: to complete the certification of MC-21 in a timely manner, to launch mass production and to put the first airliners to the customer" - said Denis Manturov the Russian Minister of Industry and Trade.

In total, 4 MC-21-300 aircraft will be involved in flight tests.

At present, the fuselage of the third MC-21-300 aircraft is assembled at the Irkutsk Aviation Plant, and the components and units of the fourth aircraft are being assembled. The manufacture of aircraft parts and components intended for endurance test aircraft is underway. The first MC-21-300 aircraft undergoes flight tests at the airfield of Flight Research Institute n.a. M.M. Gromov (Zhukovsky city, Moscow region). The aircraft for static testing is tested in Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI).

San Francisco, Managua, Palermo, Mikonos, Biarritz y Faro, principales novedades del grupo Iberia para este verano

Nota de Prensa

Iberia estrenará San Francisco el 25 de abril y Managua el 1 de octubre. Además, incrementa su oferta con Puerto Rico, México, Chile, Brasil, Colombia y Argentina en su red de largo radio; a Santander en España; y a Portugal, Francia, Grecia, Italia, Croacia, Austria, República Checa y Hungría entre sus rutas de media distancia.

· Palermo y Mikonos son las novedades de Iberia Express, que repite también en Cork, Oslo y Cracovia, y crece en las Islas Baleares y Canarias, Francia e Italia.

· Iberia Regional / Air Nostrum reanuda sus vuelos a Faro y Biarritz, incrementa frecuencias a otros destinos de Francia y, en España, estrena la ruta a Burgos y crece en otras más vacacionales como Alicante-Ibiza o Madrid-Almería.

Madrid, 23 de marzo de 2018

Este verano, los clientes del grupo Iberia podrán conocer nuevos y apetecibles destinos para viajar por España, el resto de Europa o América de norte a sur.

San Francisco, Managua y toda Europa con Iberia

En EEUU, la principal novedad de Iberia es la inauguración de su ruta a San Francisco. Desde el 25 de abril y hasta el 28 de septiembre, tres vuelos a la semana unirán sin escalas Madrid y las cinematográficas calles y bahía de San Francisco. En EEUU, Iberia reanuda y crece también en su ruta a Los Ángeles y Boston.

En América Latina, Iberia estrena sus vuelos directos con Managua el 1 de octubre, con tres frecuencias semanales. En los meses de verano, Iberia incrementa su oferta de destinos como San Juan de Puerto Rico, México D.F., Santiago de Chile y Río de Janeiro. Y, a partir de octubre, Iberia crece también en Guatemala, Colombia y Argentina.

Entre las rutas de medio radio, Iberia apuesta por Oporto -donde crece casi un 30%- y por París –donde llegará a las 54 frecuencias semanales, 40 al aeropuerto de Orly y otras 14 a Charles de Gaulle, estas últimas operadas por Iberia Express.

Otro mercado con un crecimiento muy relevante es Italia, sobre todo, en los cuatro destinos más clásicos de Iberia -Roma, Milán y Venecia-, y en los más turísticos –Florencia y Catania-.

Este verano, Iberia adelanta también su temporada de verano en Croacia, y ofrecerá vuelos a Dubrovnik –desde el 8 de abril-, Zagreb –a partir del 4 de mayo- y Split en junio. Una oferta que permite recorrer el país de norte a sur y que en agosto se acerca a 50 vuelos semanales entre España y Croacia.

En Europa, los otros destinos “estrella” de Iberia para este verano serán Atenas, Viena, Praga y Budapest, donde la aerolínea duplica su oferta.

En España, la gran apuesta del Grupo Iberia es Santander, donde crece un 25% y ofrecerá una media de 30 frecuencias semanales.

Mikonos y Palermo, las novedades de Iberia Express

La filial de bajo coste de Iberia también sorprende este verano con nuevos vuelos a Mikonos, que complementa su oferta a Santorini y Creta en las islas griegas.

En Italia, Iberia Express estrena Palermo y, además, crece en Nápoles y Cagliari.

Entre las rutas de verano de Iberia Express en Europa destacan también por su buena acogida Cork, Oslo, Cracovia y Malta; en esta última la low cost adelanta el inicio de sus operaciones al 22 de mayo.

En España, Iberia Express concentra gran parte de su operación de este verano en las Islas Baleares y Canarias. Iberia Express vuela a Mallorca, Menorca e Ibiza y crece un 5% en asientos; en las Islas Canarias vuela a Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria, Lanzarote, La Palma y Tenerife y crece otro 4%.

Francia, el mercado estrella de Iberia Regional / Air Nostrum

Además del incremento de vuelos a París de Iberia e Iberia Express, Air Nostrum refuerza la oferta del Grupo Iberia en Francia con vuelos a Biarritz y más oferta a Burdeos, Marsella y Toulouse.

En España, la principal novedad de Iberia Regional / Air Nostrum es la reapertura de la ruta entre Madrid y Burgos a partir del 1 de junio.

Además, este verano reanuda con más oferta sus rutas más vacacionales como Asturias-Valencia, Alicante-Bilbao, Alicante-Ibiza y Sevilla-Valencia, entre otras; y crece en las que unen Madrid con Almería, Pamplona y Melilla, entre otras.

Sobre Iberia: Iberia es la primera compañía de España y líder en las rutas entre Europa y Latinoamérica. Junto con su filial Iberia Express y su franquiciada Iberia Regional Air Nostrum, ofrece alrededor de 600 vuelos al día a medio centenar de países de Europa, América, África, Oriente Medio y Asia, con una flota de 135 aviones. En 2017 Iberia ha conseguido su 4ª estrella Skytrax y, en 2016 y 2017, fue la aerolínea más puntual del mundo, según FlightStats. Iberia tiene su hub en el aeropuerto de Madrid, y es miembro de la alianza oneworld, que ofrece más de 14.000 vuelos diarios a cerca de 1.000 aeropuertos en más de 150 países.

Iberia completa su pedido de aviones A330-200 con la llegada del “Johannesburgo”

Nota de Prensa

  • Iberia completa su pedido de aviones A330-200 con la llegada del “Johannesburgo”
  • A bordo, los clientes de Iberia podrán disfrutar de las nuevas cabinas de largo radio y de Wifi de alta velocidad
  • Desde 2013, la línea aérea ha recibido 20 aviones nuevos de largo radio y renovados los 17 A340-600 de su flota con sus nuevas cabinas
  •  Este año se empezarán a incorporar también los A350-900, aviones de última generación, y los A320NEO a la flota de Iberia 

Iberia sigue avanzando en su proceso de renovación de flota. La aerolínea ha recibido el avión “Johannesburgo”, que completa un pedido de 12 aparatos del modelo A330-200, y que operará los vuelos de la compañía a destinos de América Latina, Estados Unidos, África y Asia.

El avión, con matrícula EC-MUD, homenajea a la ciudad sudafricana, a la que Iberia vuela desde agosto de 2016 con tres vuelos semanales y un total de 90.000 asientos al año.

El A330-200 es un avión bimotor del modelo MTOW 242Tn, más eficiente en cuanto al consumo de combustible, con un alcance de 11.500 kilómetros y que pueden despegar con hasta 242Tn.

Desde 2013, Iberia ha recibido 20 nuevos aviones de largo radio y ha renovado sus 17 A340-600 con las nuevas cabinas. Durante este año, la aerolínea recibirá también sus primeros aviones de los modelos A350-900 y A320Neo.

