miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2009

El sector de la Aeronáutica se da cita en la IAM 2009


  • El International Air Meeting contará con 163 empresas representadas, 65 de las cuales con stand, y prevé superar los 9.500 visitantes de su primera edición.
  • El IAM 2009 tendrá lugar del 1 al 4 de octubre conjuntamente en Fira Sabadell, el Aeropuerto de Sabadell y la Terminal Corporativa del Aeropuerto de Barcelona.

China's AVIC steps up sales push for FC-1, J-10 fighters


China plans to market the Chengdu FC-1/JF-17 and J-10 fighters aggressively as part of its plan to become a major player in the global aerospace industry.



Boeing may propose new airframe to replace T-38s

El mercado de los entrenadores sigue en movimiento. En estos días
hemos enviado noticias sobre los T6 de Marruecos, los Hawk británicos,
los entrenadores probados en España... ahora toca a los Talon de la
USAF y el programa T-X


Boeing could propose developing a "purpose-built" airframe as one of
several options to replace the US Air Force's fleet of Northrop T-38
jet trainers, say industry officials.

Latest milestone achieved in Nimrod MRA4 synthetic training requirement


 This is the culmination of a two-year programme, which included
extensive integration and mission testing with both BAE Systems and
the end users. The Thales ASTA devices have been progressively
installed and commissioned at RAF Kinloss in Scotland since 2004. The
devices are to be utilised by the RAF to prepare the mission syllabus
for the start of training around the activities of the upgrade.
Today's milestone supports the Nimrod MRA4 programme in-service date
of 2010.

A400M Fadec Software Trial Set For

"We have agreed to a new program baseline and have an agreement in principle on a revised technical schedule," Rafael Tentor, the A400M program head at Airbus Military, said here last week. "We are now working on the details," he added, with the aim of signing an addendum to the existing contract by year-end. Work is well along on the second and third A400Ms. MSN 2 is expected to make its initial flight in the first quarter of 2010.

Directivas de Aeronavegabilidad para 727 y familia A320

Airworthiness Directives; Airbus Model A318, A319, A320, and A321 Series Airplanes
Several cases of cracks on the main landing gear (MLG) door hinge fitting and MLG door actuator fitting on the keel beam were reported.
Such failure could lead to the loss [of] the MLG door and could cause damage to the aircraft and/or hazard to persons or property on the ground.
Airworthiness Directives; Boeing Model 727 Airplanes
 This AD results from a report of cracking of the left- and right-side web posts and shear ties of the kickload beam.

NTSB Recommends Several Revisions On Bird Strike, Operations Regs

For preventing and reporting bird strikes, NTSB said that the FAA should revise the bird-strike certification requirements for 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 25 airplanes so that protection from in-flight impact with birds is consistent across all airframe structures. Consider the most current military and civilian bird-strike database information and trends in bird populations in drafting this revision.

Empresas aeronáuticas deben aumentar inversión en I+D y mejorar productividad


Albacete, 29 sep (EFE).- Aumentar la inversión en investigación y desarrollo (I+D) de las empresas aeronáuticas y mejorar su productividad son algunas de las recomendaciones que se incluyen en un informe del sector presentado hoy en Albacete.

Se trata del "Análisis estratégico de las empresas del sector aeronáutico en Castilla-La Mancha"

martes, 29 de septiembre de 2009

CFM ready to advance LEAP-X schedule; opens way for 737RE

El motor de los futuros aviones se acerca: CFM LEAP-X


CFM International is ready to advance the schedule of its LEAP-X program if it wins an order to power the Comac 919, the 150-200 seat jetliner proposed by China's emerging civil aerospace industry, a company official revealed to CAO.

TUI cancela un pedido a Boeing de diez B787 valorado en más de 1.000 millones


El touroperador británico TUI ha cancelado un pedido a Boeing de diez
B787 Dreamliner valorados en más de 1.500 millones de dólares (1.000
millones de euros), según precio de catalogo, y eleva las renuncias de
este modelo del constructor estadounidense a 83 aviones.

BA inaugura un servicio de lujo entre Londres y Nueva York


British Airways inaugura mañana un servicio de lujo, exclusivamente de
clase "business" con camas y la última tecnología en comunicaciones,
entre el aeropuerto de la 'City' de Londres y Nueva York.

Según informes de la compañía, el servicio, dos veces al día, ofrece
32 asientos en un Airbus A-318 que contarán con servicio de Internet y
tendrán un coste de 1.901 libras (unos 2.091 euros) por un billete de
ida y vuelta.

Airbus listo para reducir plan entregas A380


PARIS (Reuters) - Airbus parece estar listo para entregar 13
superjumbos A380 en el 2009, menos que su último objetivo de 14, luego
de conversaciones con uno de sus clientes, Singapore Airlines, dijo el
lunes el presidente de EADS, la casa matriz del fabricante de aviones.

"Estamos discutiendo con Singapore Airlines sobre la posibilidad de
entregar el último avión (frente al esquema de entregas para el 2009)
en enero del año próximo", dijo a Reuters el presidente ejecutivo,
Louis Gallois.

PICTURE: First A400M fitted with flightworthy engines


Airbus Military has released this image of the first A400M fitted with
four flightworthy engines and propellers. This marks another step
forward in the development of the long-awaited transport aircraft,
which had its formal roll-out in June 2008.

