European premiere: Airbus-led large-scale flight demo teams up fighters, a helicopter and drones

domingo, 11 de diciembre de 2022 

In Europe's first large-scale multi-domain flight demo led by Airbus, two fighter jets, one helicopter and five unmanned remote carriers teamed up and accomplished a mission that could occur in real-life situations. The Future Combat Air System (FCAS) Manned-Unmanned Teaming Demonstrator project will now move to the next phase: further paving the way for FCAS by developing a flying remote carrier (RC) demonstrator in the coming years.

In Europe’s first large-scale manned-unmanned teaming flight demo, led by Airbus, two fighter jets, one helicopter and five unmanned remote carriers teamed up - and helped to rid the world of a fictional rogue warlord. This multi-domain flight demo paves the way towards the Future Combat Air System.

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