Butacas más cómodas y wifi a bordo

El avión “Johannesburgo” cuenta con 19 butacas en clase Business y 269 en clase Turista. A bordo, los clientes de Iberia podrán disfrutar de las nuevas cabinas de largo radio. Butacas que se transforman en camas de 2 m. de longitud, con acceso directo al pasillo y una pantalla táctil de 15,4 pulgadas son las principales características de la clase ejecutiva, mientras que el asiento de Turista tiene una anchura de 46 cm y cuenta con una pantalla individual de 9 pulgadas y un reposacabezas ajustable.

Tanto en clase Business como en Turista, los pasajeros pueden disfrutar de un amplio programa de entretenimiento con una media de 70 películas al mes, en diferentes idiomas, 111 series de TV y documentales, cerca de 800 opciones de audio y 18 videojuegos. Los niños disponen de un canal específico de entretenimiento. El servicio de Wifi, que se ofrece también en ambas cabinas, se ofrece a través de banda KU, que permite mayor velocidad de descarga.

Sobre Iberia: Iberia es la primera compañía de España y líder en las rutas entre Europa y Latinoamérica. Junto con su filial Iberia Express y su franquiciada Iberia Regional Air Nostrum, ofrece alrededor de 600 vuelos al día a medio centenar de países de Europa, América, África, Oriente Medio y Asia, con una flota de 135 aviones. En 2017 Iberia ha conseguido su 4ª estrella Skytrax y, en 2016 y 2017, fue la aerolínea más puntual del mundo, según FlightStats. Iberia tiene su hub en el aeropuerto de Madrid, y es miembro de la alianza oneworld, que ofrece más de 14.000 vuelos diarios a cerca de 1.000 aeropuertos en más de 150 países.

La Secretaría General de Industria, AUVSI y AERPAS han confirmado su apoyo a la 5ª edición de UNVEX, esta vez en León

Nota de Prensa

Industria, AUVSI y AERPAS confirman su apoyo a UNVEX S&D

- El director general de Industria y de la PYME, Mario Buisán, moderará la sesión plenaria ‘Proyectos industriales’
- Las mayores asociaciones del sector estarán presentes en la cumbre europea de drones

UNVEX S&D continúa recibiendo nuevos apoyos para su edición 2018. Así, la Secretaría General de Industria, AUVSI y AERPAS han confirmado su apoyo y su colaboración con la quinta edición de UNVEX S&D, que tendrá lugar en el Palacio de Exposiciones de León durante los días 29, 30 y 31 de mayo.

La SG de Industria y de la PYME estará representada en esta cumbre europea de sistemas autónomos para Seguridad y Defensa con la presencia de su director general, Mario Buisán, como moderador de la sesión plenaria ‘Proyectos Industriales’ del día 30 de mayo. En esta sesión se debatirá la importancia del desarrollo de un tejido industrial sólido alrededor de los vehículos autónomos o remotamente tripulados, como fuente de desarrollo tecnológico y empleo cualificado. Junto al director general de Industria también participarán representantes de la Comisión Europea, del CDTI y de destacadas empresas del sector.

Además, está previsto que intervenga Ramón Herrero, subdirector general de Áreas y Programas Industriales, para explicar las actuaciones la SG de Industria en el impulso de la denominada industria 4.0.

Asociaciones nacionales e internacionales

Por otro lado, la Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) también estará presente en esta cumbre para dar a conocer sus actividades a nivel mundial y su opinión sobre el presente y futuro del sector. Así, AUVSI ESPAÑA, capítulo español de esta asociación internacional, colabora en el diseño de un programa de conferencias complementarias, abiertas al público, sobre aspectos tecnológicos e industrialesque se ofrecerán durante las tardes de los días 29 y 30 de mayo, mientras que su presidente, Ángel Alonso, participará en una de las sesiones plenarias.

Como colofón, la Asociación Española de RPAS (AERPAS) se suma también a los apoyos de UNVEX S&D 2018 aportando el punto de vista de la comunidad española de sistemas remotamente pilotados, exponiendo su situación y perspectivas en el entorno de la nueva legislación.

UNVEX S&D 2018, que se celebrará del 29 al 31 de mayo, comprende un ciclo de conferencias a alto nivel y una exposición donde la industria mostrará las últimas soluciones que se desarrollarán en el nuevo palacio de exposiciones de León, que precisamente ha escogido a UNVEX como evento inaugural. Además de esto, también habrá un programa de demostraciones reales en las bases militares Conde de Gazola y Virgen del Camino, ambas en las proximidades de la capital leonesa.

ELIMCO Aerospace abre una nueva delegación en la comunidad de madrid

Nota de Prensa

  • La compañía refuerza así su estrategia de crecimiento y de optimización de sus servicios a los clientes de la zona centro

Elimco Aerospace, compañía especializada en soluciones tecnológicas de alto valor añadido para el sector aeroespacial, ha inaugurado una nueva delegación en la Comunidad de Madrid, dentro de su estrategia de crecimiento y de mejora en la prestación de servicios a clientes del sector aeronáutico e industrial. Esta nueva sede, situada en el Polígono Industrial Carpetania, en Getafe, se une a las instalaciones de 5.600 metros cuadrados que la empresa tiene ya en el Parque Tecnológico Aeroespacial de Andalucía (Aerópolis), en Sevilla, frente a la Línea de Ensamblaje Final del avión A400M de Airbus.

La apertura de esta nueva sede en el que es actualmente el mayor polo aeronáutico de España proporcionará a Elimco Aerospace una mayor cercanía a sus clientes de la zona centro y permitirá ofrecerles un servicio más personalizado. “Con esta delegación en la Comunidad de Madrid daremos una mayor cobertura de servicios a Airbus, uno de nuestros clientes estratégicos, a la vez que podremos acometer la expansión prevista por la compañía gracias a la cercanía con otros potenciales clientes, tanto del sector aeroespacial como de otras industrias”, señaló Juan Salas, consejero delegado de la firma.

Sobre Elimco Aerospace

Elimco Aerospace es una empresa especializada en la fabricación de sistemas de tierra, sistemas embarcados, así como en el desarrollo de I+D+i y la prestación de servicios de soporte para firmas del sector aeroespacial. Entre sus principales líneas de producción se encuentran los mazos eléctricos, las unidades de control, los sensores y los bancos de test. Fundada en 2003, la compañía participa actualmente en los principales programas de Airbus, entre los que destacan los aviones A380, A400M, A300MRTT y los helicópteros Tiger y NH90.

Carbures ha firmado un segundo contrato con Hyperloop para su tren futurista

Nota de Prensa

  • Además del prototipo de la cápsula de pasajeros, la americana encarga a la tecnológica española, por 2,8 millones, el prototipo del tubo por el que viajará el tren que unirá Dubái con Abu Dabi
  • Carbures Civil Works ha firmado un segundo contrato, por 2,8 millones de euros, con Hyperloop Transportation Technologies (HTT) para el desarrollo integral, desde la ingeniería hasta la fabricación del prototipo del ducto para la línea de este tren futurista que conectará Dubái con Abu Dabi.
  • El prototipo de tubo se construirá en composite, tendrá una longitud de 700 metros, repartidos en segmentos de 12 metros de largo por cuatro de diámetro y un grosor de pared de 32 milímetros, irá dotados de miles de sensores inteligentes que mejoran el mantenimiento y la seguridad y el plazo estimado de fabricación es de un año.

