IATA Launches MBA in Aviation Degree with Embry Riddle Aeronautical University

The jointly developed program aligns with ERAU’s modular degree program and IATA’s aviation management expertise. Through three blocks consisting of 36 credit hours, the program applies modern business concepts, methods, and tools to the challenges and specifics of the aviation business, creating an academic degree which combines core business competencies with a strong aviation foundation.


Airbus strengthens its cybersecurity activities

Airbus is taking steps to strengthen and grow its cybersecurity activities throughout the Group. The company will showcase its cybersecurity solutions at the International Cybersecurity Forum (FIC) from 7th to 9th June 2022 in Lille (France).

With the exponential cyber threats, along with the increasing digitalisation and connectivity of its products and systems, cybersecurity has become a strategic and pivotal component of Airbus’ development and future. The company has therefore undertaken a series of actions and investments to further develop and strengthen its cybersecurity capabilities and expertise, ensuring the best possible protection for the company, its ecosystem, and its customers… Continue reading https://www.airbus.com/en/newsroom/press-releases/2022-06-airbus-strengthens-its-cybersecurity-activities

[España] Jornada de Aviación General de AESA el próximo 2 de julio con todo el sector



 nota de prensa


La Agencia Estatal de Seguridad Aérea (AESA) celebra el próximo 2 de julio la Jornada de Aviación General en la que participará todo el sector y la Agencia Europea EASA.

El evento que se realizará en las instalaciones del Real Aeroclub de España (RACE) en Cuatro Vientos (Madrid) y el objetivo es dar visibilidad a la aviación general y escuchar las necesidades del sector, para ello participarán Asociación de Pilotos y Propietarios de Aeronaves (AOPA), la Asociación Española de Pilotos de Aeronaves Ligeras (AEPAL), y el Ministerio de Transportes Movilidad y Agenda Urbana (MITMA).

El servicio de Aviación General de AESA abordará los principales temas de interés del sector, tanto lo que se ha alcanzado como los retos de futuro. 

Las plazas son limitadas hasta completar aforo, os podéis registrar aquí hasta el 28 de junio, en donde podréis mostrar vuestros intereses.

Russian Oil Producers Stay One Step Ahead of Sanctions - WSJ

Oil is also being transferred between ships at sea, a page out of the playbook used to buy and sell sanctioned Iranian and Venezuelan oil. The transfers are happening in the Mediterranean, off the coast of West Africa and the Black Sea, with oil then heading toward China, India and Western Europe, according to shipping companies.
