miércoles, 20 de noviembre de 2013

CFM announces $4.3-billion deal to power Airbus planes - Economic Times

CFM announces $4.3-billion deal to power Pegasus Airbus planes - Economic Times

Khaleej Times

CFM announces $4.3-billion deal to power Pegasus Airbus planes
Economic Times
Safran says that the Leap, which is also used to power the Boeing 737MAX, a competitor to the A320neo, and the C919 being developed by Chinese group Comac, accounts for 68 per cent of the market for engines on new-generation, medium-range aircraft.
GE-Led Engine Venture Boosts Output as Boeing, Airbus Lift Rates
CFM56 Deliveries Pass the 25000 Mark
flydubai Signs Agreement with CFM for Up to 222 Engines

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