martes, 31 de mayo de 2022

Lilium Achieves Main Wing Transition - Lilium

MUNICH, Germany, May 31, 2022 (Lilium N.V. (NASDAQ: LILM) ("Lilium"), developer of the first all-electric vertical take-off and landing ("eVTOL") jet, today announced that its technology demonstrator Phoenix 2 has achieved main wing transition. This means it is the first ever full-size electric jet aircraft to transition from hover to wing-borne flight. This is a landmark moment for Lilium and for electric aviation as a whole. 

La movilidad aérea avanzada, la aviación sostenible y la inteligencia artificial, protagonistas del programa de conferencias de ADM Sevilla 2022 

La cita acoge 16 mesas con medio centenar de ponentes, entre ellos, el vicepresidente de la startup alemana de taxis voladores, o la asociación 'Ellas vuelan alto', que tratará sobre la descarbonización de la industria de la aviación

Dos centenares de empresas de 24 países se han inscrito ya en el evento de referencia de la industria aeroespacial en España y mayor participación del sur de Europa, que se celebrará del 7 al 9 de junio

Aerospace and Defense Meetings-ADM Sevilla 2022 cuenta ya con dos centenares de empresas inscritas de 24 países diferentes que participarán en esta sexta edición de la principal cita aeroespacial del sur de Europa, que este año vuelve a su formato 100% presencial. Además de los encuentros de negocio, ADM Sevilla ofrece un programa de conferencias de excelencia, en el que se tratarán temas clave para el sector como la movilidad aérea avanzada, la aviación sostenible, la inteligencia artificial o la digitalización para avanzar en la internacionalización, así como las oportunidades de inversión en Andalucía y España.

La cita reunirá, entre el 7 y 9 de junio, en Fibes, el Palacio de Congresos y Exposiciones de Sevilla, a los principales contratistas mundiales y firmas líderes de toda la cadena de suministro del sector, con el objetivo común de explorar nuevas oportunidades de negocio. Gracias a esta capacidad de atracción internacional y su papel como dinamizador de la industria, ADM Sevilla ha llegado a su décimo aniversario confirmado como el evento de negocios de referencia para el sector aeroespacial y de defensa de España en las ramas civil, militar y espacial, y la de mayor calado del sur de Europa.

En este sentido, junto a la extensa agenda de reuniones de negocio y la zona expositiva de más de 7.000 metros cuadrados que acoge, ADM Sevilla 2022 ofrece un programa de conferencias de alto nivel que incluye hasta 16 ponencias y paneles de discusión, en los que participarán medio centenar de especialistas de prestigio para explorar los principales desafíos y oportunidades de futuro de la industria aeroespacial.

ADM Sevilla está organizado por la Consejería de la Presidencia, Administración Pública e Interior, a través de Extenda-Andalucía Exportación e Inversión Extranjera, y por la empresa BCI Aerospace, especialista en reuniones internacionales del sector. Igualmente, cuenta con los principales fabricantes de la industria europea, española y andaluza: Airbus, el mayor fabricante europeo, como socio principal del certamen; con Aciturri y Alestis, como patrocinadores platinum; Aernnova, Sofitec, Aerotecnic y Gazc, como patrocinadores gold; y con Grupo Sevilla Control y UMI Aero Group, como patrocinadores silver.

ADM Sevilla cuenta también con la colaboración, como apoyos institucionales, del resto de agentes de la industria española, a través de Tedae (Asociación Española de Empresas Tecnológicas, de Defensa, Aeronáutica y Espacio), y la andaluza, con Andalucía Aerospace, el clúster aeroespacial andaluz. Además, apoyan el evento la Agencia IDEA, de la Consejería de Transformación Económica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades, con quien Extenda comparte stand, a través del proyecto común 'Invest in Andalucía'; Aerópolis, Parque Aeroespacial de Andalucía; el Parque Tecnológico TecnoBahía de Cádiz; CATEC-Centro Avanzado de Tecnologías Aeroespaciales; e Invest in Spain (ICEX), del Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo.

