lunes, 20 de junio de 2016

DARPA seeks to develop command and control center for outer space [feedly]

DARPA seeks to develop command and control center for outer space
// Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

The area in the outer reaches of the Earth's atmosphere is a swarm of manmade objects, moving at tens of thousands of miles per hour and traversing a region hundreds of thousands of times larger than all of Earth's oceans combined. This complicates the operation of satellites for military use. DARPA has just announced its plans to come to grips with this chaotic region with the launch of a project aimed at revolutionizing the US military's command and control capabilities in space.

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Russia’s T-50 Stealth Fighter Might Have a Fatal Flaw [feedly]

Russia's T-50 Stealth Fighter Might Have a Fatal Flaw
// War Is Boring — Medium

It's the engines

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PICTURE: Spain's first A400M leaves paintshop [feedly]

PICTURE: Spain's first A400M leaves paintshop
// Flight Global HEADLINES

Spain s first A400M tactical transport has been painted at Airbus Defence & Space s San Pablo final assembly site in Seville, as the manufacturer conducts preparations for its debut flight within the coming weeks.

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Indra to equip Spain's A400M aircraft with InShield countermeasure protection system [feedly]

Indra to equip Spain's A400M aircraft with InShield countermeasure protection system
// Air Force Technology News Press Releases

Indra's InShield has been selected to provide infrared countermeasure protection against surface-to-air missile attacks to Spain's A400M aircraft.

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Ultimate Load Testing On Gulfstream G500 Validates Structural Integrity [feedly]

Ultimate Load Testing On Gulfstream G500 Validates Structural Integrity
// Aero-News Network

Stressed To 150 Percent Load Limit, Fulfilling Certification Requirement Gulfstream has completed ultimate load testing for its new Gulfstream G500. Ultimate load represents 150 percent of limit load and is equivalent to a 1.5 safety factor specified by the FAA and EASA. Limit load is the maximum level that an aircraft should experience once during its service life. Completion of the full-scale aircraft ultimate test fulfills the certification requirements for both the FAA and EASA.

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EgyptAir Flight 804 Voice Recorder, Flight Data Recorder Recovered [feedly]

EgyptAir Flight 804 Voice Recorder, Flight Data Recorder Recovered
// Aero-News Network

Devices Reportedly Damaged But Data May Be Recoverable Both the Flight Data Recorder and Cockpit Voice Recorder from EgyptAir Flight 804 have been recovered and handed over to Egyptian Authorities.

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New Software Provides Unprecedented 3D View For Pilots On Tablets [feedly]

New Software Provides Unprecedented 3D View For Pilots On Tablets
// Aero-News Network

App Designed To Increase Pilot Situational Awareness On Approaches A new app recently released by Honeywell gives pilots an unprecedented way to preview and brief approaches.

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ExoMars sends back first Mars images [feedly]

ExoMars sends back first Mars images
// Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

The ExoMars 2016 mission passed a major milestone this week as the Trace Gas Orbiter mothership captured its first images of Mars. ESA said today that the spacecraft sent back the images on Monday, June 13 when it was 41 million km (25 million mi) from the Red Planet.

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Blue Origin finds success in parachute failure and fourth rocket landing [feedly]

Blue Origin finds success in parachute failure and fourth rocket landing
// Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

It was the first time Blue Origin has broadcasted its rocket-landing exploits to a live audience, but the added pressure has had no discernible impact on the company's efforts to pioneer private space travel. Sunday marked the fourth successive landing of the same New Shepard rocket and crew capsule, with the testing of emergency parachute systems also carried out as planned.

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Solar Impulse 2 takes flight for Europe [feedly]

Solar Impulse 2 takes flight for Europe
// Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

Solar Impulse 2 has taken off from New York on the next leg of its around the world journey, which will take the zero fuel aircraft across the Atlantic to Europe. The mission has already claimed 8 world records in an attempt to highlight the potential of green technologies that could help protect the environment from mankind's ever-increasing footprint.

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Next-Generation Bombers: What US, Russia, China Are Set to Roll Out

Arianespace makes history on its latest Ariane 5 mission

This heavy-lift mission carried EchoStar XVIII and BRIsat, and it delivered a total calculated mass of 10,730 kg. into geostationary transfer orbit (GTO) 

A330 MRTT : La Norvège se retire du pool MMF - Le Journal de l'Aviation

A330 MRTT : La Norvège se retire du pool MMF
Le Journal de l'Aviation
La Norvège se serait retirée du pool MMF (Multinational multirole tanker transport fleet) selon Airbus Defence and Space - qui ne cite plus le pays dans le consortium ayant sélectionné l'A330 MRTT en décembre 2014 pour constituer une flotte commune.

Pentagon is Developing Drone Swarms Designed to Destroy Sophisticated Enemy Air Defenses - Scout

Korea, China, Japan to bolster drone cooperation - The Korea Herald

Canadian drone industry fears crackdown as airport incidents spike - Financial Post

Financial Post

Canadian drone industry fears crackdown as airport incidents spike
Financial Post
"The problem is that folks are either not aware of (the rules) or don't follow them," said Marc Moffatt, chief executive of the Unmanned Aerial System Centre of Excellence, a research and development site in Alma, Que. Moffatt proposes that a sticker ...

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The mad scientists at DARPA plan to crush Russia and China with 'swarm' weapons - Asia Times

Asia Times

The mad scientists at DARPA plan to crush Russia and China with 'swarm' weapons
Asia Times
Typically, while drones are called "unmanned aircraft systems"—it's a bit of a misnomer, each drone orbit can require up to 200 people to operate. It's a problem that has pushed the Air Force nearly to the breaking point. DARPA has already ...

ANALYSIS: Future turning bright for Montreal’s aerospace cluster

Safran finalises Ariane 6 design

Airbus Safran Launchers has finalised the first design phase for the new Ariane 6 rocket. 

Due to make its first flight in 2020, the Ariane 6 European launcher will be available in two versions, the Ariane 62 and Ariane 64.

South Korea and Israel undertake joint UAV project - IHS Jane's 360

Counter UAV (C-UAV) Technologies Market 2016-2026 - PR Newswire (press release)