Primero fueron los prototipos de las cápsulas de los pasajeros. Ahora es el del tubo por el que viajarán las cápsulas. Carbures ha firmado un segundo contrato con la americana Hyperloop Transportation Technologies (HTT) para el desarrollo integral, desde el diseño, ingeniería, tecnología y fabricación, del prototipo de tubo de composite por el que, a modo de vía, circulará la línea Dubái-Abu Dabi de este tren futurista. El contrato le ha sido adjudicado a la tecnológica española en un concurso con otras cuatro compañías que presentaban proyectos de tubo de acero. El prototipo tendrá una longitud total de 700 metros de longitud y estará dotado de miles de sensores inteligentes con capacidad para transmitir información a una central receptora con la que se controlará y facilitará la seguridad de la instalación. El contrato firmado por Carbures y Hyperloop asciende a 2,8 millones de euros y se estima que la entrega del prototipo sea a finales de este año.

La división de Civil Works de Carbures, experta en la ingeniería y diseño de ductos petrolíferos en materiales compuestos, ha competido durante seis meses en un proceso de selección con otras cuatro empresas, que proponían la fabricación del ducto con acero, y ha resultado adjudicataria del proyecto por su ingeniería y capacidad tecnológica-industrial de fabricación de estructuras en materiales compuestos. Este tipo de material ofrece claras ventajas sobre el metal; una mayor resistencia y dureza con incluso una mayor elasticidad por su baja densidad en comparación con el acero, así como una gran capacidad de aislamiento térmico.

El prototipo de ducto o tubo por el que circulará la cápsula tendrá una longitud de unos 700 metros, divididos en segmentos de 12 metros de largo por cuatro metros de diámetro, y un espesor de 32 milímetros y el trazado final será de unos 280 km de tubo (doble circuito) entre los dos países. Además, Carbures va a dotar a esa estructura de miles de sensores que permitirán medir, entre otros parámetros, si el tubo ha sufrido una deformación por la causa que sea, si sufre estrés en los materiales, si existen variaciones de presión interior (es un tubo que está cerrado al vacío), la temperatura exterior, así como otros parámetros de la estructura que permitirán reaccionar de manera preventiva incrementando la seguridad y detectar cualquier anomalía en tiempo real, nada más producirse. Otra de las claves ha sido la incorporación de las estructuras inteligentes de Carbures en el proyecto ha resultado claramente diferenciador sobre el resto de las propuestas presentadas y cobra especial importancia por el lugar en el que se va a instalar este tren futurista: un desierto entre dos ciudades en el que las temperaturas pueden sufrir variaciones de hasta 50 grados.

La ingeniería que exige el proyecto y el cálculo estructural del ducto se ha realizado por los ingenieros de Carbures en México y España, del área de Civil Works, que cuentan con una amplia experiencia en proyectos para ductos petrolíferos en México y en otros proyectos como los duques de Alba, en una obra pionera de ampliación del puerto del Rosario, en las islas Canarias, o la construcción de la cubierta de fibra de carbono para la Fundación Norman Foster en Madrid. El uso de los composites frente al acero trae muchas ventajas en obra civil no sólo por las ventajas de los composites sino también porque facilita la ejecución de los trabajos y reduce las necesidades logísticas de la ejecución como el transporte hasta el lugar de construcción, incluso el mantenimiento es más sencillo al tener una mayor resistencia a los elementos climatológicos.

A nivel tecnológico, se puede decir que no existe en el mundo una construcción igual que ésta: un tubo de estas dimensiones sensorizado que vaya a acoger una cápsula de transporte al vacío. Este contrato es una prueba más del valor añadido de ingeniería y tecnológico-industrial de Carbures y sus ingenieros y trabajadores.

El presidente de Carbures, Rafael Contreras, declara: “Este segundo proyecto que nos encarga Hyperloop supone un espaldarazo a nuestra capacidad tecnológico-industrial 4.0 para los procesos de fabricación de estructuras sensorizadas de última generación. Como compañía tecnológica española es muy gratificante que estemos tan bien posicionados en un proyecto de vanguardia, único, y de la importancia de este en todo el mundo”.

El primer contrato de Carbures con Hyperloop se consiguió mediante la división de Aerospace & Defense de Carbures, a la que Hyperloop adjudicó, en 2017, la fabricación de dichas cápsulas en fibra de carbono. El proyecto en su conjunto es un claro ejemplo de las sinergias que ofrece el modelo de negocio de Carbures, el cual presta soluciones en tres de los mayores sectores a nivel mundial: Aeroespacial, automoción y obra civil. Carbures está aplicando los más estrictos códigos y exigencias de ingeniería y fabricación del sector aeroespacial, adquiridos a lo largo de sus 18 años de experiencia en el sector, en el proceso de fabricación de las cápsulas, que están en la fase de desarrollo y cálculos de ingeniería. Se estima que el proceso de fabricación de una cápsula llegue a su último paso y la estructura entre en el autoclave a finales de este año, aproximadamente.

Hyperloop Transportation Technologies es una empresa americana que espera crear un nuevo sistema de transporte que va a suponer una revolución en la forma de viajar. Es un sistema de transporte ultrarrápido la velocidad que alcanzará será por encima de 1.200 kilómetros por hora, de baja presión y basado en un tubo, que cuenta con el apoyo de los Gobiernos de Australia y Eslovaquia.

Sobre Carbures

Carbures es un grupo industrial especializado en la ingeniería y fabricación de estructuras con materiales compuestos, como la fibra de carbono, para los sectores relacionados con la movilidad, como el aeronáutico, la automoción y el de obra civil. A lo largo de más de una década, Carbures ha desarrollado una tecnología propia y unos sistemas que le posicionan como la compañía líder en Europa en la fabricación, tanto en series largas como cortas, de piezas de fibra de carbono para los sectores relacionados con la movilidad, así como elementos estructurales de construcción.

About Hyperloop Transportation Technologies

Founded in 2013 by JumpStarter Inc. utilizing JumpStarter’s crowd collaboration platform, U.S.-based Hyperloop Transportation Technologies, Inc. (HTT) is a global team that aims to bring the world together. Having recently surpassed $100 million in investment, HTT leverages technology and a team of more than 800 global experts to bring disruptive innovation to the traditional transportation industry. Hyperloop first gained public interest when entrepreneur Elon Musk published a detailed white paper describing a futuristic mode of transport that would move people from Los Angeles to San Francisco in about 30 minutes. Musk handed the concept to the public asking for entrepreneurs to take over its development while he focused on his existing projects. Hyperloop Transportation Technologies rose to the challenge and is pursuing a transportation vision that pairs a reduced carbon footprint with an increased sense of connection across the planet.

lunes, 26 de marzo de 2018

[video] USAF Research Lab shows concepts for 6gen fighter, unmanned loyal wingman and parasite drones

New video released by Air Force Research Lab shows concepts for Loyal Wingman (unmanned fighters as wingmans), Gremlins (parasite UAVs) and sixth-gen fighter.



domingo, 25 de marzo de 2018

Winglet-equipped C-27J to arrive in 2019

Winglet-equipped C-27J to arrive in 2019 // Military news

Leonardo will from 2019 deliver its C-27J Spartan battlefield airlifter in a new baseline configuration featuring updated avionics and winglets as standard.

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US ​Congress appropriates a 28% increase in funding for new aircraft

​Congress appropriates a 28% increase in funding for new aircraft // Military news

President Donald Trump signed into law on 23 March a spending bill that adds 143 aircraft, worth $9.5 billion, to what was already requested by the Department of Defence, including 20 additional F-35 Lightning II fighters, 10 F/A-18 Super Hornets, and three KC-46A tanker aircraft.