Según el consejero delegado de Extenda, Arturo Bernal, el programa de conferencias de ADM Sevilla "ofrecerá a los participantes todo el conocimiento experto de los principales agentes del sector y las últimas tendencias de la industria aeroespacial, en un momento clave de reactivación de esta industria, tras la paralización impuesta por la pandemia, lo que constituye un acicate para el crecimiento internacional del sector y viene, además, a consolidar a Andalucía como punto clave del circuito mundial del negocio aeroespacial".

Taxis voladores en Jaén y movilidad avanzada

De este modo, el martes 7 de junio tendrá lugar la presentación 'Movilidad Aérea Avanzada, una alternativa al futuro del transporte', moderada por el director técnico en Aviónica y Sistemas de CATEC, Antidio Viguria, y en la que participarán el vicepresidente de Operaciones de Flota, Apoyo y Servicios de la firma alemana Lilium, Dominique Decard; el coordinador de I&D&T de Airbus Helicopters España, Juan Manuel Jiménez García; y el director comercial para Europa y Latam DE Ehang, José Ignacio Rexach.

En concreto cabe destacar en esta sesión la presencia de la startup alemana de taxis voladores Lilium, que apuesta por el tejido aeronáutico andaluz con diversos proyectos. En uno de ellos testará sus demostradores tecnológicos de quinta generación ("PHX2") en el Centro de Pruebas de Vuelo de Atlas en Villacarrillo de Jaén. Además, la firma planea seguir en la provincia jienense con su campaña de pruebas de vuelo.

Asimismo, Lilium ha anunciado recientemente un nuevo acuerdo con una de las firmas patrocinadoras de ADM 2022, Aernnova, para el diseño y fabricación de componentes del Lilium Jet, su propuesta de avión eVTOL (aeronaves eléctricas de despegue y aterrizaje verticales) de movilidad aérea urbana, cuya novedad más destacada es el uso de reactores eléctricos.

Inteligencia artificial y aviación sostenible

Asimismo, el miércoles día 8, ADM Sevilla 2022 acogerá el panel de discusión ¿Cómo de cerca estamos de descarbonizar el sector de la aviación?, en el que intervendrá la asociación 'Ellas vuelan alto', asociación cuyo objetivo principal es el de visibilizar el talento femenino del sector aeroespacial, y que estará moderada por la socia de la entidad y líder de la MFT para la adquisición de piezas detalladas de material compuesto de Airbus Defence and Space, Paloma Barrera.

También en esta jornada, se sucederán otros paneles de discusión sobre la 'Inteligencia artificial para la eficiencia operativa en la empresa aeroespacial', la cual contará con ponentes de Airbus, Boeing, Aniti- Artificial and Natural Intelligence Toulouse Institute, Heroux Devtek y CATEC, el Centro Avanzado de Tecnologías Aeroespaciales de Andalucía; el 'Combustible en la aviación sostenible: en el camino hacia las emisiones cero de la aviación", con participantes de Collins Aerospace, Indra, Boeing, Avio Aero y el Sofia Airport; o la 'Digitalización del MRO', con la intervención de expertos de Iberia, Heroux Devetk y Accenture.

En la última jornada, el jueves día 9, destacan las ponencias del vicepresidente de Desarrollo Tecnológico de Aernnova, Miguel Ángel Castillo, sobre 'Aviones eléctricos: nuevos retos para la fabricación aeronáutica'; y del responsable de Desarrollo Industrial e Industrialización de Alestis, Agustín García Laja, quien hablará sobre 'Robótica avanzada y sistemas de visión artificial para la fabricación aeroespacial'.

Dos centenares de empresas de 24 países

Hasta la fecha, se han inscrito en esta nueva edición de ADM Sevilla un total de 198 empresas del sector aeroespacial, procedentes de hasta 24 países de cuatro continentes. De ellas, 151 participan como expositoras y 47 son contratistas (OEMs), de las que 30 tienen carácter internacional y 17 son nacionales.

