lunes, 7 de junio de 2010

NASA May Fly Advanced Airliner Demo In 2015
“The concepts must incorporate technologies enabling large, twin-aisle passenger aircraft to achieve ambitious environmental goals,” the agency says. These include reducing fuel consumption and nitrogen oxide emissions by 50% and airport noise by 80% relative to today’s 777-class airliners.
NASA anticipates flying a next-generation twin-aisle demonstrator aircraft, in unmanned subscale form, by 2015.
Part of a broader research agenda announced 2 June, the $37 million green aircraft programme seeks proposals from industry by 15 July on concepts that could enable large, twin-aisle passenger aircraft in the 2025 timeframe to produce 50% lower fuel consumption and nitrogen oxide emissions than today's fleet while cutting "nuisance noise footprints around airports" by 80%

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