Airbus welcomes 50 per cent synthetic fuel milestone


Paves the way for 100 per cent synthetic jet fuel approval

Airbus welcomes the latest steps towards the approval by ASTM
International, one of the largest voluntary standards developing
organizations in the world, for the use of a 50 per cent synthetic jet
fuel in commercial aviation. Synthetic liquid jet fuels can be made
from biomass, natural gas or coal. All of these are known as xTL

Los socios de Airbus llegan a un principio de acuerdo para renegociar el A-400M


29/09/2009 (Infodefensa.com) Madrid - Los países promotores del
A-400M, el avión de transporte militar de EADS y Airbus, han llegado a
un principio de acuerdo con el consorcio aeroespacial europeo para
modificar el contrato inicial firmado para el desarrollo de la
aeronave, que rondaba los 20.000 millones de euros para 192 aparatos y
que lleva tres años de retraso respecto al cronograma inicial.

lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2009

Black Hawk, made in Poland


PZL Mielec, a Polish subsidiary of Sikorsky Aircraft, has entered the
final stages of the production of its first S-70i Black Hawk
helicopter. The news was announced last week during the International
Defence Industry Exhibition held in Kielce.

The first unit, which is intended for international military use, is
expected to be ready in 2010.

El Ejército de Tierra contrata al INTA para el mantenimiento del SIVA


28/09/2009 (Infodefensa.com) Madrid - El Mando de Apoyo Logístico del Ejército de Tierra ha firmado una encomienda con el Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial Esteban Terradas (INTA) para el mantenimiento del Sistema Integrado de Vigilancia Aérea (SIVA) por 275.000 euros, según el boletín oficial de defensa.

ISS, Shuttle and Suborbital Flights

Draws On ISS, Shuttle, And Constellation Program Experience
The Boeing Company submitted a proposal to NASA on Tuesday to accelerate the development of commercial human space transportation as defined by NASA in its Commercial Crew Development (CCDev) announcement. Boeing's submission, which draws on the company's experience with proven human-rated spacecraft, proposes development of technologies that will mature its Commercial Crew Transportation System concept.
NASA Announces Awards For Future Astrophysics Suborbital Flights
Payloads Will Fly On Sounding Rockets Or High-Altitude Balloons
NASA has selected nine scientific teams to work on future high-altitude balloon and sounding rocket payloads. The selected proposals address a wide range of astrophysical mysteries from dark matter and cosmic-ray antiprotons to studies of galaxy clusters and supernova remnants.

España invertirá 17 millones de euros más en el Programa MIDS

27/09/2009 (Infodefensa.com) Madrid - El Gobierno español autorizó al Ministerio de Defensa a la extensión del acuerdo internacional  Programa MIDS Sistema Multifuncional de Distribución de la Información)  por un importe estimado de 17 millones de euros que serán financiado en trece anualidad, es decir hasta 2022.

domingo, 27 de septiembre de 2009

Brasil ratifica su interés en aviones franceses, pese a accidente sufrido


BRASILIA (ANSA). El ministro de Defensa de Brasil, Nelson Jobim, declaró que el accidente en el que dos cazabombarderos franceses se precipitaron al Mar Mediterráneo no afecta la decisión de adquirir esas naves como parte del programa de rearme militar brasileño.   

Airbus con 450 pasajeros debe regresar tras despegue por problema en motor



Un Airbus A380 de la compañía Singapore Airlines que hacía la ruta Paris-Singapur tuvo que regresar este domingo y aterrizar en el aeropuerto Roissy-Charles-de-Gaulle a causa de un problema en un motor, informó una fuente aeroportuaria.

French Navy Loses 12 Percent Of Its Rafales In One Disaster


two French Rafale fighters collided and crashed in the Mediterranean,
about 30 kilometers off the French coast. At least the French Navy
believes it was a collision. The two aircraft were operating from the
French carrier de Gaulle. There are only 17 navalized Rafales
operating with the French navy. Now there are fifteen.


The most recent crash comes at a bad time, for Brazil recently said it
was interested in buying 36 Rafales.

Boeing Receives A-10 Modernization Contracts From US Air Force


ST. LOUIS, Sept. 24, 2009 -- The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] announced today that it has received two separate contracts from the U.S. Air Force to support modernization of the service's fleet of 365 A-10 Thunderbolt II aircraft. The contracts, which have a total value of $4.2 million, consist of several tasks ranging in duration from three to 18 months.

The Last Predator


September 27, 2009: Next year, the U.S. Air Force will buy its last MQ-1 Predator UAV. After that, the MQ-9 Reaper will be the primary medium UAV for the air force. The main reason is payload capacity

AGS: NATO’s Battlefield Eye In The Sky


Northrop Grumman's E-8C J-STARS gives American commanders outstanding battlefield surveillance and communications relay capabilities. The Alliance Ground System (AGS) aimed to create a similar capability

Accidente de un lyushin Il-76MD en Iran


El 23/09/2009 por la mañana se estrelló un  Ilyushin Il-76MD Adnan 1,con la matricula 5-8208, cerca de la capital Irani. Según las noticias, los 8 ocupantes han fallecido.
Hay diferentes versiones para explicar este accidente, según el C-130 que volaba cerca, pudo observar un humo blanco en el ala derecha y la precipitación al suelo que podría ser fallo del motor o entrada de algún pájaro en el mismo, también ha circulado otra versión según la cual el accidente habría sido debido a un choque con otra aeronave,

sábado, 26 de septiembre de 2009

NASA gives Lockheed supersonic transport contract


Supersonic commercial transport aircraft concepts for 2018 and beyond are the subject of a NASA-funded study to be carried out by Lockheed Martin.

The work will focus on "systems-level experimental validation activities" and is part of the NASA aeronautics research mission directorate fundamental aeronautics programme's supersonics project.

