Insitu Integrator Flies Heavy Fuel Engine with Electronic Fuel Injection

lunes, 8 de febrero de 2010

BINGEN, Wash., Feb. 2, 2010 - Insitu Inc., successfully flight-tested an electronic fuel injection (EFI) heavy fuel engine (HFE) on its Integrator
unmanned aircraft. This technology is being incorporated into Insitu's entire family of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) enhancing overall mission performance, especially in extreme temperatures and at high altitudes, including mountainous terrain.

"We have now demonstrated HFE/EFI engine performance on both of our Insitu unmanned aircraft, ScanEagle and Integrator. Our team continues to focus on providing the best capabilities for our commercial and military customers. This is yet another critical enabling technology demonstrated in support of our STUAS (small tactical unmanned aircraft system)/Tier II effort," said Vice President of Emerging Programs Bill Clark. "Heavy fuel with electronic fuel injection provides a 40 percent improvement in mission endurance over the previously demonstrated capability. It represents the next generation of our HFE technology, providing a more reliable, safer and easier to operate and maintain engine, and positions us well for our initial deployments later this year."

Integrator continues to demonstrate key capabilities such as a communications relay payload, which enables mobile ground units to exchange secure voice and data where line-of-sight obstructions exist, and a ROVER 4 and ROVER 5 compatible encrypted digital data link, allowing ground forces to securely view real-time data streams on small laptop devices. The company also demonstrated a runway-independent launch and recovery system for its entire family of UAS, reducing the overall operational footprint and total ownership costs.

The mature design of the Integrator evolved from ScanEagle—the field-proven UAS serving in theater for more than five years. Building from this strong foundation, Integrator provides expanded plug-and-play payload capacity and a modular design. Integrator can fly multiple mission payloads simultaneously, providing high-quality information to forces on land and at sea.

Insitu's ScanEagle HFE recently logged more than 3,800 operational flight hours meeting the system safety and logistics requirements aboard maritime vessels, while increasing system endurance. The HFE technology was a critical requirement of the U.S. Navy when deciding to place Insitu UAS on DDG-class ships.

Insitu Inc., located in Bingen, Washington, is a wholly owned independent subsidiary of The Boeing Company. Insitu designs, develops and manufactures UAS and provides associated services for commercial and military applications. With a small footprint and expeditionary focus for both land and sea operations, the company's family of UAS solutions is serving the needs of the global defense community, achieving more than 269,000 operational flight hours and 33,500 sorties to date. Visit for more information.

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