Andalucía es uno de los principales polos aeroespaciales de Europa y, junto a Toulouse y Hamburgo, el único que cuenta con una planta final de ensamblaje de un gran avión, el A400M de Airbus. Su fortaleza se basa, además, en la innovación y la dimensión de los proyectos que acometen las empresas de su industria auxiliar y la tractora de su cluster, Airbus, el mayor fabricante europeo.

En cuanto a facturación exterior, Andalucía lidera en 2022 las exportaciones de la industria aeroespacial de España con 389 millones en ventas en el primer trimestre, lo que equivale a casi la mitad de la factura nacional (46% de 853 millones). Esto es gracias a un incremento de las ventas del 64% frente a los tres primeros meses de 2021, el cual se proyecta sobre ocho de sus diez primeros mercados, muy diversificados, pues pertenecen a tres continentes, Europa, Asia y América.

[Surface degradation Airbus A350] Qatar Airways issues detailed statement after court ruling

Although Qatar Airways is not usually in the practice of issuing detailed media statements, given the inaccurate information and statements that continue to be issued by Airbus and in the interests of our customers and the industry, we now do so. The judgment handed down by the justice, Mr. […]


Australia: Babcock to hire trainees amid engineering talent shortages

The engineering and helicopter emergency services provider said the two-year program will include position covering engineering, project management, finance, human resources and IT. 

Memorial Day Weekend Travel: Airlines Cancel 4,500 Flights and Counting

More than 4,500 flights from airlines around the world have been canceled since Friday. Airlines canceled 1,100 additional flights Sunday as of early afternoon, according to flight-tracking site FlightAware. This follows 2,300 cancelations on Friday and 1,500 on Saturday, the Associated Press reported 

Airbus Foundation launches the first Discovery Science Week in Spain

The Airbus Foundation has launched the first Discovery Science Week in Spain, the digital version of the former Airbus Foundation Flying Challenge program. Its objective is to encourage interest in science among students between the ages of 12 and 16.


Boeing’s hiring spree points to progress toward Next Boeing Airplane

Boeing's hiring spree is aimed at replacing engineers, technicians, retirees and jobs lost in Russia and Ukraine. But an analysis also points to gearing up for the Next Boeing Airplane.

The Ukrainian Air Force Claims One Of Their MiG-29s Has Shot Down A Russian Su-35 Today

According to the Ukrainian military, the Fulcrum downed the Flanker derivative over Kherson region earlier today. "Today, May 27, around 14.00 o'clock a MiG-29 fighter of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine [...] 

Delta Will Charter WWII Veterans To Normandy D-Day Ceremony

For the annual commemoration of the 1944 D-Day invasion this June, Delta Air Lines will have the privilege of flying 30 World War II veterans on a charter flight to Normandy, France 

B-21 Raider’s Path to Flight Readiness | Northrop Grumman

 In early May, Northrop Grumman successfully completed the first — and most critical — loads calibration test of the first B-21 aircraft. The recent test is one of three major conditions the aircraft will undergo in this phase of ground testing as it progresses toward first flight. Loads calibration, which focuses on calibrating instrumentation prior to flight and verifying structural integrity, has yielded positive and consistent results. During testing, the B-21's airframe endures varying percentages of stress to ensure the aircraft can proceed on its path to flight readiness.

During the ground test phase, in addition to loads calibration, the team will power up the aircraft, test its subsystems, and apply coatings and paint. The next steps will include carrying out engine runs as well as low-speed and high-speed taxi tests, and then on to first flight.

From day one, Northrop Grumman has proactively worked to burn down as much production risk as possible. Throughout the Engineering, Manufacturing and Development phase, the company has emphasized risk reduction efforts and production readiness as one of the many priorities for the B-21 program. In line with the risk-based approach, the successful calibration test is a significant milestone that further validates the efficacy of the company's digital design capabilities and advanced manufacturing techniques.

Northrop Grumman has invested in a robust production program — one that is foundational to the National Defense Strategy — to deliver the B-21 at a rate that will have a real effect for the U.S. Air Force in combating the threat. Innovative application of digital engineering and commercial off-the-shelf digital tools continue to deliver an advanced degree of precision and efficiency in the build process, with production risk reduction progressing every day as B-21 test aircraft move down the actual production line.

