martes, 31 de julio de 2012

Wernher von Braun's Martian Chronicles | Paleofuture

Assuming everything goes according to plan, NASA's Curiosity rover will touch down on the surface of Mars this Sunday, August 5th at 10:31 PDT. Curiosity travels in the cosmic wake of not only the pioneering landers and rovers that have made journeys to Mars before, but also the innumerable visionaries who showed us how we might get there —well before it was possible.

From 1952 until 1954, the weekly magazine Collier's published a series of articles on space exploration spread out across eight issues. Several of the articles were written by Wernher von Braun, the former Third Reich rocket scientist who began working for the U.S. after WWII. TheCollier's series is said to have inspired countless popular visions of space travel. This impact was in no small part due to the gorgeous, colorful illustrations done by Chesley Bonestell, Fred Freemanand Rolf Klep.

The last of the Collier's space-themed series was the April 30, 1954, issue that featured a cover showing the planet Mars and two headlines: "Can We Get to Mars?" and directly underneath: "Is There Life on Mars?" The article, "Can We Get to Mars?," by von Braun is a fascinating read that looks at everything from the impact of meteors on spacecraft to the stresses of living in cramped quarters during such a long journey.

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