
martes, 13 de octubre de 2009

China wants to rival Boeing, Airbus with its C919 'big plane'
BEIJING — For now, China's big entry into the standard passenger jet business is little more than a 20-foot-long model plane on display here at Beijing Expo air show.
But the model — of the planned C919, single-aisle jetliner designed to seat up to 190 passengers — represents something much larger.
A model for China's aviation future
The colourful model of a new passenger jet displayed at the Hong Kong air show was a show-stopping crowd pleaser. Not for its looks - though sleek, it was hardly ground breaking - but for what it represents: a new direction for China's fledgling aerospace industry. Commercial Aircraft Corp. of China (Comac) surprised industry experts at last month's Asian Aerospace show by unveiling details of its large-body C919 jetliner, including plans to have it in the air by 2014.

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