sábado, 23 de marzo de 2013

Crowdfunding hope for human-powered helicopter project

Crowdfunding hope for human-powered helicopter project:
Kenneth Huff and his team believe that rotor efficiency improvements will allow their desi...
Last September, the Gamera II team from the A. James Clark School of Engineering got so close to claiming the Sikorsky Prize of US$250,000 for human-powered helicopter flight that the American Helicopter Society must surely have been preparing to pull the dust covers off the safe and hand over the cash. Gamera II features a huge cross-shaped frame with enormous rotors at each of its four points, which are powered by sustained hand and foot pumping from a pilot at the center. It's a design that's been used by many of those attempting to nab the elusive prize (including AeroVelo's Atlas), but Georgia's Kenneth Huff has a rather more compact vision for success...
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