Edmiston, Eurocopter and Andrew Winch Designs unveil a stunning new helicopter design for the Eurocopter EC155 at Monaco Yacht Show 2009


A year after winning the competition to design the ultimate Super Yacht Range Rover, Andrew Winch Designs (AWD) - a specialist in yacht design - has now taken up yet another challenge to come up with a dream helicopter concept especially for yachts.

The AWD Design, which is based on the Eurocopter EC155 B1 Dauphin, a medium twin-engine helicopter and deemed to complement the AWD Range Rover, will set a new bench mark in helicopter styling. Sporting several external designs inspired by the contours of ocean waves, the AWD designed EC155 B1 features an interior of teak floorings, leather wrap-around adjustable seats fitted with carbon fibre back shells, fold-down central armrests, 'floating' LCD screens, headphones etc.


Boeing y la propaganda 2.0


Anticipándose al relanzamiento del concurso, Boeing ha puesto en
marcha su maquinaria de propaganda, y ha lanzado toda una ofensiva
aprovechando todos los medios a su alcance.

Brasil quiere saber que paso a los Rafales


Los dos Rafales se han estrellado en un momento Critico para
Dasault,pendiente del concurso de cazas de Brasil

viernes, 25 de septiembre de 2009

Boeing may offer US Air Force choice of tankers


Boeing said it has not yet decided whether to stick with its modified
767 tanker, which lost a previous, canceled competition, or go to a
larger 777-based tanker.

El lunes se inauguran las instalaciones de Gadir Solar y se pone la primera piedra de Alestis


la colocación de la primera piedra de Alestis supone el primer paso
firme para la construcción de una factoría llamada a ser uno de los
principales nichos de empleo de la Bahía de Cádiz. De hecho, ya tiene
varios contratos firmados, entre los que destaca la construcción del
cono de cola y la panza del nuevo A350 de Airbus, además de otro
contrato con la firma brasileña Embraer, que le garantizan carga de
trabajo para varios años.

VLJs Are Vital, Says LEA...But Not Perfect

Seguimos pensando que son mucha mejor opción los turbohélices, como el
Beechraft Starshop que los VLJ. Pero los VLJ están de moda:


London, England, September 24 2009 – 'Very Light Jets' (VLJs) will
play a key role in the future of European business aviation, but no
one should believe that they will bring easy profits or easyJet

That's the opinion of Patrick Margetson-Rushmore, chief executive of
London Executive Aviation ('LEA'), one of Europe's largest business
jet charter operators.

Robot Wars: The Hal Factor


Rapid technological developments are changing how wars are fought, but
as Predator drones and ground robots are supplemented by bigger,
better and deadlier upgrades, moral and ethical implications will need
to be assessed, Simon Roughneen writes for ISN Security Watch.

.Air Force Resumes Tanker Contest


"What the Air Force presented today is a much clearer and more
definitive bid than we had the last time, where there was a lot of
wiggle room that ended up in trouble," said Sen. Patty Murray (D.,
Wash.), an ardent Boeing backer.

Fighter Pilots Not Allowed To Fight

Women flying F-7s is a very recent development, part of a program that only began six years ago. Pakistan is not alone using women as fighter pilots, with China graduating its first 16 female fighter pilots this year. There are already 52 women flying non-combat aircraft, and another 545 in training. India has female military pilot, but still resists letting the women fly fighters.

24 T-6C para Marruecos.

El mercado de los entrenadores se está moviendo mucho...
La Agencia de Cooperación en Defensa y Seguridad DSCA (Defense Security Cooperation Agency) notificó al Congreso de los Estados Unidos en diciembre de 2007 la posible venta a la Real Fuerza Aérea de Marruecos (Alkowat al Malakiya al Jawiya) de 24 aviones de entrenamiento T-6B Texan II a través del programa de ventas militares al extranjero FMS (Foreign Military Sale) y el Departamento de Denfesa dio ahora la luz verde a esta operación encargando 24 T-6C a Hawker Beechcraft.

Eurofighter delivers the 15th and final aircraft ordered by the Austrian Armed Forces

Eurofighter delivers the 15th and final aircraft ordered by the Austrian Armed Forces, as the aircraft is rolled out from the the EADS Defence & Security Manching assembly line, located close to Munich, Germany.

jueves, 24 de septiembre de 2009

Airbus, Carpetania e I+D

Airbus se plantea dejar Getafe si fracasa la ampliación del parque de La Carpetania

"Vivimos de vender aviones. Si no tenemos capacidad operativa para hacerlo, tendremos que marcharnos". El responsable de operaciones de EADS-CASA en España, Alberto Gutiérrez, planteó ayer con esta claridad que su empresa está dispuesta a abandonar Madrid en caso de no completarse la segunda fase del parque tecnológico de La Carpetania.

Airbus pide cerca de 1.000 millones de euros para I+D en nuevos aviones

"Necesitamos un esfuerzo masivo en investigación para concebir prototipos que integren y validen las nuevas tecnologías. Lo necesitamos a nivel europeo. Francia debe ser el motor en esta acción. Es un reto tanto medioambiental como de competitividad", argumentó.

Airbus quiere volar por encima de la atmósfera
En unos días en los que las compañías aéreas se han comprometido a reducir un 50% las emisiones de CO2 a la atmósfera para el año 2050, Fabrice Brégier, responsable de Airbus, explicó en el diario Francés Le Figaro los planes de futuro de la Aerolínea. Aviones que hagan menos ruido que un "ciclomotor", aparatos eléctricos y vuelos por encima de la atmósfera que permitan desplazamientos mucho más rápidos, entre las innovaciones de la compañía en los próximos 50 años.

