miércoles, 19 de agosto de 2015

Angry eagle attacks UAV: How do drones affect wildlife? - Christian Science Monitor [feedly]

Angry eagle attacks UAV: How do drones affect wildlife? - Christian Science Monitor
// uav: Google Noticias

Christian Science Monitor

Angry eagle attacks UAV: How do drones affect wildlife?
Christian Science Monitor
Two months later, footage surfaced from Australia's Hunter Valley of a kangaroo punching a UAV that was getting a little too close for comfort. And in April, a chimpanzee at the Royal Burgers' Zoo in the Netherlands slapped a drone out of the sky with ...
When a 'UFO' flies by, does it bother bears?Phys.Org
Drones Spook BearsLive Science
Drones could be stressing out wildlife, scientists suggestWashington Post
RedOrbit -Science News (blog)
los 43 artículos informativos »


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