jueves, 30 de septiembre de 2010

The first 'Flying Car (LSA)' receives go-ahead by Federal Aviation Administration to begin production.

The Orlando office of the FAA issued a historic Special Light Sport Aircraft airworthiness certificate to Itec, a Central Florida Christian Non-Profit humanitarian organization; for their unique land, air, water and snow capable vehicle.

Itec Design Manager Troy Townsend says the issuance of this first ever certificate for a vehicle that drives and flies, using the same simple controls that virtually anyone can master in a matter of hours, is the culmination of 6 years of research and development by Itec, the Indigenous Peoples' Technology and Education Center in Dunnellon Florida.

The Maverick was developed as an all-in-one transportation vehicle for people in frontier areas of the world. Itec plans to produce this unique machine commercially for extreme sport enthusiasts, search and rescue, fire spotting and other uses in order to lower the cost to its primary non-commercial market - Indigenous People in the world beyond roads.

-------More Technical Info ---------

The Maverick uses a patented 'Dual Drive System', 'Integrated Controls' (it drives and flies using the same steering wheel and gas pedal) and 'Wing Deployment System' to make this unique vehicle user-friendly.

Classified technically as a 'Powered Parachute' by the FAA when in flight configuration, the Maverick is, by design, very 'crash' resistant. Itec has tested earlier iterations in frontier areas of Africa and South America, operated by non-pilots, without mishap.

On the ground, both on-road and off-road, the Maverick is a 'Hot Rod' capable of out accelerating most sports cars, due to its aircraft type rugged but light construction.

Itec is entertaining the possibility of licensing production to an outside entity so it can concentrate time and resources on continued development of its primary technologies in Health Care for people beyond the reach of medical services.



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