jueves, 6 de abril de 2017

The British airliner that changed the world

When the de Havilland Comet flew into the sky in 1949, it changed aviation for good. BBC Future examines the legacy of a flawed but far-reaching design. On 7 April 1954, Peter Duffey co-piloted the sleek, four-engined de Havilland Comet G-ALYY into Heathrow Airport. It was the last leg of the new...


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Report: Iran built a guided missile in a drone's body for rebels in Yemen

Linking these machines is a complicated proxy war, an Iranian drone design, and a production batch of gyroscopes. Last week, Conflict Armament Research published an investigation into Iranian technology transfers to Yemen. The investigation links a drone captured in northern Iraq, a drone-like bo...


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The factories of the future could float in space

Orbital manufacturing is already paving the way for better solar panels, faster internet, cleaner computer chips, and lab-grown human hearts This past summer, a plane went into a stomach-churning ascent and plunge 30,000 feet over the Gulf of Mexico. The goal was not thrill-seeking, but something...


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Artículo: Why NASA is going to vaporize one of its best spacecraft

Cassini's "grand finale" begins April 23 All good things must come to an end. On April 23, Cassini will begin its final quest into oblivion. Flying at over 76,000 miles per hour, the spacecraft will zip through an uncharted gap between Saturn and its rings, where no spacecraft has flown before. I...


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Initial speed requirements pushed UH-1Y out of Huey competition [feedly]

Initial speed requirements pushed UH-1Y out of Huey competition
// Flight Global HEADLINES

The US Air Force originally set out stringent speed requirements for its UH-1N Huey replacement that would have pushed Bell Helicopter s UH-1Y Venom out of the competition. http://www.flightglobal.com/news/articles/initial-speed-requirements-pushed-uh-1y-out-of-huey-436006/

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Saab carries out first test flight of biofuel-powered Gripen aircraft [feedly]

Saab carries out first test flight of biofuel-powered Gripen aircraft
// Air Force Technology News Press Releases

Saab has conducted a series of test flights of its JAS 39 Gripen powered solely by biofuel made of rapeseed oil.

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Lockheed Martin plans manned Mars Base Camp for 2028

Volocopter 2 air taxi uses swappable batteries to stay on the move [feedly]

Volocopter 2 air taxi uses swappable batteries to stay on the move
// Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

One year ago, German company e-volo caught our attention by sending its crazy 18-rotor Volocopter into the sky with a living, breathing human aboard. With an eye to actually deploying this thing as a personal flying taxi some time in the future, it has made some revisions and this week unveiled a sleeker Volocopter 2, which it plans to start testing next year.

.. Continue Reading Volocopter 2 air taxi uses swappable batteries to stay on the move 

Category: Aircraft

Tags: Electric AircraftMobilityTransport Related Articles: Hyundai expands its mobility presence with wearable robots and electric scooter Lightweight composite Floatility electric scooter eats up that last mile Modular eGroov AWD scooter rolls through beach, forest and city Transboard folding e-scooter eats bumps to offer a smoother ride Subterranean roads proposed for greener London Bertha breaks through: World's largest boring machine completes tunnel under Seattle

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Shipboard reactor could convert ocean-based plastic waste into diesel [feedly]

Shipboard reactor could convert ocean-based plastic waste into diesel
// Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

Having now reached the deepest parts of the ocean, the plastic pollution problem is calling for some creative solutions. Plastic-eating bacteria or edible alternative materials could help, as could recycling the mess into shoes, hardier polymers or even Panama's Plastic Bottle Village. Now, an organic chemist and a sailor are trying to make that waste worth collecting, by turning it into a usable diesel fuel through a semi-portable reactor.

.. Continue Reading Shipboard reactor could convert ocean-based plastic waste into diesel


Category: Environment

Tags: American Chemical SocietyDieselOceanPlasticsPollution Related Articles: Eggs to help bring bioplastics out of their shell Could planes be insulated with super-burned bread? Bee venom blasts through blood brain barrier to bring medicine Cracking a few eggs to make electronics that dissolve New glass coating could lead to omnidirectional solar panels Safe, edible battery designed to power ingestible medical devices

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​US Navy temporarily grounds T-45 fleet

Boeing, Lockheed debate F-35C capability gaps

Brazil's Embraer targets $1.5 bln in annual KC-390 exports - Yahoo Finance

Brazil's Embraer sees solid demand for new military cargo jet - Yahoo Finance

Brazil's Embraer sees solid demand for new military cargo jet
Yahoo Finance
By Brad Haynes. RIO DE JANEIRO, April 5 (Reuters) - Brazilian planemaker Embraer SA sees $1.5 billion in annual exports as "a good target" for its KC-390 military cargo jet entering service next year, Jackson Schneider, head of the company's defense ...


