jueves, 20 de diciembre de 2012
Nota de prensa de Iberia sobre el acuerdo con los representantes sindicaltes del 93 por ciento de la plantilla
Compañía y los representantes sindicales reunidos en el SIMA negociarán hasta el 31 de enero los términos del Plan de Transformación y futuro de la empresa
Ambas partes han acordado ampliar dicho plan hasta 2017.
Madrid, 17 de diciembre de 2012.-
Iberia y los representantes de los trabajadores de tierra y TCP, el 93 por ciento de la plantilla, han alcanzado hoy un acuerdo en la sede del SIMA (Servicio Interconfederal de Mediación y Arbitraje) para la negociación del Plan de Transformación y futuro de la compañía.
Iberia ha ratificado en dicha reunión su voluntad de utilizar con carácter prioritario el mecanismo de las prejubilaciones para la reducción de plantilla prevista, vía por la que pueden acogerse un mínimo de dos tercios del total de excedentes. La compañía también contempla en su negociación otras fórmulas como bajas incentivadas, recolocaciones o movilidad geográfica.
Ambas partes han acordado negociar un acuerdo a cinco años, hasta 2017. La compañía recuerda que dicho plan es una clara apuesta de futuro para Iberia, que contempla inversiones multimillonarias en nueva flota, nuevas Clases Business Plus y turista de largo radio, inversiones en el hub de Madrid, en mantenimiento, handling o carga, entre otros.
La compañía se ha comprometido a mantener integrados los negocios de Mantenimiento y Handling dentro del grupo, pero tendrán que asegurar los niveles de rentabilidad necesarios para poder crecer o acudir a las nuevas licencias de handling.
Iberia agradece al SIMA su gran trabajo y la extraordinaria profesionalidad de los mediadores, que han hecho posible el acercamiento de posturas para llegar a este acuerdo tan beneficioso para la empresa, los trabajadores y los clientes.
Esta misma semana, la compañía va a citar al sindicato de pilotos para que se sume al acuerdo y a la voluntad de negociación que han mostrado los demás sindicatos, única vía para sacar la empresa de la situación en la que se encuentra, y asegurar con ello su rentabilidad y sostenibilidad futura. Además, la compañía está interesada en conocer la propuesta del Sepla según la cual los pilotos están dispuestos a rebajarse el sueldo en un 51, tal y como ha anunciado hoy su representante legal en declaraciones radiofónicas.
El Consejo de Administración de Aena adjudica la explotación comercial de las tiendas libres de impuestos de 26 aeropuertos
El Consejo de Administración de Aena adjudica la explotación comercial de las tiendas libres de impuestos de 26 aeropuertos
World Duty Free Group España S.A. es la adjudicataria de los lotes I y II, que agrupan a 20 aeropuertos, entre ellos Madrid-Barajas y Barcelona-El Prat
Canariensis explotará las tiendas del tercer lote, compuesto por seis aeropuertos canarios
En términos medios Aena duplicará los ingresos por esta actividad durante los siete años de vigencia del expediente, e ingresará 100 millones más cada año
El canon ha pasado del 27% actual al 37% en los lotes I y II y al 41,7% en el tercer lote
18 de diciembre de 2012
El Consejo de Administración de Aena Aeropuertos ha adjudicado hoy la explotación de las tiendas libres de impuestos de 26 aeropuertos de la red de Aena distribuidos en tres lotes. Las empresas adjudicatarias son las que presentaron la mejor oferta en la subasta que se realizó en la sede de Aena el pasado 10 de diciembre.
Así, la empresa World Duty Free Group España, S.A. ha sido la adjudicataria de la explotación comercial de las tiendas libres de impuestos de los dos primeros lotes de este expediente, que suman 20 aeropuertos, entre los que figuran Madrid-Barajas y Barcelona-El Prat.
