jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2011

What happens to Scaled Composites after Burt Rutan?

Burt Rutan founded Scaled Composites in 1982 and over three decades drove its research into such risky projects as the round-the-world flight of Voyager and the atmosphere-topping climb of SpaceShipOne.

But Rutan retired from Scaled Composites seven months ago, and moved from southern California's Antelope Valley to a lake on the foothills of northern Idaho's Bitterroot Mountains.

Will Scaled Composites, a Northrop Grumman-owned subsidiary since 2007, carry on its founder's unique tolerance for high-risk research, and succeed?

We had the opportunity to interview Rutan last week, and we broached this topic carefully. We asked him what he hopes Scaled Composites becomes after his departure:

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