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Boeing Delivers First 737 MAX 9

Boeing Delivers First 737 MAX 9 // MediaRoom

Lion Air Group takes first delivery; airplane will go into service with Thai Lion Air

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Blade Raises $32m, Teams With Airbus On Urban Helos

Blade Raises $32m, Teams With Airbus On Urban Helos // AviationWeek.com Commercial Aviation Channel

On-demand helicopter service provider Fly Blade has raised $38 million in a Series B financing round that includes investment from Airbus Helicopters.

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PHOTOS: Boeing’s Smallest Modern 737, the MAX 7, Takes its First Flight

Boeing's newest offering, the 737 MAX 7, took to the skies on March 16, an uncharacteristically sunny, blue-sky day for a Boeing first flight — most all of them in recent memory have taken place on truly miserable days. https://www.airlinereporter.com/2018/03/photos-boeings-smallest-737-the-max-7-takes-its-first-flight/

miércoles, 21 de marzo de 2018

AeroMobil unveils Aeromobil 5.0 Flying Car


AeroMobil aims to lead the industry with the most comprehensive door-to-door flying car solution covering the first-to-last mile in all weather conditions, for short, medium and longer distances up to 700km in a single journey.

(Bratislava, Slovakia – 21.3.2018) – AeroMobil, an advanced engineering company, today announced the extension of its planned product range with the launch of the AeroMobil 5.0 VTOL (vertical take-off and landing) concept for shared mobility. Together with the AeroMobil 4.0 STOL (short take-off and landing capability), the company solves the first-to-last mile of personal air transportation, because users are able to switch smoothly between flight and driving mode.

First glance at the electric 4-seater AeroMobil 5.0 VTOL, the flying taxi combining autonomous flight with driving capability.

"The multi-product strategy means we can provide urban travel with the AeroMobil 5.0 VTOL and intra-city travel with the AeroMobil 4.0 STOL. Our strategy solves the limitations of alternative VTOL concepts which are tied to dedicated landing pods rather than also using the existing road infrastructure," said Juraj Vaculik, co-founder and CEO of AeroMobil.

The AeroMobil 5.0 VTOL concept has two electrically driven rotors to ensure safe vertical take-off with horizontal thrust being provided by an electric powered rear mounted pusher propeller. It will seat four passengers providing similar comfort and user experience as next generation electric vehicles. Each occupant will have access to a personalised inflight experience, with flight or drive data and advanced communications and media to ensure occupants stay connected while in the air or on the road.

AeroMobil's international engineering team has more than 400 years of cumulative experience in the automotive and aerospace industries. The team has been able to develop the AeroMobil 5.0 VTOL concept and AeroMobil 4.0 STOL to meet the varied needs of private usage and future flying taxi operators. The AeroMobil 4.0 STOL is currently in the testing phase of the development and deliverse efficient intra-city travel up to 700 km range, which is more than double that of most of electric VTOL passenger drone concepts due to much higher energy efficiency.

"We see flying cars as versatile vehicles that both fly and drive, which is what we will be able to offer with the AeroMobil 4.0 STOL and AeroMobil 5.0 VTOL concept. We plan to deliver the vehicles with the range needed for urban and intra-urban journeys, allowing customers to travel in any weather conditions while maximising the efficiency for flying taxi operators."- said Douglas MacAndrew, CTO of AeroMobil.

Production of the AeroMobil 5.0 VTOL model will follow the AeroMobil 4.0 STOL roll-out which will be available in a limited series to private owners around the world in 2020. The company expects the AeroMobil 5.0 VTOL concept to be available within the next seven to ten years, in line with the reality of building and scaling the infrastructure and regulation for such innovative personal transportation.

"AeroMobil 4.0 STOL uses several patented technologies, a highly innovative combustion engine and has the benefit of using existing aerospace and automotive technology, combined in a unique way, thus achieving far greater energy efficiency, speed and range than any electric VTOL. It is also designed within existing regulation, hence enabling much sooner go-to-market in 2020 than the electric VTOL category, which in general is being mooted as ready for shipment in 2025". – said Patrick Hessel, Chairman, AeroMobil.

The AeroMobil 5.0 VTOL conceptual design will maintain AeroMobil's high standards for comfort and safety from the AeroMobil 4.0 STOL, which in flight mode, will be among the first flying vehicles with airbags, a frontal automotive vehicle crash structure and a parachute. Based on similar design language, it will have an instantly recognisable silhouette, with a modern and desirable exterior with a comparable footprint to a regular car.

Key Features of AeroMobil 5.0 VTOL

1. Vertical take-off and lift assistance motors on the tips of the wings for expanded flight performance and quality

2. Adaptive wings that ensure maximum efficiency in flight, improving safety and maximising electric range

3. Rear extension and control surface for enhanced flight control, stability and in-flight comfort

4. Adaptive suspension geometry for smooth landing and take-off improving occupant comfort

5. Battery package and drivetrain optimisation for fleet use to maximise utilisation in both urban and inter-urban use cases

About AeroMobil

AeroMobil is an advanced engineering company that is commercializing a sophisticated flying car, combining a real car and an aircraft in a single vehicle. AeroMobil aims to make personal transportation vastly more efficient and environmentally friendly by helping to overcome traffic jams in large areas and by allowing significantly faster door-to-door travel for medium distances or in areas with limited road infrastructure. Starting with a first commercial product now the ultimate future vision of the company is to offer Mobility as a Service using the best from the combination of the car, the plane and the computer.

Saudi-UK Agreement Gives Eurofighter A Boost

A follow-on order for the Eurofighter Typhoon from Saudi Arabia could extend production of the fighter well into the mid-2020s and give the UK more breathing room as it considers industrial options for a future combat aircraft. Continue reading http://aviationweek.com/defense/saudi-uk-agreement-gives-eurofighter-boost?lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Ad_flagship3_feed%3BLpP1lJpVQGm6OMPqK0ccRw%3D%3D

martes, 20 de marzo de 2018

US Air Force adds new deficiencies to KC-46’s list of problems

The service on Thursday evening disclosed two “category one” deficiencies involving the remote vision system and centerline drogue systems, and there is no concrete timeline by which these issues will be fixed, Air Force spokeswoman Ann Stefanek said in an email. Continue reading: https://www.defensenews.com/air/2018/03/16/air-force-adds-two-new-deficiencies-to-kc-46s-list-of-problems/

lunes, 19 de marzo de 2018

Eagles Support Longest UAV Urban Package Delivery in the United States

Embry-Riddle Worldwide faculty, staff, students and graduates recently took part in a world record-breaking unmanned aerial package delivery destined to make future drone delivery a reality.

The new world’s record was completed on May 5, 2017 in Austin, Tex., by a Nevada Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Consortium called Team Roadrunner, which flew the HQ-40 – a fixed-wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). Using cellular connectivity, the 143-minute, 54-second flight traversed exactly 97.592 miles. Continue reading: https://news.erau.edu/news-briefs/eagles-support-longest-uav-urban-package-delivery-in-the-united-states/

Scientists design conceptual asteroid deflector and evaluate it against massive potential threat

The 8.8-ton conceptual HAMMER spacecraft (right) is designed to fit within the Delta IV Heavy, the world’s second highest-capacity launch vehicle in operation, surpassed only by SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy rocket. Continue reading: https://www.llnl.gov/news/scientists-design-conceptual-asteroid-deflector-and-evaluate-it-against-massive-potential

Options and uncertainties in planetary defense: Mission planning and vehicle design for flexible response

  • Analysis of kinetic impactor capabilities and limitations for planetary defense.•
  • Study of deflection mission options for a large, realistic hazardous asteroid.•
  • Detailed design of a notional dual-role planetary defense spacecraft.