Se estrellan 2 Dassault Rafales en el Mediterráneo y 1 piloto desaparecido


Dos Rafales navales, del Charles De Gaulle, se estrellaran en el Mar
Mediterráneo. Los aparatos se estrellaron a unos 30km de Perpiñan,
sobre las 18h del día 24 de Septiembre. En una nota la marina indicaba
que se había encontrado a uno de los pilotos con vida, pero no
indicaban su estado de salud.

UAE air force A330 tankers to have Etihad passenger cabin


The United Arab Emirates air force is to equip its three Airbus
Military A330 Multi Role Tanker Transports (MRTT) with the standard
passenger cabin used by the country's national airline, Etihad

Buy American Or Else


That problem has been solved by hiring over a hundred additional
experts. But the real problem (choosing a politically acceptable
supplier) is not acknowledged. There are two aircraft in contention,
the Boeing KC-767 and Airbus MRTT/KC-30. The big problem is that the
superior aircraft is made by a European firm [...] When it comes to
military equipment, especially high priced items, nations always try
to build it themselves, even if it costs more, or results in an
inferior weapon. Thus many European nations are buying the new
European designed and Built Typhoon jet fighter

Turning V-22 Into A COD


September 24, 2009: The U.S. Navy is looking for a new COD (Carrier
Onboard Delivery) aircraft. It is now using 35 aging C-2s [...] Since
the navy has agreed to buy 48 V-22 tilt rotor aircraft, but has yet to
decide what it would do with them, the COD mission seems like a
suitable job. Both aircraft weigh the same (about 25 tons).

Sikorsky Aircraft Unveils Enhancements for S-92 Helicopter At Helitech


key improvements being planned for the S-92 helicopter are:

•Increased maximum gross weight from 26,500 pounds to above 27,000 pounds.
•Improvements to the durability of the main gear box.
•Limited icing certification.
•A fully coupled and automated approach capability that will allow
pilots to approach offshore platforms with greater safety and lower

China's share of work on A350 may exceed 5%


Airbus aims to spend $200 million next year on procuring aircraft
parts from China and it is possible that China will have more than 5%
of the work on the A350 programme.

Last year Airbus spent a little over $100 million buying aircraft
parts from China and next year it is aiming for $200 million and in
2015 it will be close to $500 million, says Airbus China president
Laurence Barron.

Up to $250M from SOCOM for L-3’s Viking UAVs


On Sept 11/09, L-3 Communications Geneva Aerospace of Carrollton, TX
received a not-to-exceed $250 million indefinite-delivery/
indefinite-quantity contract for U.S. Special Operations Command's
Expeditionary Unmanned Aircraft System. The competed contract is for 1
year with 4 option years, with a minimum of $5 million and orders to
be issued as desired (H92222-09-D-0051). That minimum was met
immediately in the initial $6.6 million delivery order.

L-3 is not known as a UAV maker; instead, Geneva Aero is best known as
a maker of key flight and datalink systems for use in UAVs. The firm
is expanding their reach, however, and L-3 representatives have now
confirmed that the SOCOM UAV is their Viking 400 model [PDF]. It's
larger than SOCOM's Puma AE mini-UAVs, and in a similar size class to
Aerovironment's RQ-7 Shadow.

EADS actualizará la documentación del CN235 por 528.615 euros


23/09/2009 (Infodefensa.com) Madrid - El Ejército del Aire español ha
adjudicado a la compañía EADS Construcciones Aeronáuticas S.A. (CASA)
la puesta al día de la documentación técnica referida al avión T-19,
denominación española del CN-235, por un importante de 528.615 euros,
incluidos los impuestos.

61 empresas e instituciones recibieron información sobre el A-UAV


24/09/2008 (Infodefensa.com) Madrid - Un total de 61 empresas e
instituciones asistieron a la sesión informativa sobre el estado
actual del programa Advanced Unmanned Air Vehicle (A-UAV) organizada
por la Dirección General de Armamento y Material (DGAM) del Ministerio
de Defensa español, informó este departamento.

miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2009

Castro visita EADS CASA donde le trasmiten la necesidad de nuevos terrenos


Getafe, 23 sep (EFE).- El alcalde de Getafe, Pedro Castro, junto con
una comitiva de miembros del Ayuntamiento, ha visitado hoy las
instalaciones de EADS CASA, donde le han transmitido la necesidad de
llegar a un acuerdo con la Comunidad de Madrid en el tema Carpetania
para poder desarrollar sus nuevos proyectos en la región.

747-8 on track for mid-October move to flight line

Boeing is putting the final touches on the first 747-8 and has begun a
final phase of indoor tests as it prepares to roll the aircraft out to
the flight line in mid October.

Indian Built Fighters On Indian Built Carriers

September 23, 2009: The Indian Navy is buying six of the new LCA
(Light Combat Aircraft, or "Tejas") fighters to fly from the new
carriers they will enter service in the next five years. This is an
experiment to see how the LCA will do as a carrier aircraft. The navy
has already bought navalized MiG-29s for these carriers. The navy LCAs
will also be navalized (mainly stronger landing gear, a tail hook and
different cockpit electronics.) The MiG-29K weighs 21 tons (16 percent
weapons), while the navalized LCA weighs 13 tons, 34 percent of that
Aditional info about LCA:

China, Russia doing study on new heavy-lift helicopter


Chinese state-owned helicopter manufacturer Avicopter is working with
Russia to develop a heavy-lift helicopter and hopes to have it flying
within five to 10 years.