The first flight projection of 2023, as is now being reported by the Air Force, is aligned with the information communicated during the company's Q1 earnings call and remains on-schedule to the government Acquisition Program Baseline.

As the Air Force has indicated, the focus is on a safe first flight of a production representative aircraft. With six aircraft in various stages of production and test, Northrop Grumman is progressing toward that objective as it continues to reduce risk, refine the building process, and mature the test fleet ahead of first flight.

Randy Walden, director of the Department of the Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office and program executive officer of the B-21 Raider program, recently said, "The B-21 test aircraft is the most production-representative aircraft, both structurally and in its mission systems, at this point in a program, that I've observed in my career." With the first aircraft in the ground test phase and a successful loads calibration under its belt, Northrop Grumman is paving the way for the B-21 Rollout later this year and first flight in 2023.

FAA green lights Joby to begin air taxi flights using Cirrus SR22

US start-up Joby Aviation has received regulatory authority to operate commercial flights using a Cirrus SR22, a move enabling the company to prepare for eventually operating electric air taxis. 

Embraer’s Energia Initiative Engages Climate Tech Disrupters on Sustainable Flight

Embraer has completed its first 'Start-Up Day' aimed at encouraging start-up organisations and new entrants with the most innovative technologies, to join its Energia sustainable... 

Lilium se asocia con Aernnova para desarrollar conjuntamente el Diseño y la Fabricación del Sistema de Sujeción de la Propulsión del Lilium Jet - Aernnova | Web Corporativa

Nota de prensa 

Munich / Vitoria, 25 de mayo de 2022: Lilium N.V. (NASDAQ: LILM) («Lilium»), compañía que desarrolla el avión de despegue y aterrizaje vertical (eVTOL) totalmente eléctrico, ha seleccionado a Aernnova para el diseño y fabricación del sistema de sujeción de la propulsión del Lilium Jet.

Se trata del sistema de sujeción del motor o «flap», estructura de la parte trasera de las alas y canard, uno de los componentes clave del Lilium Jet que proporciona sustentación al interactuar con el flujo de aire del motor. También alberga los sistemas de propulsión vectorial, responsables del vuelo vertical y horizontal.

Los motores eléctricos integrados en los flaps de las alas proporcionan ventajas en cuanto a carga útil, eficiencia aerodinámica y reducción del nivel de ruido del motor, al tiempo que proporcionan un control del empuje vectorial para maniobrar el Lilium Jet en cada fase del vuelo.

Lilium y Aernnova colaborarán en el diseño, la fabricación y el suministro de los flaps del Lilium Jet.

Aernnova es un suministrador de primer nivel de estructuras aeronáuticas para los principales OEMs tales como Airbus, Boeing y Embraer. Este acuerdo constituye un paso importante hacia la producción en serie del Lilium Jet, siendo el objetivo de Lilium hacer realidad el transporte aéreo regional sostenible de alta velocidad.

El sistema de propulsión del Lilium Jet tendrá un diseño complejo y único. Un sistema integrado, con múltiples funciones, modular y expansible. Utilizará materiales ligeros como la resina epoxi reforzada con fibra de carbono.

Yves Yemsi, COO de Lilium, ha comentado: «Aernnova es una empresa líder en el diseño y fabricación de estructuras metálicas y de material compuesto en el sector aeroespacial, lo que le convierte en el socio perfecto. Para nosotros es importante colaborar con los mejores proveedores aeroespaciales y aprovechar su experiencia».

Ricardo Chocarro, CEO de Aernnova, ha manifestado: «Con más de 28 años de experiencia en el desarrollo y fabricación de estructuras de aeronaves, estamos orgullosos de formar parte de este proyecto tan emocionante y único como el de Lilium Jet. Este avión totalmente eléctrico tiene la oportunidad de cambiar la industria de la aviación de forma positiva y sostenible. Es un orgullo para nosotros convertirnos en socio clave de este proyecto.»

