viernes, 18 de septiembre de 2009

You Can Fly The Martin Jetpack, If You Bid High

Company Auctions History Making Jetpack Flight On eBay
The country that brought the world jet boating and bungee jumping has
done it again, by now becoming the 'first' place in the world where
you can fly a jetpack.

New Zealand's Martin Aircraft Company unveiled its innovative new
aircraft, the Martin Jetpack, to the world last year.

Now they have announced another history making event, an auction on
eBay that will allow the winning bidder to become the first person,
outside their close development team, to fly the Martin Jetpack as a
fully fledged test pilot.

Aviation insiders will understand that it is highly unusual to offer
test pilot status by auction. But jetpack inventor Glenn Martin points
out "our aim is to make the easiest to fly aircraft in the world.
Because of the fly-by-wire systems we have developed in the last year,
we recently had a novice pilot fly solo quite safely with 12 minutes
of flight time."

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