It will be greater than 20t and we are working with Russia "to do the
feasibility study and work out the general configuration", says
Avicopter VP international operations and marketing Xia Qunlin. He
says the partner is Russian Helicopters, the consortium that includes

UAV & Drones News

The Mosquito: Israel's Unique Micro-Unmanned Aircraft
Weighing only 500 grams, the Mosquito is almost half as light as the
micro-class UAVs developed thus far. It has a range of two kilometers
and can run autonomously for 40 minutes at a time, even in winds of up
to 25 knots. Equipped with a miniature camera, the micro-UAV can be
maneuvered from the launch site by troops monitoring it in flight.
[...] IAI researchers developed a unique, hand-held launching system
adapted from the design of a fishing harpoon. The harpoon design,
according to IAI officials, is reliable, compact...

PICTURES: Saab team demonstrates VTUAV family to potential buyer
Saab has conducted the first customer demonstration with its recently
expanded family of vertical take-off and landing unmanned air

Europe orders more Airbus sensor checks


PARIS, Sept 23 (Reuters) - European safety officials have ordered
checks on certain Airbus (EAD.PA) speed sensors supplied by U.S.
manufacturer Goodrich (GR.N), weeks after clamping down on alternative
equipment from France's Thales (TCFP.PA).

In an airworthiness directive dated Sept. 22, the European Aviation
Safety Agency said there had been reports of loose fittings on a
number of Goodrich sensors, known as pitot probes.

Groundbreaking Bio Jet Fuel Agreement Announced

Wed, 23 Sep '09 
Companies See Demand Of 280(M) Barrels Annually
BioJet Corporation (formerly JatrophaBioJet)and E85 LLC jointly announced Monday that they have executed a Bio-SPK forward contract for the sale by BioJet and the purchase by E85 of 4 million barrels of aviation bio jet fuel. "Bio-SPK" is now the proper aviation industry term for bio jet fuel and the fuel delivered under this contract will meet ASTM International specifications. Other than quantity, the terms of the contract were undisclosed.

Pratt & Whitney To Cut 1000 Jobs In Connecticut

Wed, 23 Sep '09 
Work Transferring To Georgia, Asia
Pratt & Whitney will cut 1,000 jobs from its two Connecticut locations, as it transfers that work to plants in Georgia, Singapore, and Japan.

A300 and A310 Air Directive, Nose Landing Gear

SUMMARY: The FAA is superseding an existing airworthiness directive (AD), which applies to certain Airbus Model A300 and A310 series airplanes. That AD currently requires replacement of the nose landing gear drag strut upper attachment pin. This new AD requires revising the Airworthiness Limitations section (ALS) of the Instructions for Continued Airworthiness (ICA) to require additional life limits and/or replacements for certain main landing gear and nose landing gear components, and also expands the applicability. This AD results from revisions to the ALS of the ICA to include new or more restrictive life limits and/or replacements. We are issuing this AD to ensure the continued structural integrity of these airplanes.

747 ir Worthines Directive, cracks

AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT.

ACTION: Final rule.

SUMMARY: We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Boeing Model 747 airplanes. This AD requires repetitive inspections for cracking of the fuselage frames in section 41, and corrective actions if necessary. This AD results from reports of cracking in fuselage frames made of 2024 aluminum alloy that were installed during previous modification of the frames in section 41 and during production. We are issuing this AD to detect and correct frame cracks, which could result in cracking of the adjacent fuselage skin and consequent rapid decompression of the airplane.

China expects big interest in home-made jet


BEIJING — The designer of China's largest home-produced commercial jet
expects strong interest from domestic and overseas buyers when it
starts taking orders next year, state media reported Wednesday.

Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC), designer of the C919
jet, is in talks with potential customers and hopes to get about 90
orders in the first half of 2010, the Beijing Morning Post said,
citing a COMAC official.

Alenia pushes to streamline costs for Italian F-35 plant


Alenia Aeronautica is seeking to streamline costs for a proposed final
assembly and check out (FACO) facility based in Italy for the Lockheed
Martin F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.

The Italian plant at Cameri air base would open with only the
"essential" needs, and striking "costly" equipment and tooling that
Lockheed uses to meet production rate targets at the F-35's primary
assembly centre in Fort Worth, Texas, says Alenia CEO Giovanni

martes, 22 de septiembre de 2009

Alenia proposes power and lift upgrades for C-27J


Alenia Aeronautica is considering a major power and lift upgrade as the baseline C-27J Spartan is set to launch a critical set of flight tests to achieve US FAA certification

EMC² welcomes AEROLIA, the French No. 1 in Aerostructures

In the framework of the "Composite Meetings" organised in Nantes on 22 and 23 September, AEROLIA announced its participation in the EMC² Cluster, specialised in the development of complex structures.

Nicolas Orance, President of EMC², took this opportunity to thank Christian Cornille, President of AEROLIA, for his commitment and highlighted the significance of the arrival of the French Number One in Aerostructures and 2nd aeronautics employer in this Cluster after Airbus.

India Builds A 35mm AAA System


September 22, 2009: India has successfully tested a locally designed
and manufactured 35mm anti-aircraft gun. India wants to replace
hundreds of imported (in the 1970s) anti-aircraft guns 40mm guns.

INTERVIEW-EU envoy sees chance for aircraft deal


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States and Europe could still settle
dueling lawsuits about illegal aircraft subsidies if Boeing ( BA -
news - people ) Co and Airbus concluded the benefits of such a deal
outweighed the cost of the battle, the European Union's envoy to
Washington told Reuters Monday.

Russia's Aeroflot-Don to rebrand as Donavia


Russian flag-carrier Aeroflot's wholly-owned southern airline,
Aeroflot-Don, is to be rebranded under the new name Donavia.

Aeroflot says the decision is part of a strategy to develop its
subsidiaries under independent brands.