Acerca de Lilium   

Lilium (NASDAQ: LILM), está desarrollando una forma sostenible y accesible de transporte regional de alta velocidad para personas y mercancías. Con el Lilium Jet, un avión de despegue y aterrizaje vertical totalmente eléctrico, con altas capacidades, bajo nivel de ruido y alto rendimiento con cero emisiones operativas, Lilium está acelerando la descarbonización del transporte aéreo. De la mano de importantes socios aeroespaciales, tecnológicos y de servicios de infraestructura, y con redes de lanzamiento planificadas anunciadas en Alemania, Estados Unidos y Brasil, el equipo de más de 750 personas de Lilium incluye aproximadamente 450 ingenieros aeronáuticos y un equipo de liderazgo responsable de entregar algunos de los aviones de éxito en la historia de la aviación. Fundada en 2015, la sede y las instalaciones de fabricación de Lilium se encuentran en Múnich (Alemania), con equipos ubicados en toda Europa y Estados Unidos. Para obtener más información, visite

[Podcast] El autogiro en guerra. Cross-over con Niebla de guerra. Archivo Sonoro de Sandglass Patrol 8




Los más fieles seguidores del recordaran cuando hablamos de aquellos autogiros ELA para la Policía Nacional. Hoy hacemos un cross over con Niebla de Guerra para descubrir que el autogiro, como el DC3, voló prácticamente con todos los países participantes del conflicto. ¿Nos acompañas?

En el audio mencionamos varias entradas del blog, así que si queréis ampliar información las podéis encontrar aquí:

El podcast se puede enontrar en Amazon Music, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Ivoox, Spotify

pd: Si la intro y la despedida os son familiares, que no os sorprenda. En un ejercicio de nostalgia podcasteril he hablado con Javier Lago para pedirle permiso y utlizar la introducción que hizo para el que, si no recuerdo mal, fue el primer podcast español sobre aviación: Remove Before Flight RBF podcast.


UH72 Lakota: U.S. Army awards Airbus contract for Continued Logistics Support

Airbus has signed a follow-on Contractor Logistics Support (CLS) contract with the U.S. Army to provide spare parts, material, and engineering support for the Army's entire UH-72A and UH-72 B Lakota fleet of 482 utility and training helicopters.

Sonaca ends S200 production; employees will be offered job within the group

Sonaca Aircraft has decided to stop production of its S200 aircraft and refocus on services and after-sales, with the support of Sonaca. "Faced with the prolonged impact of the Covid crisis, Sonaca is therefore committed to offering employment to all employees, whose expertise will be more useful than ever in reviving activities within the Group," […]

Textron Aviation increases its service footprint in Spain, adds mobile service location in Madrid | Textron Aviation Media Center

Press release 

Capitalizing on its continued growth in Europe, Textron Aviation has opened a new mobile service location in Madrid, Spain. The Madrid-Barajas Airport location will act as an extension of its factory service center in Valencia, to initially support in-region customers who own Cessna Citation jets and Caravan turboprops. This new location will offer additional flexibility to customers and complement the company's Aircraft on Ground (AOG) response.


The mobile service location can conduct minor service tasks including troubleshooting and AOG support at any given time. With this expansion, Textron Aviation is increasing its team support in Madrid with the addition of two technicians and one office administrator. The company has more than 450 Textron Aviation employees in Europe providing customers local access to factory-direct expertise.


Textron Aviation leads the European market with nearly 1,800 jet and turboprop aircraft operating in the region. Textron Aviation Inc., a Textron Inc. (NYSE: TXT) company, expanded its footprint in Germany last fall at its Stuttgart facility, now a satellite service center.


Bombardier Introduces Global 8000 Aircraft, the Flagship for a New Era in Business Aviation - News | Bombardier

  • Bombardier's new Global 8000 aircraft stands alone as the world's fastest and longest-range purpose-built business jet, innovatively crafted with the industry's smoothest ride, healthiest cabin, and lowest cabin altitude
  • With its innovative Smooth Flex Wing and super-efficient Passport engines, the Global 8000 jet features a top speed of Mach 0.94 – the fastest business jet in the skies
  • The Global 8000 aircraft will be the only true four-zone cabin business jet to have a range of 8,000 nautical miles, unlocking even more city pairs than ever before
  • Current Global 7500 operators will be able to retrofit their aircraft to experience the incredible performance enhancements on the Global 8000 aircraft

Bombardier launches ultra-long-range Global 8000 with supersonic test campaign

Bombardier has given a supersonic start to the launch of its long-promised 8,000nm (14,800km)-range Global 8000 – flying a test aircraft beyond the speed of sound as part of its certification campaign. 

