viernes, 8 de diciembre de 2017

GE is cutting 12,000 jobs

Edges for Challengers and G-limit changes in 2018 | Red Bull Air Race

The AI Company That Helps Boeing Cook New Metals for Jets

At HRL Laboratories in Malibu, California, materials scientist Hunter Martin and his team load a grey powder as fine as confectioner's sugar into a machine. They've curated the powder recipe—mostly aluminum, blended with some other elements—down to the atom. The machine, a 3-D metal printer, lays …

Scientists are trying to figure out which bacteria have colonized our space station

It's a bit like a terrestrial house, but also a bit like a human body. Bacteria are hard to annihilate. We have a talent for killing lots of them, but eliminating every last one is nearly impossible. This doesn't matter so much when you're sanitizing your hands after a bus ride or wiping down you...

Spirit AeroSystems Buoys Wichita With $1 Billion, 1,000-Jobs Pledge

Spirit AeroSystems Buoys Wichita With $1 Billion, 1,000-Jobs Pledge // Commercial Aviation Channel

Expansion is not tied to any one particular program but rather to the growth in demand for Boeing and Airbus airliners and in defense work.

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Military defense market faces new challenges to acquiring SatCom platforms

Military defense market faces new challenges to acquiring SatCom platforms // Military Space News, Nuclear Weapons, Missile Defense

McLean VA (SPX) Dec 06, 2017
With high-throughput satellites covering 99% of the populated regions of the world, commercial satellite providers like Intelsat General are ready and willing to serve the growing bandwidth needs of the military defense market. But there's a catch. At the Global MilsatCom conference held earlier this month in London, new acquisition challenges came to light: Countries are still trying to figure

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Boeing KC-46A Tanker for U.S. Air Force Completes First Flight

Boeing KC-46A Tanker for U.S. Air Force Completes First Flight // MediaRoom

Newest aircraft moves closer to delivery after airborne operational checks

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Boeing Forecasts Stable Growth and Funding Diversification for Aircraft Financing in 2018

Boeing Forecasts Stable Growth and Funding Diversification for Aircraft Financing in 2018 // MediaRoom

Approximately $139 billion in new aircraft funding needed in 2018, up $17 billion from 2017

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SkyX tests long-range drone along pipeline in Mexico

SkyX tests long-range drone along pipeline in Mexico // The UAS Magazine

SkyX Systems Corp., a Canadian company working in long-range unmanned aerial monitoring and data collection, has announced that it has successfully completed an unmanned data collection flight of 100 km along a pipeline in Mexico.

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Airbus’ strategy for the A330-800

 The A330-800 entered the final assembly line last week at the Airbus production plant in Toulouse, France, amid doubts in the industry that the airplane will be produced beyond the prototype.