​Poor crew coordination, bad approach caused Lion 737 excursion

Ryanair frets over UK-EU negotiation uncertainties

Irkut MC-21 missing ultimate load test

April 05, 2017, ©. Leeham Co: United Aircraft's IRKUT MC-21 passed 90% of the static Ultimate load test end February at the TsAGI test institute in Moscow reports ATO.RU. But the aircraft failed the 100% test.

The test simulates a load which is 150% higher than the highest load that the aircraft should be subject to in its operational life. The test failure 


Bird's eye view of present drone integration below 500ft | Eurocontrol


Bird's eye view of present drone integration below 500ft
6 - 7 April 2017
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RPAS workshop addressing the current ATM operational integration issues

On Thursday 6 and Friday 7 April 2017, EUROCONTROL is hosting a RPAS workshop aiming to create a common picture of the current European integration status of RPAS operations below 500 ft. Present operations are mostly VLOS and several States have started BVLOS operations under certain conditions.

How are States, RPAS operators, industry and ANSPs dealing with this? How is it affecting present manned operations below 500ft? What short term solutions have been found and implemented? These are some of the questions the workshop will seek to answer through the sharing best practices and lessons learned.

The workshop aims at the present integration needs before U-Space comes into effect. Amongst others the European Commission, SESAR Joint Undertaking and the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) will present their work to date and several States will provide an insight how they are handling the integration challenges.

Industry will also present their products and services from simple apps that provide easy to interpret Aeronautical information, to complex management systems supporting RPAS operations.

In addition, there will be hands-on work sessions, allowing all to gather everyone's perspective. The objective is to develop a joint short term action list aiming at a harmonised European ATM approach in integrating RPAS operations.

So if you want to know what is happening in Europe regarding RPAS integration below 500ft and want to have a clear view what can be done now? This is a workshop you should not miss!

This workshop is open to those interested in discussing the current RPAS integration challenges for operations below 500 ft.

There is a free EUROCONTROL shuttle service available for visitors and staff members. It is marked "EUROCONTROL" and runs from/to the Gare Centrale (at the city centre with train and metro connections) and Square Ambiorix (near the European Commission and the Schuman Square tram, train and metro connections).

EUROCONTROL Shuttle Timetable and Bus Stops

Additional shuttles for this event may be available. Please check with your meeting organiser for more information.

    For live updates on the shuttle service, follow @euroshuttle on Twitter


Airbus wins Crystal Cabin Award in several categories at Aircraft Interiors Expo 2017

Airbus also rewarded for its cooperation in other winning projects improving passenger comfort

Hamburg, 5th April 2017 – Airbus has won two categories in this year’s Crystal Cabin Award for the first time. The winning projects are the ‘ReTrolley’ in the Greener Cabin, Health, Safety and Environment category, and the ‘Smart Cabin Reconfiguration’ in the Passenger Comfort Hardware category. Airbus received two additional awards for partnering in the ‘Smart Onboard Wheelchair’ in the University category and the ‘Octaspring Lightweight Seat Cushion’ in the Material & Components category.

“Winning several categories at the aviation’s ‘Oscars’ shows that we are constantly pushing the latest in innovative cabin design solutions,” said Ingo Wuggetzer, Vice President Airbus Cabin Marketing. “This means we stay true to our Airspace principles, delivering comfort and benefits to both passengers and airlines.”

Charles Champion, Executive Vice President Engineering, added: “The awards also demonstrate that we strive with our partners to continuously innovate for our customers and passengers worldwide. I am proud of the teams that have worked really hard and I congratulate them on their well-deserved success.”