This paper is part of an integrated study by NASA and the NNSA to quantitatively understand the response timeframe should a threatening Earth-impacting near-Earth object (NEO) be identified. The two realistic responses considered are the use of a spacecraft functioning as either a kinetic impactor or a nuclear explosive carrier to deflect the approaching NEO. The choice depends on the NEO size and mass, the available response time prior to Earth impact, and the various uncertainties. Whenever practical, the kinetic impactor is the preferred approach, but various factors, such as large uncertainties or short available response time, reduce the kinetic impactor's suitability and, ultimately, eliminate its sufficiency.


Cessna SkyCourier completes initial wind tunnel testing, final design takes shape

Press Release

Textron Aviation Inc., a Textron Inc. (NYSE:TXT) company, today announced it has completed initial wind tunnel testing of its new twin-engine Cessna SkyCourier turboprop. Results from comprehensive wind tunnel tests will provide performance and aerodynamic characteristics and structural load data, further finalizing the aircraft design.

“For the initial wind tunnel testing, we use a custom, precision model with electric motors and scaled propellers calibrated to represent the thrust produced by the real aircraft,” said Brad Thress, senior vice president, Engineering. “We’re making outstanding progress in the development of this clean-sheet aircraft and are eager to continue defining the details that will allow us to start creating tools and parts.”

Since Textron Aviation announced the Cessna SkyCourier in November 2017, the company has seen tremendous interest from operators looking for a modern solution in the large twin-utility space. As part of the aircraft’s design development, the company is garnering feedback from its Customer Advisory Board – empowering operators to affirm what customers need in this segment.

“The flexibility and mission potential for the Cessna SkyCourier is attractive to a wide variety of operators,” said Thress. “The feedback we’re gathering from the CAB is extremely important as we develop an aircraft that is reliable, efficient and meets the diverse requirements of an array of mission profiles.”

The company is anticipating first flight of the Cessna SkyCourier in 2019 with entry into service in 2020.

About the Cessna SkyCourier

The Cessna SkyCourier is a twin-engine, high-wing, large utility turboprop that will offer a combination of high performance and low operating costs for air freight, commuter and special mission operators. The freighter variant will feature a large cargo door and a flat floor cabin that is sized to handle up to three LD3 shipping containers with an impressive 6,000 pounds of maximum payload capability. The aircraft will also afford a maximum cruise speed of up to 200 ktas and a 900 nautical-mile maximum range.

The efficient 19-passenger variant will include crew and passenger doors for smooth boarding, as well as large cabin windows for great natural light and views. Both configurations will offer single-point pressure refueling to enable faster turnarounds. The aircraft will be powered by two wing-mounted Pratt & Whitney PT6A-65SC turboprop engines, and operated with Garmin G1000 NXi avionics.

The Cessna SkyCourier will be backed by Textron Aviation’s service network, a world leader in commuter, cargo and special mission fleet support.

Citation Longitude circles the globe: 31,000 nautical miles in 31 days

Press Release

Textron Aviation Inc., a Textron, Inc. (NYSE: TXT) company, today announced the Cessna Citation Longitude has successfully circumnavigated the globe, demonstrating its commanding performance and impressive reliability to customers along the way. Throughout its world tour, the Longitude traveled more than 31,000 nautical miles, flew 27 legs and visited 12 countries.

“This far-reaching tour enabled us to fulfill the mounting demand from customers around the world to experience this stunningly capable and impressive aircraft,” said Rob Scholl, senior vice president of Sales and Marketing. “After successfully circling the globe and showcasing its outstanding performance and reliability throughout diverse regions and a wide array of environmental conditions, the Longitude reinforced its ability to suit the needs of operators worldwide.”

The Longitude commenced its world tour on January 27 when the aircraft departed Textron Aviation headquarters in Wichita, Kansas, for its Asia-Pacific debut at the Singapore Airshow. The aircraft then toured throughout the region and demonstrated its outstanding long-range performance with the 3,504-nautical mile flight from Seletar, Singapore to Sydney, Australia. Before returning to the United States, the Longitude flew throughout Europe, making stops for customers in Sweden, France, Italy, Switzerland and the U.K.

On its return flight to the United States, the Citation Longitude flew a crew of two pilots and two passengers on the 3,094-nautical-mile trip from Farnborough, U.K. (EGLF) to White Plains, New York (HPN), for a flight time of 6 hours 50 minutes and a crossing speed of Mach 0.82.

“We are extremely happy with the affirming feedback we have consistently received throughout the Longitude’s worldwide tour,” Scholl said. “With production in full swing and type certification and entry into service approaching, we look forward to introducing this superior aircraft to the market.”

About the Citation Longitude

With a range of 3,500 nautical miles (6,482 kilometers) and full fuel payload of 1,600 pounds (726 kilograms), the Citation Longitude is designed to elevate passenger expectations in the super-midsize class by delivering the quietest cabin, a low cabin altitude (5,950 feet/1,814 meters), more standard features and a comfortable, bespoke interior. With seating for up to 12 passengers, including an optional crew jump seat, the Longitude features a stand-up, 6-foot tall flat-floor cabin. A standard double-club configuration delivers the most legroom in the super-midsize class. Fully berthable seats are designed and manufactured in-house and a class-leading walk-in baggage compartment is accessible throughout the entire flight. State-of-the-art cabin technology enables passengers to manage their environment and entertainment from any mobile device, while high-speed internet maximizes in-flight productivity.

The clean-sheet design of the Longitude integrates the latest technology throughout the aircraft, bringing customers the lowest ownership cost in its class. It features the next evolution of the Garmin G5000 flight deck and is powered by FADEC-equipped Honeywell HTF7700L turbofan engines with fully integrated autothrottles with envelope protection. With Garmin’s new Head-up Display (GHD 2100) and enhanced vision capability, the Longitude facilitates eyes-up flying. The spacious cockpit incorporates easier access and an ergonomic design that fully focuses on crew comfort and efficiency.

No super-midsize business jet offers more range, greater payload or higher cruise speed at a lower expected total ownership cost. The Longitude is designed to feature the longest maintenance intervals in its class – 800 hours or 18 months – expected to make it the most cost effective to operate in its category.

Citation Latitude extends reign as most delivered midsize business jet

Press Release

Textron Aviation Inc., a Textron, Inc. (NYSE: TXT) company, announced that, for the second consecutive year, the Cessna Citation Latitude earned the title as the category’s most delivered business jet. Citation Latitude 2017 deliveries increased by 30 percent from 2016, to 54 deliveries, further cementing its position as one of the world’s best-selling business jets since its entry into service in 2015.

“We are thrilled to see the Latitude continue its reign as the most delivered business jet in its class, a clear testament that our product development strategy is both resonating with customers and helping to invigorate the market,” said Scott Ernest, president and CEO. “In less than two and a half years, the Latitude is on track to become a billion-dollar business, making it one of the most successful and sought after aircraft on the market. As the Latitude continues to gain traction with customers across the globe, its success is paving the way for the super midsize Citation Longitude.”