Hydrogen Innovator's Big Propulsion Plans Starts Small

Hydroplane's business plan is to develop affordable fuel cell technology that can be used to convert existing single-engine aircraft. The 200 kW units are intended to replace combustion powerplants in current aircraft and also to be used in new urban air mobility vehicles. The company says it will provide greater range, endurance and payload compared with battery-based systems. 

China launches an autonomous mothership full of autonomous drones

China christened a remarkable new 290-foot ship last week – the world's first semi-autonomous drone carrier. It'll carry, launch, recover and co-ordinate the actions of more than 50 other autonomous aerial, surface and underwater vehicles. 

Falcon 6X Round-the-Globe Proving Campaign Kicks Off in June

With envelope expansion and most major development milestones accomplished, the Falcon 6X is preparing to embark on a demanding global proving campaign. 

The objective of this 40-stop, 150-hour campaign, set to begin next month, is to ensure the reliability of the aircraft and onboard systems in real world operating conditions prior to initial customer deliveries. 

Over 100 Broken Records: The Incredible Flying Career Of Sheila Scott

Have you ever heard of the British female aviator Sheila Scott? If not, you should have, as she broke over 100 records over her lifetime, including being the first person to fly over the North Pole in a small plane. 

domingo, 22 de mayo de 2022

Bombardier unveils EcoJet

«This morning at #EBACE2022, we unveiled the EcoJet research project that explores new technologies to make aircraft more sustainable and reduce CO2 emissions. Learn more:» 

Hugues Jurion (84 ans) a décollé pour son troisième tour du monde

L'ancien pilote Air France puis Aircalin, Hugues Jurion, se lance dans un nouveau tour du monde, à bord de son mono-moteur, construit de ses mains expertes. Pour cette nouvelle aventure, il ne sera pas seul. Rencontre à l'aérodrome de Magenta. 

12,000 Delivery Drones for World's Largest Commercial Deployment

Wingcopter and Continental Drones Ltd. have signed a partnership agreement to help establish drone-based delivery networks with thousands of Wingcopter drones across the African continent.

3 Years Later: IAG Turns Boeing 737 MAX Interest Into An Order

Airline group IAG has today revealed that it has placed a firm order for the Boeing 737 MAX. The group, which owns British Airways, Iberia, Aer Lingus, Vueling, and LEVEL, has ordered 50 Boeing 737 MAX aircraft to be delivered between 2023 and 2027. In addition, there are options for a further 100 aircraft. 

UK launches New Medium Helicopter procurement

UK defence officials have finally kicked off the procurement phase for the New Medium Helicopter programme – an effort that could see as many as 44 rotorcraft acquired as part of a total package worth up to £1.2 billion ($1.48 billion). 

Airbus Helicopters outlines schedule for Tiger MkIII upgrade

Airbus Helicopters will use three prototypes for its Tiger MkIII upgrade programme for France and Spain as development work begins in earnest following contract signature with procurement body OCCAR in March. 

Airbus to further develop LISA gravitational wave observatory mission

Airbus has been awarded a contract from the European Space Agency (ESA) to further develop the implementation of LISA (Laser Interferometer Space Antenna), one of the most ambitious science missions ESA has planned to date. 

Rostec to start serial production of Okhotnik heavy attack drones in 2023

Russia to launch serial production of the Okhotnik (Hunter) heavy strike drone in 2023, Rostec CEO Sergei Chemezov said Wednesday at a meeting with President Vladimir Putin. The Okhotnik features a flat nozzle thruster that makes it less visible for radars. The serial production of the Okhotnik (Hunter) heavy strike drone will begin in 2023, […]


Australian Government backtracks on Loyal Wingman order figures

A Defence spokesperson has clarified that despite previous government announcements suggesting otherwise, the first three Loyal Wingman aircraft developed are prototypes that are not owned by the Australian Government and will not be operated by the RAAF. 