Winning projects in detail:


ReTrolley separates waste as it is collected in the aisle, reducing its volume by up to 30% through manual compression. This saves space in the galley and increases the share of recyclable waste as airlines are looking for new and simple solutions that reduce the cabin’s ecological footprint. Only separated recyclable waste can actually be recycled. The ReTrolley solution is based on a concept first designed by students of the University of São Paulo and later advanced by Airbus Innovations experts. As part of the Airbus BizLab Accelerator programme, the concept was validated with airlines last year using a demonstrator.

Smart Cabin Reconfiguration

At least three seats remain unoccupied on many flights. Now, passengers can benefit from it. The Smart Cabin Reconfiguration project frees up space in A320 Family cabins without much effort. It uses movable seats designed in cooperation with seat manufacturer Recaro. Selected rail-mounted seat rows, designed in cooperation with THK, enable cabin crew to adjust seat pitch based on flight reservation data – within turnaround time. A member of the cabin crew can fold away one seat row and then quickly move those in front of it just like a car seat. Passengers in these seats benefit from more legroom.

Smart Onboard Wheelchair

For passengers with limited mobility, independence on board an aircraft is highly desirable. This is made possible with the Smart Onboard Wheelchair which the passenger can roll over the toilet seat unassisted. Structural changes to the aircraft lavatory are not required. The wheelchair was designed by students of the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences supported by Airbus experts. The project was tested by wheelchair users. Their verdict: easy to handle, stable, and safe.

Octaspring Lightweight Seat Cushion

Cabin comfort is one of the top priorities for passengers and designers constantly seek to maximise it. In cooperation with Studio Moderna, Boxmark, and Stelia, Airbus has found a way to enhance seat comfort and save weight at the same time. The breathable Octaspring seat cushion featuring coil springs made of foam uses different levels of density to optimally distribute the passenger's body weight over the entire seat. It also helps to keep the seating surface cool through better ventilation inside the cushion. This cushion is about a third lighter than an all-foam cushion, equalises pressure and facilitates an ergonomic seating position.

The Crystal Cabin Award is the leading international award for excellence in aircraft interior innovation, sponsored by the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg. 85 applicants from 21 nations entered their latest innovations in the competition across seven categories.

Airbus highlights ACJ319 at ABACE show


Airbus Corporate Jets is exhibiting an ACJ319 at the ABACE show in Shanghai, giving prospective customers the opportunity to appreciate its potential and highlighting the company’s commitment to the important Chinese market.

It is the first time at the show for the MJet ACJ319, which is certificated to seat 19 passengers, is available for VIP charters, and features a cabin with three conference/lounge areas.

“Business aviation is to companies and governments what airlines are to the global economy, excelling at bringing people together to drive growth and benefit communities,” comments Airbus Chief Operating Officer, Customers John Leahy, “and Airbus corporate jets, with their more modern designs and greater passenger-capacity, excel at driving business aviation.”

The ACJ320 Family, of which the ACJ319 is part, has the widest and tallest cabin of any business jet while being similar in size externally, and inspired the new ACJ320neo Family.

Capitalising on new-generation engines and Sharklets, the new ACJ320neo Family offers a leap forward in range, better passenger comfort and a 16 per cent fuel-saving.

The resulting ACJ319neo will fly eight passengers 6,750 nm/12,500 km, equivalent to 15 hours flying, while the ACJ320neo will transport 25 passengers 6,000 nm/11,100 km, or 13 hours.

Firm orders for the ACJ320neo Family already stand at eight aircraft, comprising two ACJ319neo and six ACJ320neo aircraft. Deliveries of the ACJ320neo will begin in the last quarter of 2018, and those of the ACJ319 in the second quarter of 2019.

Airbus offers corporate jet versions of all of its aircraft family. This includes the A350 XWB – the world’s most modern widebody and the first Airbus aircraft with a carbonfibre fuselage and wings. The corporate jet version features pre-installed Easyfit attachments to simplify cabin-outfitting.

With more than 17,000 orders and over 500 customers and operators, Airbus has one of the largest support networks in the world, serving its corporate jets as well as its airliners. Airbus corporate jet operators also benefit from dedicated services – including a “one call handles all” C4you service, customised maintenance programmes and an ACJ Service Centre Network.

More than 180 Airbus corporate jets are in service on every continent, including Antarctica.

