viernes, 5 de abril de 2013

RKUT Net profit exceeded 1 bln rubles in 2012, which is 27.7 % higher than in 2011.

IRKUT Corporation increased its Net profit in 2012

JSC IRKUT Corporation summed up the records of 2012 according to Russian Accounting Standards (RAS). IRKUT Net profit exceeded 1 bln rubles in 2012, which is 27.7 % higher than in 2011.

Proceeds of the Corporation amounted to 48.5 bln rubles by the results of 2012.

In 2012 IRKUT Corporation signed contracts on delivery of more than 100 combat aircraft and aircraft kits for licensed assembling. Thus the order book of IRKUT Corporation amounted to about 9 bln US dollars to date.

The auditorfs report of the financial statement of IRKUT Corporation was prepared by JSC Finexpertiza company.

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