viernes, 22 de febrero de 2013


Airbus’ Global Market Forecast for 2012-2031 offers a forward-looking view of the air transport sector’s evolution – taking into account such drivers and factors as population growth, urbanization, emerging markets, innovation and environmental impact.

During this period, Airbus foresees the need for some 27,300 passenger airliners with seating capacities of 100 seats and above, along with nearly 900 new factory-built freighter aircraft. The Global Market Forecast also anticipates a more than doubling of the world’s overall passenger aircraft inventory, from 15,500 today to more than 32,500 by 2031

Download the Airbus GMF app compatible with iPad on iTunes
Download the Airbus GMF app compatible with Android on Google Play
Experience the Airbus GMF interactive web animation

Airbus Global Market Forecast 2012-2031 slides
"Navigating the Future" by John Leahy, Airbus COO - Customers, and Chris Emerson, Airbus Senior Vice President - Future Programmes & Market Strategy - 4 September 2012
Airbus-Global-Market-Forecast-September-2012.pdf — 4.7 MB

Airbus Global Market Forecast 2012-2031 Booklet
Airbus’ latest Global Market Forecast (GMF) – covering the 2012-2031 timeframe, identifies a need for some 28,200 passenger and freighter aircraft worth nearly US$4 trillion, reconfirming an upward trend in the pace of new aircraft deliveries. This outlook, entitled "Navigating the Future," also outlines how emerging economic regions will further increase their importance in overall traffic growth during the next 20 years.
Airbus_-Global_Market_Forecast_2012-2031_Booklet.pdf — 5.5 MB

Airbus Global Market Forecast 2012-2031 Full Book
Airbus’ latest Global Market Forecast (GMF). Download the full book to find out more on this outlook, entitled "Navigating the Future," that outlines how emerging economic regions will further increase their importance in overall traffic growth during the next 20 years.
Airbus_Global_Market_Forecast2012-2031_Full_book.pdf — 41 MB

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