Predators Falling From The Sky Everywhere


The RQ-1 Predator had an accident rate of about 30 per 100,000 hours
earlier this year. [...] Older model UAVs had much higher rates (up to
363 for the RQ-2A). But these high accident rates have come way down
in the last decade. UAVs are expected to follow the experience of
manned warplanes in this area.

For example, the new F-22 an accident rate is about 6 per 100,000
hours. F-15s and F-16s have an accident rate of 3-4 per 100,000 flight
hours. India, using mostly Russian aircraft, has an accident rate of
6-7 per 100,000 hours flown

El TSJ anula una ciudad de 30.000 habitantes bajo la huella sonora de Barajas


El Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Madrid ha anulado la aprobación
definitiva de un nuevo sector residencial, en El Molar. En este
sector, denominado SAU 21, se pretendía construir 8.800 viviendas a
pesar de situarse bajo la huella acústica del aeropuerto de Barajas y
superar los niveles de ruido permitidos. Ecologistas en Acción
recurrió la aprobación definitiva del Consejo de Gobierno de la
Comunidad de Madrid en 2005. Esta organización alerta de las graves
irregularidades que se cometen en la Dirección General de Urbanismo,
dependiente de Ana Isabel Mariño

Airbus Planning To Set Up New Logistics Center In China


Wall Street Journal -
BEIJING (Dow Jones)--European aircraft manufacturer Airbus is planning
to set up a new logistics center in China to coordinate its growing
operations in the country, Airbus China Ltd. President Laurence Barron
said Tuesday.

"We've got so much industrial activity here, we want to harmonize the
transport systems for all the goods flowing in and out of China for
us," Barron said at an aviation forum in Beijing.

Airworthiness Directives; Boeing Model 727-281 Airplanes Equipped With Auxiliary Fuel Tanks Installed in Accordance With Supplemental Type Certificate SA3449NM

ACTION: Final rule.

SUMMARY: We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Boeing Model 727-281 airplanes. This AD requires deactivation of Rogerson Aircraft Corporation auxiliary fuel tanks. This AD results from fuel system reviews conducted by the manufacturer, which identified potential unsafe conditions but has not provided associated corrective actions. We are issuing this AD to prevent the potential of ignition sources inside fuel tanks, which, in combination with flammable fuel vapors, could result in fuel tank explosions and consequent loss of the airplane.

lunes, 21 de septiembre de 2009

Attack of the Drones

Pilots have been the heroes of the Air Force for more than 60 years,
but the political fight over the F-22 Raptor may lead to a new Top Gun
-- the drone. In this special report, Newsweek looks at the history of
the fighter program, the Air Force passion for stealth and the impact
of changes in top military and political leadership

AI to convert 5 Airbuses into low-cost carriers


A normal A320 has 124 economy class seats and 20 J-class seats. After
the conversion, making it a full economy class plane, the number of
seats increases to 168.

Brasil amplía plazo para entrega de propuestas para licitación de cazas


BRASILIA — La Fuerza Aérea Brasileña (FAB) amplió diez días, hasta el
2 de octubre, el plazo para la entrega de propuestas de la millonaria
licitación abierta para la compra de 36 aviones de combate, por la que
compiten la francesa Dassault, la estadounidense Boeing y la sueca
Saab, informó el arma en un comunicado oficial.

Dassault Falcon offers Aircell's ATG broadband across fleet


Dassault Falcon has become the first business airframer to offer
Aircell's in-flight high-speed internet system across its entire fleet
of jets, in a deal that further underscores Aircell's growing presence
in the US business aviation market. Dassault Falcon customers can now
select Aircell's air-to-ground (ATG)-based system for their new Falcon
7X, 900LX, 900EX, 900DX, 2000LX and 2000DX aircraft

Iran to Display High-Tech Drones, Missiles in Tuesday Parades


TEHRAN (FNA)- The Iranian defense ministry is due to show its latest
products, including high-tech Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) and
missiles, in military parades to be staged here in Tehran on Tuesday.

The Mysterious MiG Mess


The MiG-29 has been in service for 25 years, but stocks of Cold War
era spare parts are still around, and it was first thought that some
were put to use to build the Algerian aircraft. These are supposed to
be "new," but some of their components were definitely not. Some MiG
employees were very unhappy with the corrupt practices involving
aircraft parts. This sort of crime often extends to parts for

AgustaWestland hopes to acquire control of the BA609 civil tiltrotor


Italian rotorcraft maker AgustaWestland hopes to acquire control of
the BA609 civil tiltrotor programme it shares with Bell Helicopter, in
order to speed up the aircraft's certification and delivery to market.

Chief executive Giuseppe Orsi says negotiations are ongoing and adds
that AgustaWestland's parent, the Italian industrial giant
Finmeccanica, "has authorised us to conclude negotiations within
certain conditions to reach this important achievement".

Gates to Air Force: Want a New Bomber? Do It on the Cheap


"What we must not do is repeat what happened with our last manned
bomber," he said. "By the time the research, development, and
requirements processes ran their course, the aircraft, despite its
great capability, turned out to be so expensive – $2 billion each in
the case of the B-2 – that less than one-sixth of the planned fleet of
132 was ever built. Looking ahead, it makes little sense to pursue a
future bomber – a prospective B-3, if you will – in a way that repeats
this history."

More Stealth Planned For Avenger UAV


 According to Graham Warwick of Aviation Week, General Atomics
Aeronautical Systems and Lockheed Martin are partnering to fly an
Avenger UAV with a version of the F-35's stealth-imbued
electro-optical targeting system (EOTS).

¡Se necesitan aviones entrenadores!

