miércoles, 11 de julio de 2012

Richard Branson lays out roadmap to put satellites, and his kids, into space

Richard Branson lays out roadmap to put satellites, and his kids, into space:
A replica of SpaceShipTwo on display at Farnborough Airshow (Photo: Mark Chivers/Virigin G...
Richard Branson today set out the roadmap for Virgin Galactic's immediate future by announcing that he will be taking his children along for the ride when the SpaceShipTwo (SS2) makes its inaugural flight next year (should all go to plan). As expected, Branson also confirmed plans for a commercial service to put satellites in orbit at a tenth of today's costs, marking the resumption of Virgin Galactic's LauncherOne program... Continue Reading Richard Branson lays out roadmap to put satellites, and his kids, into space

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