Since its entry into service in 2015, the Citation Latitude has redefined the expectations of a midsize business jet, delivering large-cabin comfort and best-in-class operating costs. Today, the aircraft is certified in 43 countries, and the global fleet of 112 aircraft has surpassed 65,000 flight hours.

Throughout 2017 the Citation Latitude program reached multiple milestones, including increased operational capability with steep approach certification, delivery of the platform’s first medevac configuration and delivery of the 100th aircraft.

The Latitude, with a four-passenger range of 2,700 nautical miles (5,000 km) at high-speed cruise, is set apart from the competition by its combination of comfort and efficiency. The aircraft’s class-leading take-off field length of 3,580 feet provides operators with greater range out of short fields. Inside, the Latitude offers an unrivaled cabin experience featuring the most open, spacious, bright and refined cabin environment in its category. With a flat floor and six feet of cabin height, innovation abounds with exceptional features designed throughout the aircraft.

Textron Aviation’s wireless cabin management system provides productive connectivity and entertainment to each passenger through their personal electronic devices. Improving cabin comfort for passengers and crew alike, the Latitude features a new cabin cooling system and a new pressurization system which provides a 5,950-foot cabin altitude at the aircraft’s maximum operating altitude of 45,000 feet. With standard seating configurations, the Latitude can comfortably accommodate up to nine passengers. Extended maintenance intervals provide owners with the lowest direct operating costs in the midsize segment

Bombardier Challenger 350 Expands its Performances with Imminent Steep Approach Certification

Press Release

  • Outstanding short-field performance and steep-approach capability open new destinations such as London City Airport (LCY), giving passengers direct access to one of the world’s greatest financial centres
  • With this upcoming certification, all Bombardier business jets from the super mid-size to ultra-long-range segments will be capable of performing steep approach landings while maintaining their signature smooth ride
  • The Challenger 300 series are the best-selling business aircraft of the last decade, providing optimal cabin comfort with an ultra-quiet in-flight experience

Bombardier announced (March, 6th) that its best-selling Challenger 350 aircraft is progressing towards steep approach certification, allowing operators to perform landings under strict conditions, including the steep 5.5-degree approach angle and short runway of London City Airport. The aircraft recently completed its steep approach certification flight test campaign, and also performed several takeoffs and landings at the London City Airport to demonstrate this operational capability. Final certification is expected later this year. With its perfectly balanced design, the Challenger 350 aircraft offers customers a smooth ride and the opportunity to reach their chosen destination quickly and efficiently.

“The Challenger 350 aircraft’s proven high performance and superior in-flight experience have made it the undeniable market leader in its segment,” said Peter Likoray, Senior Vice President, Sales and Marketing, Bombardier Business Aircraft. “With its upcoming steep approach certification, the Challenger 350 jet is cementing its leadership position and will offer the most flexibility to our discerning clientele.”

As the only super mid-size aircraft that can fly full range at full fuel with full seat capacity, the Challenger 350 aircraft offers the luxury of having it all. Valued for its outstanding short-field performance, the aircraft climbs quickly and directly to 43,000 feet (13,106 metres) allowing passengers to reach their destination more efficiently. With the industry’s best weather radar system and the best-equipped cockpit in its class, the Challenger 350 aircraft boasts leading-edge technology and is ready to meet current and future navigational requirements.

The Challenger 350 aircraft also boasts a world-class design and offers premium comfort. Its state-of-the-art acoustical insulation allows passengers to enjoy a restful flight with interior sound levels that are among the lowest in the super mid-size segment. The aircraft’s wide and sleek cabin, along with industry-leading connectivity, ensure that passengers benefit from the ultimate business jet experience.

Existing Challenger 350 customers will be able to install the steep approach capability as a retrofit option in Bombardier’s extensive network of service centres.

Challenger 350 aircraft: Designed with a no-compromise approach, the Challenger 350 aircraft effortlessly blends powerful performance and sleek styling to deliver an unrivalled private jet experience. Industry-leading connectivity, immersive sound and ergonomically-positioned touch screens are seamlessly integrated to create an intuitive and incomparable cabin experience. Paired with impressive high-performance attributes, the Challenger 350 aircraft is designed to access challenging airfields, climb faster, and cruise efficiently while providing a smooth ride. Standing the test of time, the Challenger 300 aircraft series are the best-selling business jets of the last decade.

[photos & video] Boeing 737 MAX 7 Completes Successful First Flight

Press Release

SEATTLE, March 16, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Boeing's [NYSE: BA] new 737 MAX 7 successfully completed its first flight today. The airplane remains on schedule and now begins a comprehensive flight test program leading to certification and delivery in 2019.

"Everything we saw during today's flight shows that the MAX 7 is performing exactly as designed," said Keith Leverkuhn, vice president and general manager of the 737 MAX program, Boeing Commercial Airplanes. "I know our airline customers are going to enjoy the capabilities this airplane will bring to their fleets."

Piloted by Boeing Test and Evaluation Captains Jim Webb and Keith Otsuka, the airplane completed a successful 3 hour, 5-minute flight, taking off from Renton Field in Renton, Wash., at 10:17 a.m. Pacific, and landing at 1:22 p.m. at Seattle's Boeing Field. The airplane was put through tests on its flight controls, as well as checks of its systems and handling qualities.

The airplane is the third and newest member of Boeing's 737 MAX family to be produced, with a maximum capacity of 172 passengers. The MAX 7 has a range of 3,850 nautical miles, the longest of any MAX family airplane. It is designed for exceptional performance for airline customers flying out of airports at high altitudes and hot climates.

"The MAX 7 will provide airlines an efficient product for opening and flying thinner markets and accessing challenging airports, while enjoying all the benefits of being part of the 737 MAX family," said Randy Tinseth, vice president of Marketing, Boeing Commercial Airplanes.

The MAX 7 also offers superior performance to the competition, carrying 12 more passengers 400 nautical miles farther than the A319neo, on 7 percent lower fuel costs.

The 737 MAX family incorporates the latest CFM International LEAP-1B engines, Advanced Technology winglets, Boeing Sky Interior, large flight deck displays and other features to deliver the highest efficiency, reliability and passenger comfort in the single-aisle market.

The 737 MAX is the fastest-selling airplane in Boeing history, accumulating more than 4,300 orders from 93 customers worldwide. For more information and feature content, visit www.boeing.com/commercial/737max.

Jeppesen Terminal Charts Now Available Through Honeywell GoDirect Flight Bag Pro Platform

Press Release

Jeppesen data enhances GoDirect user experience on iPad or front panel avionics for business aviation operators

ENGLEWOOD, Colo., March 15, 2018 — Boeing [NYSE: BA], through its subsidiary Jeppesen, today announced the continued integration of data services for business aviation operators with the introduction of Jeppesen’s global digital terminal chart data to the Honeywell GoDirect Flight Bag Pro electronic flight bag platform.

The Honeywell GoDirect Flight Bag Pro app allows business aviation pilots to create flight plans, view weather conditions and access flight briefing information through a unified user platform. Now with Jeppesen chart access, operators will be able to make more informed decisions while researching an airport, selecting departure procedures while flight planning or referencing their trip kit information.

Jeppesen charts are easily accessed through the GoDirect platform. Operators sign in to access their Jeppesen data subscription and download the charts they need for their flight.

“Many Honeywell GoDirect customers are also Jeppesen data subscribers, and strong customer demand led to the integration of Jeppesen chart data in GoDirect,” said Scott Reagan, Jeppesen OEM Client Management. “This data integration continues a long-standing relationship between the companies to provide trusted Jeppesen data across numerous popular Honeywell avionics systems.”

