viernes, 23 de octubre de 2009

Video: Stratos 714 -- A New Take On The Personal Jet

The Stratos 714 jet is designed to meet the needs of a growing number of performance-driven aviators 'who demand more speed range, and luxury in an owner-flown turbojet.' The 714 was first introduced last year and is the first VLPJ designed to bridge the performance gap between VLJ aircraft and full size business jets.
Stratos claims that the aircraft is a clean-sheet carbon composite design, optimized to achieve cruise speeds of more than 400 knots, with a 1500 nautical mile range (NBAA IFR reserves), with 4 people seated comfortably and ample baggage storage
Reportedly, a leading aerodynamics company has validated the primary performance targets of the Stratos 714 confirming their mission of 400 knots, 1500 miles, 4 passengers.

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