El Ejército del Aire evalúa el T-6B "Texan II"

BAE Systems to promote Hawk for Eurotraining, US Air Force deals

BAE Systems has been given an unexpected opportunity to contest the main element of the nine-nation Advanced European Jet Pilot Training (AEJPT), or Eurotraining requirement.

The company recently received a request for information linked to its Hawk advanced jet trainer design, which had previously been excluded from consideration due to a lack of UK participation in the long-running Eurotraining effort.

T-38 replacement contract could dramatically expand
The US Air Force is studying expanding the T-X aircraft requirement beyond replacing the Northrop T-38 to encompass all fixed-wing training aircraft.

Gen Stephen Lorenz, chief of the Air Education Training Command (AETC), confirms the accelerated T-X competition may also replace lead-in trainers for the USAF's airlift crews, not just fighter and bomber pilots.

Aresa triplica su nave de producción para su despegue aeronáutico


La ampliación se produce a cuatro semanas después de que la Junta de Castilla y León haya decidido destinar 928.570 euros dentro de la inversión prevista por Aresa de 10.317.453 euros para expansión de la capacidad productiva de la planta, con una creación de 20 nuevos puestos de trabajo.

La apuesta de Aresa por la línea productiva es clara. En concreto, va a ganar un 200% de sala limpia, al pasar de los 2.000 metros cuadrados actuales, a los casi 6.000 metros que sumará con los 3.961 útiles que se comenzarán a construir en breve.

AirWorthines Directive: Debonding in Augusta Helicopters

AD NUMBER: 2009-19-51

MANUFACTURER: Agusta S.p.A. (Agusta) Model AB139 and AW139
SUBJECT: Airworthiness Directive 2009-19-51

SUMMARY: This Emergency Airworthiness Directive (AD) is prompted by a mandatory continuing airworthiness information (MCAI) AD issued by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), which is the Technical Agent for the Member States of the European Community. EASA had received previous reports of evidence of debonding on some tailboom panels of the specified Agusta model helicopters. This condition, if not corrected, could result in failure of a tailboom and subsequent loss of control of the helicopter. The latest EASA AD requires repetitive inspections of the tailboom panels at closer intervals. In case of debonding, the EASA AD requires you to mark the debonded areas for identification, contact the manufacturer for instructions, and follow their corrective actions. We are issuing this AD because we evaluated all information provided by EASA and determined the unsafe condition exists and is likely to exist or develop on other helicopters of these same type designs. Therefore, this AD requires inspecting the tail panels for debonding.

Andalucía reclama un millón de euros a Defensa por el incendio de Cazorla


19/09/2008 (Infodefensa.com) Madrid - La Junta de Andalucía reclama al
Ministerio de Defensa que corra con todos los gatos -un millón de
euros- de extinción del incendio ocurrido en el parque natural de
Cazorla, Segura y Las Villas (Jaén) causado el pasado día 10 por al
accidente de un caza de combate Mirage F-1 del Ejército del Aire.

The Vital Link: The Tanker's Role in Winning America's Wars


This paper focuses on the unique and vital capabilities of the US Air Force's KC-135 tanker fleet. It analyzes historic and current tanker usage, tanker operational employment, and the capability of today's tanker fleet, with emphasis on force structure and force management. In light of decreasing budgets, aging airframes, increase downtime for maintenance, and an explosion in the operations tempo, this paper proposes a four-pronged methodology addressing tanker vision, organization, training and employment, as the correction needed to get the KC-135 weapon system back on centerline. This will allow the tanker to effectively aid the Air Force in successfully deterring conflict and, if needed, quickly win the nation's future wars.

Engineering the Space Age: A Rocket Scientist Remembers


Few people have experienced as much aerospace history as Bob Brulle, and fewer still possess his meticulous recall and research skills. The P-47 fighter pilot turned engineer, inventor, educator, and author found himself immersed in the Cold War race to the moon, developing cutting-edge technology, instructing future astronauts in aerodynamics and orbital mechanics, perfecting high-performance fighter aircraft to meet the Soviet challenge, overseeing the procurement of new weapon systems, and exploring alternative energy sources. In Engineering the Space Age, he shares his unique personal insights into the triumphs and tragedies of one of the most exciting eras in American history.

F-16IN Super Viper


El F-16IN Super Viper es un nuevo caza único que comparte parte de la herencia de los únicos cazas de 5 generación que existen en la actualidad, el F-35 JFS y el F-22 Raptor. La revolucionaria integración de tecnologías de quinta generación hace al F-16 IN el caza de cuarta generación más avanzado del mundo.

viernes, 18 de septiembre de 2009

Tanker Hornets Nest

The tanker contest is back where it belongs; in the hands of the Air Force.
Secretary of Defense Robert Gates says he will keep a close eye on the situation, but now trusts the Air Force to do what's best for the Air Force.
This news has Boeing shaking in their pumps. The Air Force already decided which refueling tanker they liked best. Their choice was the Northrop Grumman/EADS plane. It wasn't even close. The KC-45 won by a landslide. Had the last competitive bid been a Little League game it would have been called in the 2nd inning.

IAI and Airbus develop semi-robotic towbarless tractor


Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) Lahav Division is continuing studies
with aircraft manufacturer Airbus on the development of a semi-robotic
towbarless tractor called the TaxiBot Dispatch Towing System.

Major components of the TaxiBot concept include a towbarless FMC
Technologies (now JBT AeroTech) PTS-1 tug equipped with a unique
mechanical interface to the nose landing gear; a low-level control
function for driving the vehicle; and a vehicle electronics system
that provides high-level control for managing towing operations while
in pilot-control mode.