Jeppesen navigation data (NavData) is developed from a comprehensive aviation database, which is composed of more than one million records. To ensure accuracy, Jeppesen flight information analysts edit and verify approximately 150,000 database transactions generated from worldwide aviation data source documents during every 28-day revision cycle.

For further detail on the industry-leading navigation operations, training and optimization solutions provided by Jeppesen, visit www.jeppesen.com.

About Boeing Global Services

Boeing Global Services, headquartered in the Dallas area, was formed by integrating the services capabilities of the government, space and commercial sectors into a single, customer-focused business. Operating as a third business unit of Boeing, Global Services provides agile, cost-competitive services to commercial and government customers worldwide.

Boeing HorizonX Invests in Fortem Technologies, Creator of Radar Systems for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Press Release

Scalable and adaptable radar will ensure safe operations of future autonomous air vehicles

CHICAGO, March 15, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Boeing [NYSE: BA] announced its investment in Fortem Technologies, Inc., a Salt Lake City, Utah-based company developing advanced radar systems for unmanned and manned aircraft.

Fortem Technologies offers airspace awareness solutions using low size, weight and power radar to ensure safe operations of unmanned aerial vehicles. Fortem's TrueView radar technology helps UAVs detect and avoid other aircraft and airborne objects beyond visual line of sight — a key capability for future autonomous air vehicles.

"Radar technology is a necessary and trusted element as we continue to strengthen autonomy capabilities for a variety of commercial and urban mobility applications," said Steve Nordlund, vice president of Boeing HorizonX. "Safety is paramount in our approach to the responsible introduction of future air vehicles. Fortem's radar systems will help as we pave the path to emerging markets of autonomous flight."

Founded in May 2016, Fortem has developed a suite of radar systems and radar-enabled product solutions to help unmanned aircraft and pilots safely operate in an increasingly crowded airspace. Its TrueView radar systems enable autonomous aircraft to perform various logistics applications, including cargo transport, package delivery and large infrastructure inspections.

"With support from Boeing and others, Fortem can scale more quickly to support continuous improvements in airspace safety," said Timothy Bean, CEO of Fortem Technologies. "We look forward to continue working with Boeing as they develop autonomous air vehicles."

Boeing HorizonX Ventures participated in this Series A funding round, which included follow-on investments by Data Collective (DCVC) and Signia Venture Partners. This is Boeing HorizonX Ventures' second investment in autonomous systems technology since the fund was established in April 2017.

The Boeing HorizonX Ventures investment portfolio is made up of companies specializing in technologies for aerospace product and manufacturing innovations, including energy storage, advanced materials, augmented reality systems and software, machine learning and hybrid-electric propulsion. Boeing HorizonX also seeks unique business opportunities and non-traditional partnerships for the company's aerospace technology using disruptive innovations and business strategies.

Chicago-based Boeing is the world's largest aerospace company and leading manufacturer of commercial jetliners and defense, space and security systems. A top U.S. exporter, the company supports airlines and U.S. and allied government customers in 150 countries.

State of Qatar signs contract for 28 NH90 multirole helicopters

Press Release

Doha, 14 March 2018 – Qatar has signed a contract for the purchase of 28 NH90 military helicopters, during DIMDEX, Qatar’s biennial defence exhibition. The agreement, which includes 16 NH90s in tactical transport (TTH) configuration and 12 NH90s in naval (NFH) configuration, will support the country’s plan to modernise their military helicopter fleet. As part of the plan, Qatar will receive 16 H125 light single-engine helicopters in training configuration for operation by the Qatar Armed Forces Air Academy.

“We are honoured to support the Qatar Armed Forces through this strategic partnership”, said Ben Bridge, Executive Vice President Global Business at Airbus Helicopters. “The NH90 is a modern and combat-proven asset that will meet Qatar’s demanding operational requirements for decades to come, both in troop transport and naval missions. Our partnership on the new training academy will also strengthen the relationship between our countries by enabling the exchange of expertise and know-how in helicopter operations”, he added.

Leonardo will act as prime contractor for the programme management with the end customer and Airbus will be responsible for the final assembly and delivery of 16 NH90 TTH aircraft from its facility in Marignane, France while Leonardo will be responsible for final assembly and delivery of the 12 NH90 NFH helicopters from its Venice – Tessera facility in Northern Italy.

The NH90 is well suited for operations in the most demanding conditions and has been combat-proven in many theatres of operation worldwide. This contract for 28 helicopters brings the total order book to 543 aircraft. To date, 350 aircraft have been delivered to 20 customers in 13 countries and have accumulated around 170,000 flight hours.

The twin-engine, medium-size NH90 helicopter program is managed by the consortium NHIndustries, a company owned by Airbus Helicopters (62.5%), Leonardo (32%), and Fokker (5.5%).

SpaceDataHighway starts full Copernicus service

Press Release

Munich, 19 March 2018 – The Airbus-operated SpaceDataHighway has begun regularly relaying data from the Sentinel-2A satellite, after the successful end of the commissioning period. This marks the start of the SpaceDataHighway service using all four Copernicus Sentinel satellites and the beginning of a new era for space-based imagery users.

The first two sets of Earth-observing Copernicus Sentinels-1A and -1B and -2A and -2B are signed up to this service as SpaceDataHighway’s anchor customers under an agreement between the European Union and the European Space Agency (ESA) as owners of the Copernicus programme, and Airbus as the owner and commercial operator of SpaceDataHighway.

Since using the SpaceDataHighway, the Sentinel-1 constellation has increased the amount of data it produces by about 50%. The service is also able to bring operational added-value to Sentinel-1 users by greatly improving the data timeliness for observations outside Europe. This is an important asset for users, especially when it comes to the routine monitoring of remote areas in the domain of maritime applications or assessment of natural disasters and first line response for emergency.

The SpaceDataHighway is the world’s first “optical fibre in the sky” based on cutting-edge laser technology. It will be a unique system of satellites permanently fixed over a network of ground stations, with the first - EDRS-A - already in space. Each day, it can relay up to 40 terabytes of data acquired by observation satellites, UAVs and manned aircraft, at a rate of 1.8 Gbit/s.

The relay satellites are designed to lock on to low-orbiting satellites via laser and collect their data as they travel thousands of kilometres below, scanning Earth. SpaceDataHighway then immediately sends the collected data down to Europe from its higher position hovering in geostationary orbit, acting as a go-between. This process allows the lower satellites to continuously downlink the information they are gathering, instead of having to store it until they travel over their own ground station. That way, they can send down more data, more quickly.

The SpaceDataHighway is a public–private partnership between ESA and Airbus, with the laser terminals developed by Tesat-Spacecom and the DLR German Space Administration. EDRS-A, the first SpaceDataHighway relay satellite launched in January 2016, offers coverage from the American East Coast to India. A second satellite will be launched in 2018. It will double the system’s capacity and extend the coverage and redundancy of the system. Airbus is willing to expand the SpaceDataHighway with a third node, ERDS-D, to be positioned over the Asia-Pacific region.

