domingo, 22 de noviembre de 2009

A Higher-Tech Hog: USAF A-10C Upgrades and Refurbishments

The Precision Engagement modification is the largest single upgrade
effort ever undertaken for the USA's unique A-10 "Warthog" close air
support aircraft fleet. While existing A/OA-10 aircraft continue to
outperform technology-packed rivals on the battlefield, this set of
upgrades is expected to make them more flexible, and help keep the
aircraft current until the fleet's planned phase-out in 2028. When
complete, A-10C PE will give USAF A-10s precision strike capability
sooner than planned, combining multiple upgrade requirements into one
time and money-saving program, rather than executing them as
standalone projects. Indeed, the USAF accelerated the PE program by 9
months as a result of its experiences in Operation Iraqi Freedom.

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