Carbures factura 72 millones en 2016, un 10% más que el año anterior

  • Cierra con un EBITDA positivo que mejora en un 101,9% al de -6,8 millones de 2015
  • Carbures cerró el ejercicio 2016 con una cifra de negocio consolidada de 72,3 millones de euros, lo que supone un 10,5% más que el año anterior y un grado de cumplimiento de su plan de negocio conforme consolidación en un 99,6%.
  • El EBITDA (resultado bruto de explotación) a 31 de diciembre de 2016 se situó en 133.000 euros, que mejora en un 101,9 por ciento el mismo dato del año anterior (-6,8 millones).
  • La división Aerospace & Defense de la Compañía superó las previsiones y facturó 37,9 millones de euros.
  • Carbures Mobility ingresó 33,3 millones, cumpliendo en un 91,6% el plan de negocio conforme consolidación de la Compañía.


El Puerto de Santa María, 4 de abril de 2017. Los resultados financieros del cierre del ejercicio confirman el buen comportamiento industrial de Carbures. La Compañía cierra 2016 con una facturación de 72,3 millones de euros, lo que supone un incremento del 10,5% frente a la de 2015 (65,4 millones). Esta cifra de ventas consolidadas excluye los datos de sus filiales Pypsa –sociedad mantenida para la venta que se dedica a trabajos de obra civil en México- y Harbin, por el método de puesta en equivalencia. El EBITDA (resultado bruto de explotación) a 31 de diciembre de 2016 se situó en 133.000 euros, que mejora extraordinariamente el mismo dato del año anterior (-6,8 millones).


Por divisiones, Carbures Aerospace & Defense cerró el ejercicio pasado con una facturación de 37,9 millones de euros, cumpliendo en un 105,6% las previsiones estimadas en su plan de negocio conforme consolidación presentado en junio de 2016. El principal motivo para este buen dato es el buen desempeño de sus dos plantas principales de producción para el sector aeronáutico, Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz) e Illescas (Toledo), así como la obtención de nuevos contratos por parte de su filial Carbures Defense en actividades de ingeniería y desarrollo de sistemas. Precisamente, uno de los hitos destacables de 2016 fue el premio que Airbus entregó a Carbures como Best Improver del Supply Chain Quality & Improvement Program (SQIP). Carbures fue elegida entre los más de 10.000 proveedores europeos de Airbus como uno de los 29 participantes del programa SQIP por la fortaleza y calidad de su ingeniería y saber-hacer industrial para la fabricación de piezas de avión.

Carbures Mobility, por su parte, ha cumplido en un 91,6% las ventas previstas, alcanzando una cifra de 33,3 millones de euros, debido en gran parte a su línea Carbures Machinery, que  aporta un 80% de los ingresos de esta división.


Carbures Civil Works –centrada en la aplicación de materiales compuestos en construcciones y con gran volumen de trabajo en México- genera unos ingresos de 1,05 millones de euros, cumpliendo en un 391,5% las previsiones de su plan de negocio.


El Presidente Ejecutivo de Carbures, Rafael Contreras, afirma: "Carbures ha cerrado 2016 con buenos resultados, que ponen de manifiesto su buen hacer industrial y la confianza que genera entre sus clientes. Hemos cumplido, conforme nuestro resultado consolidado, con los datos previstos en nuestro plan de negocio y tenemos plena confianza en nuestro desarrollo y crecimiento empresariales". Contreras añade: "Estas buenas cifras vienen impulsadas sobre todo por el buen rendimiento de nuestras fábricas aeronáuticas de Jerez e Illescas así como por la actividad de la planta de Carbures Machinery, en Barcelona, perteneciente a la división Mobility".


Las cuentas anuales consolidadas de 2016 no incluyen la capitalización de deuda por importe de 55,1 millones de euros aprobada en Junta General el 9 de febrero de 2017, aunque sí incluyen el efecto del acuerdo de refinanciación firmado el 29 de diciembre de 2016 con sus principales entidades financieras, lo que le permite reclasificar un importe de deuda de 12 millones de euros a largo plazo, mejorando el fondo de maniobra de la Compañía.  





Sea-Air-Space 2017: Boeing Details Super HORNET Upgrades and Future - Mönch Verlagsgesellschaft mbH