About Airbus

Airbus is a global leader in aeronautics, space and related services. In 2017 it generated revenues of € 67 billion and employed a workforce of around 129,000. Airbus offers the most comprehensive range of passenger airliners from 100 to more than 600 seats. Airbus is also a European leader providing tanker, combat, transport and mission aircraft, as well as one of the world’s leading space companies. In helicopters, Airbus provides the most efficient civil and military rotorcraft solutions worldwide.

viernes, 16 de marzo de 2018

GE has completed its first flight test of the world’s largest jet engine [video]

  • General Electric's Aviation division has put its new GE9X engine into the sky for the first time.
  • GE is building the GE9X for Boeing's new 777x long-haul airplane.
  • The engine will be the largest commercial jet engine available. 

video: https://youtu.be/UsY5g3iV1rg

Press Release

GE9X engine goes airborne  

VICTORVILLE, CA -- The GE9XTM engine lifted off on March 13 under wing of GE Aviation’s 747 flying testbed in Victorville, California, for its first flight test.

The engine that will power Boeing’s new 777X aircraft took to the air around 10:40 a.m. Pacific standard time and flew for more than four hours on its first flight. During the flight, the aircraft and engine completed the entire test card and validated key operational and functional characteristics enabling the test campaign to progress in subsequent flights.

“The GE9X and Victorville teams have spent months preparing for flight testing of the engine, and their efforts paid off today with a picture-perfect first flight,” said Ted Ingling, general manager of the GE9X program at GE Aviation. “Today’s flight starts the beginning of the GE9X flight test campaign that will last for several months, allowing us to accumulate data on how the engine performs at altitude and during various phases of flight.”

Certification testing of the GE9X engine began in May 2017. Beyond flight testing, the engine recently completed icing tests at GE Aviation’s facility in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, and continues crosswind testing at the Peebles Test Operation in Ohio. Engine certification is expected in 2019.

With almost 700 GE9X engines on order, the GE9X engine will be in the 100,000 pound thrust class and will have the largest front fan at 134 inches in diameter with a composite fan case and 16 fourth generation carbon fiber composite fan blades. Other key features include: a next-generation 27:1 pressure-ratio 11-stage high-pressure compressor; a third-generation TAPS III combustor for high efficiency and low emissions; and CMC material in the combustor and turbine.

IHI Corporation, Safran Aircraft Engines, Safran Aero Boosters and MTU Aero Engines AG are participants in the GE9X engine program.

GE Aviation, an operating unit of GE (NYSE: GE), is a world-leading provider of jet and turboprop engines, components, integrated digital, avionics, electrical power and mechanical systems for commercial, military, business and general aviation aircraft. GE Aviation has a global service network to support these offerings and is part of the world’s Digital Industrial Company with software-defined machines and solutions that are connected, responsive and predictive.

jueves, 15 de marzo de 2018

What Stephen Hawking gave to us

I had a lunch with him I'll never forget. I do not regret passing up the chance to take a selfie with Stephen Hawking. I wasn't friends with the famous physicist, who passed away on Wednesday more than half a century after being diagnosed with the motor neuron disease ALS. I didn't know him like ...


Lockheed awarded $1.5B contract for work on F-35 air systems

Lockheed awarded $1.5B contract for work on F-35 air systems // Military Space News, Nuclear Weapons, Missile Defense

Washington (UPI) Mar 14, 2018
Lockheed Martin Corp. was awarded a $1.46 billion contract by the Department of Defense for work on the F-35 Lightning II's air system. The contract, announced Tuesday by the Pentagon, is for long lead material and parts for low rate initial production for the Air Force, Marine Corps, Navy, non-DoD participants and foreign military sales customers. The work, which is expected to

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Boeing HorizonX Invests in Fortem Technologies, Creator of Radar Systems for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Boeing HorizonX Invests in Fortem Technologies, Creator of Radar Systems for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles // MediaRoom

- Scalable and adaptable radar will ensure safe operations of future autonomous air vehicles

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Jeppesen Terminal Charts Now Available Through Honeywell GoDirect Flight Bag Pro Platform

Jeppesen Terminal Charts Now Available Through Honeywell GoDirect Flight Bag Pro Platform // MediaRoom

Jeppesen data enhances GoDirect user experience on iPad or front panel avionics for business aviation operators

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Pacific Aerospace launches Super-Pac XL single-engined turboprop

Pacific Aerospace launches Super-Pac XL single-engined turboprop // Latest news

New Zealand s Pacific Aerospace has launched a new variant of its P-750 XSTOL single-engined turboprop, featuring more power, range, and a faster rate of climb.

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GE9X enters flight test phase

GE9X enters flight test phase // Latest news

GE Aviation s GE9X turbofan flew for the first time on 13 March, launching a months-long engine certification campaign for the largest turbofan engine in history.

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Boeing Recognized by GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ for 10,000th 737

Press Release

RENTON, Wash., March 13, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Thousands of Boeing (NYSE: BA) employees gathered at the company's Renton, Wash. factory today to celebrate the 10,000th 737 to come off the production line. With this airplane, a 737 MAX 8 for Southwest Airlines, the 737 has broken the GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS title for the most produced commercial jet aircraft model.

"This incredible milestone is a testament to the work we do every day to build the most reliable and efficient single-aisle airplane in the world," said Boeing Commercial Airplanes president and CEO Kevin McAllister. "It represents more than 50 years of success and achievement on the part of thousands of Boeing employees past and present, our supplier partners, and our airline customers around the globe who put their confidence in the 737."

The 737 previously held this GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS title in 2006 for the 5,000th airplane to come out of the Renton factory, a mark that took almost four decades to reach. Due to growing market demand and higher production rates, the 737 program reached the 10,000th airplane milestone only 12 years later.

"The speed at which Boeing achieved this new milestone is very impressive," said Michael Empric, official adjudicator for GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS. "We are excited to once again recognize the 737 and the important role it plays in commercial aviation."

Boeing will increase 737 production from the current rate of 47 airplanes per month to 52 airplanes per month later this year. The 737 program has more than 4,600 airplanes still on order fueled by sales of the newest version of the 737, the 737 MAX.

737 Facts
  • A 737 takes off or lands every 1.5 seconds
  • On average, more than 2,800 737s are in the air at any given time
  • More than 22 billion people have flown on a 737
  • The 737 has flown more than 122 billion miles, the equivalent of 5 million times around Earth

Cathay's operating loss nearly triples in 2017

Imagen de la noticia para cathay pacific group loss de The FINANCIAL

Cathay Pacific posts biggest loss in 9 years, but beats expectations

The FINANCIAL-Hace 1 hora
The FINANCIAL -- The Cathay Pacific Group reported an attributable profit of HK$792 million in the second half of 2017, compared to an attributable loss of HK$2,051 million in the first half of 2017 and an attributable loss of HK$928 million in the second half of 2016. Cathay Pacific and Cathay Dragon ...
Imagen de la noticia para cathay pacific group loss de Nasdaq

Cathay Pacific FY17 Loss Widens; Says On Track For Strong Long ...

Nasdaq-Hace 20 minutos
PK) reported Wednesday that its fiscal 2017 loss attributable to the shareholders was HK$1.26 billion, wider than last year's loss of HK$575 million. Loss per share was 32 HK cents, compared to loss of 14.6 HK cents last year. Cathay Pacific Group reported an attributable profit of HK$792 million in the ...
Imagen de la noticia para cathay pacific group loss de Hong Kong Standard (press release)
Hong Kong Standard (press release)

Cathay's operating loss nearly triples in 2017

Flightglobal-Hace 1 hora
The Cathay Pacific Group's 2017 operating loss ballooned to HK$1.45 billion ($185 million), as overcapacity and intense competition continued to put pressure on yields. The poor operating result is nearly triple the HK$525 million loss from a year ago. Revenue rose 4.9% to HK$97.3 billion during the 12 ...