The Endless CAP

September 18, 2009: U.S. Predator UAVs mainly fly CAPs (Combat Air
Patrols). Each CAP requires 3-4 Predators (one doing the CAP, one or
two in transit to the CAP area and one on the ground undergoing
maintenance and repairs), and 80 airmen. Fifty of the troops are
overseas, taking care of maintenance, and landing and take offs. To do
this round the clock, each CAP requires two ground control stations.
One is overseas, to handle takeoffs and landings. The other ground
station is back in the United States, where 30 members of the squadron
operate the Predator, in shifts, as it patrols. Currently, the air
force has 35 CAPs operating in Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan, four of
them with Reapers (one of them is a British controlled aircraft).

You Can Fly The Martin Jetpack, If You Bid High


Company Auctions History Making Jetpack Flight On eBay
The country that brought the world jet boating and bungee jumping has
done it again, by now becoming the 'first' place in the world where
you can fly a jetpack.

New Zealand's Martin Aircraft Company unveiled its innovative new
aircraft, the Martin Jetpack, to the world last year.

Now they have announced another history making event, an auction on
eBay that will allow the winning bidder to become the first person,
outside their close development team, to fly the Martin Jetpack as a
fully fledged test pilot.

Aviation insiders will understand that it is highly unusual to offer
test pilot status by auction. But jetpack inventor Glenn Martin points
out "our aim is to make the easiest to fly aircraft in the world.
Because of the fly-by-wire systems we have developed in the last year,
we recently had a novice pilot fly solo quite safely with 12 minutes
of flight time."

FAA Announces New Efforts To Respond To Safety Concerns


Airlines No Longer "Customers"
FAA Administrator Randy Babbitt has announced a 'new' focus on
improving the agency's response to public safety complaints and
whistleblower contributions, as well as renewing efforts to ensure
consistent interpretation of agency regulations and policies. He also
outlined ongoing actions to ensure that air carriers comply with
safety directives while minimizing disruptions to passengers.

First Production Cessna Skycatcher Flies At Shenyang Factory


Over 1000 Ordered Since Its Introduction At AirVenture 2007
The first production Skycatcher is off the ground. Cessna announced
Thursday that the first Model 162 Skycatcher fabricated and assembled
on production tooling flew Thursday at the factory in Shenyang in
northeast China. The aircraft performed a number of handling quality
tests during the flight.

Enhanced RavenView TacSim From SDS Int'l Now En Route To AFSOC


SDS International (SDS) recently received an order from the U.S. Air
Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC) for 20 of its laptop-based
RavenView(tm) tactical simulation systems for use in training
AFSOC/Special Operations Command (SOCOM) forces.

FAA says airlines are no longer its 'customers'


FAA says airlines are no longer its 'customers'

WASHINGTON — Responding to criticism that his agency has become too
cozy with companies it regulates, the new head of the Federal Aviation
Administration said Thursday the FAA will stop calling airlines
"customers," as he announced steps to ensure air carriers comply with
safety orders.

FAA Administrator Randy Babbitt, who took over the agency in June,
outlined a series of initiatives that address complaints by members of
Congress and others that the agency's relationship with airlines was
placing the industry's economic interests above passengers' safety.

During the Bush administration, the FAA adopted a business model for
evaluating its performance and began calling airlines, aircraft
manufacturers and others that it regulates "customers." The new term
is "stakeholder."

jueves, 17 de septiembre de 2009

Airbus prevé una demanda de cerca de 25.000 aviones en los próximos 20 años


Demanda de aviones más grandes y eco-eficientes

Blagnac, 17 de Septiembre de 2009

Alrededor de 25.000 nuevos aviones de pasajeros y carga, valorados en
3.1 billones de dólares, serán entregados entre 2009 y 2028, según la
última Previsión Global del Mercado de Airbus. Las economías
emergentes, la evolución de las redes de las líneas aéreas, la
expansión de las compañías de bajo coste y el incremento del número de
mega-ciudades, así como el crecimiento del tráfico y la sustitución de
aviones antiguos, menos eficientes, por aparatos más eco-eficientes,
son los factores que empujan la demanda de nuevos aviones.

Hawker Beechcraft, Lockheed Martin Team to Compete for U.S. Air Force Light Attack


WICHITA, Kan. and OWEGO, N.Y., Sept. 15 /PRNewswire/ -- Hawker Beechcraft
Corporation (HBC) and Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) have teamed to compete for
the opportunity to provide a low-cost, low-risk solution to address U.S. Air
Force (USAF) needs for a Light Attack and Armed Reconnaissance (LAAR)
aircraft. The USAF is expected to launch an acquisition program in fiscal year

Cessna Celebrates 40th Anniversary of Citation's First Flight

40 años de Citaton
WICHITA, Kan., Sept. 14, 2009 - Cessna Aircraft Company, a Textron Inc. (NYSE: TXT) company, is celebrating the 40th anniversary of the maiden flight of the Citation, the first airplane model in what has become the largest fleet of business jets in the world.

Questions over F-35's stealth capability

Defence analysts say the new Russian L band radar will detect the fighter and can be fitted to Sukhoi jet fighters of the type flown by Indonesia, Malaysia, China and Vietnam.

Aero Club Of Southern California Recognizes Legendary Pilot


Thu, 17 Sep '09

Bob Hoover To Receive 2009 Howard Hughes Memorial Award
Robert A. "Bob" Hoover, World War II fighter hero, postwar U. S. Air
Force and civilian test pilot, and for many years a popular air show
star, has been chosen by the Aero Club of Southern California to be
the 31st recipient of its Howard Hughes Memorial Award.