NASA's InSight Mars lander set to shut down by December

It looks as though NASA's InSight Mars lander's days are numbered after the space agency announced that the spacecraft is gradually losing power due to dust building up on its solar panels, already reducing their output by 90 percent.

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Introducing ATR EVO, The Next Generation ATR

Intrducing ATR EVO:The Next Generation ATR that's more economical & sustainable.
ATR will work with airlines, engine manufacturers & systems providers, with the aim to launch the programme by 2023 & have the first aircraft enter the market by 2030. 

Raytheon Intelligence & Space and Kord team-up to defeat multiple mortars and large drones with Stryker-mounted 50kW-energy laser

Press release 

In a recent U.S. Army operational assessment at White Sands Missile Range, the 50kW-class high energy laser weapon demonstrated repeatable counter-mortar capability

LAS CRUCES, N.M., May 16, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- In four weeks of continuous live-fire exercises, an industry team led by Raytheon Intelligence & Space, a Raytheon Technologies (NYSE: RTX) business, and Kord, a wholly owned subsidiary of KBR, defeated multiple 60mm mortar rounds with a 50kW-class high energy laser integrated on a Stryker combat vehicle.

The directed energy weapon system — part of the U.S. Army's Directed Energy Maneuver-Short Range Air Defense, or DE M-SHORAD — acquired, tracked, targeted and defeated multiple mortars and successfully accomplished multiple tests simulating real-world scenarios.

Continuing to put the DE M-SHORAD system to the test, the recent operational assessment at White Sands Missile Range also included defeating several small, medium and large drones.

"Soldiers in the field face increasingly complex threats, and our combat-proven sensors, software, and lasers are ready to give them a new level of protection," said Annabel Flores, president of Electronic Warfare Systems for Raytheon Intelligence & Space. "The Army gave us our toughest challenge yet — countering rockets, artillery and mortars — and we took an essential step on the path to providing the maneuverable, short range air defense Soldiers need."

The DE M-SHORAD effort is aimed at protecting soldiers against various aerial threats, including unmanned aircraft systems, rotary-wing aircraft, rockets, artillery and mortars. Kord serves as the primary integrator of the system on the Stryker combat vehicle, while Raytheon Intelligence & Space provides the 50kW-class high energy laser weapon module, a specialized radar acquisition system, a beam control system and targeting sensor.

"This team once again showed that the HEL system is fully-integrated and ready to provide protection against complex threats," said Byron Bright, President of KBR Government Solutions. "With an effectively infinite magazine and near-zero cost per shot, HEL is now the proven answer to asymmetric threats like drones and mortars."

The joint industry team, which includes Rocky Research for power and thermal management, General Dynamics Land Systems for the Stryker platform, and Applied Technology Associates for additional sensors, is preparing to deliver four DE M-SHORAD units to Army Brigade Combat Teams in 2022.

RI&S' high energy laser weapon systems, built in McKinney, Texas, works on land, in the air and at sea, providing 360-degree coverage that can protect bases, airports, stadiums and other high-value military or civilian assets. Open architecture, scalable power, and ruggedized design adapts to the demands of the mission. HEL weapons can be used as standalone systems or rapidly installed on a variety of platforms. Major suppliers for the system are based in Huntsville, Alabama; Albuquerque, New Mexico; Portland, Oregon; East Granby, Connecticut; and Los Angeles, California.

Additional information and photos can be found here.

How A Qantas Boeing 787 Took Off With Its Static Ports Covered 

Australian safety report reveals that a Qantas 787 flew from Melbourne to Los Angeles with tape over four of its static ports on 22 September last year.

Lockheed In A Soup! US Air Force Demands 'Evidence Of Capability' Over Block 4 Upgrades For F-35A Jets

The US Air Force wants evidence that Lockheed Martin will be able to produce Block 4 upgrades for the F-35A fighter jet before boosting the plane's purchase,  Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall said on May 13.