jueves, 14 de mayo de 2015

Comac C919, China's Homegrown Commercial Jet, is Delayed - NDTV [feedly]

Comac C919, China's Homegrown Commercial Jet, is Delayed - NDTV
// comac c 919: Google Noticias


Comac C919, China's Homegrown Commercial Jet, is Delayed
SINGAPORE: The maiden flight of China's only homegrown commercial jet, the Comac C919, is behind schedule and delivery could be pushed back as much as two years, sources familiar with the programme said, dealing a blow to its push to challenge ...
China's Comac Said to Delay Test Flight of Narrow-Body C919 JetBloomberg
China Set To Delay C919 First FlightAirwise
Maiden flight of C919 jet may be delayed to 2020Shanghai Daily (subscription)

los 29 artículos informativos »


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