Los lotes I y II están formados por los siguientes aeropuertos:
1.- A Coruña
1.- Alicante
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2.- Almería
2.- Barcelona-El Prat
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3.- Asturias
3.- Girona-Costa Brava
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4.- Bilbao
4.- Ibiza
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5.- FGL Granada-Jaén
5.- Menorca
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6.- Jerez
6.- Murcia-San Javier
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7.- Madrid-Barajas
7.- Palma de Mallorca
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8.- Málaga-Costa del Sol
8.- Reus
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9.- Santander
9.- Valencia
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10.- Santiago
| ||||
11.- Sevilla
Al lote I World Duty Free Group España S.A. presentó la oferta de mayor renta de explotación total por un importe de 753.154.583 euros, unas rentas mínimas garantizadas anuales y un porcentaje de renta media total para todo el periodo del contrato del 36,71%. Esta empresa se encargará de la explotación comercial de 38 puntos de venta que ocupan 18.200 m2 en los once aeropuertos del lote.
En cuanto al lote II, la oferta de la empresa World Duty Free Group España S.A. fue la de mayor renta de explotación total por un importe de 887.619.869 euros, unas rentas mínimas garantizadas anuales y un porcentaje de renta media total para todo el periodo del contrato del 36,55%. Esta empresa se encargará de la explotación comercial de 29 puntos de venta que ocupan 18.700 m2 en los nueve aeropuertos del lote.
El periodo de vigencia de esta adjudicación va desde la entrega de locales en 2013 hasta el 31 de octubre de 2020.
El tercer lote ha sido adjudicado a la Sociedad de Distribución Comercial Aeroportuaria de Canarias, S.L. (Canariensis), que presentó la mejor oferta para la explotación comercial de las tiendas libres de impuestos de seis aeropuertos de la red de Aena en Canarias por 323.501.472,42 euros de renta de explotación total, unas rentas mínimas garantizadas (RMG) anuales y un porcentaje de renta media total para todo el periodo del contrato del 41,78%. Esta empresa se encargará de la explotación comercial de 13 puntos de venta que ocupan 8.000 m2 en los citados seis aeropuertos.
El lote III está formado por los siguientes aeropuertos:
1.- Fuerteventura
2.- Gran Canaria
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3.- La Palma
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4.- Lanzarote
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5.- Tenerife Norte
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6.- Tenerife Sur
El plazo contará desde la entrega de locales (entre 2013 y 2016 según vencimientos escalonados) hasta el 31 de octubre de 2020.
Aena considera que la subasta fue un éxito, ya que se ha pasado del 27% actual del canon actual al 37% en los lotes I y II y al 41,7% en el tercer lote.
Además, en términos medios Aena duplicará los ingresos por esta actividad durante los siete años de vigencia del expediente, e ingresará 100 millones más cada año.
Este expediente ha sido la mayor licitación de tiendas libres de impuestos del mundo para esta actividad. Por primera vez se ha seguido el procedimiento de subasta para llevar a cabo la adjudicación de un expediente de contratación de tiendas, en la que actuó como notario don Pablo Ramallo Taboada del Ilustre Colegio de Madrid.
De esta forma, Aena ha garantizado la máxima transparencia en su realización, y además ha obtenido el mejor precio ofertado por los candidatos.
Un total de cinco aeropuertos que no tienen en la actualidad tiendas libres de impuestos se suman a esta oferta comercial: A Coruña, Asturias, Federico García Lorca Granada-Jaén, Murcia-San Javier y Santander.
Superjet accident in Indonesia: Human error
NTSC final accident investigation report of the Sukhoi RRJ-95B aircraft, registration 97004 at Mount Salak, West of Java on 9 May
A Sukhoi RRJ-95B aircraft, registered 97004, with a flight number RA 36801 on 9 May 2012 was conducting a demonstration flight from Halim Perdanakusuma International Airport, Jakarta. The accident flight was the second of the two scheduled demonstration flights.
Occupants of the flight were 45 persons consisted of two pilots, one navigator, one test flight engineer, and 41 passengers. The passengers consisted of 4 Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company (SCAC) personnel, one engine manufacturer (SNECMA) personnel, and 36 invited passengers (including 34 Indonesian, one American and one French nationality).
The flight was planned under the Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) at an altitude of 10,000 feet and the estimated elapsed time was 30 minutes with total fuel endurance of 4 hours. The area for the demonstration flight was planned over "Bogor" Area however the pilot might assume that the flight was approved to 20 Nm on radial 200 HLM VOR.
The available charts on board the aircraft did not contain information relating to the "Bogor" Area and the nearby terrain.
The Pilot In Command acted as pilot flying while the Second In Command acted as pilot monitoring during this flight. A representative of potential customer sat on the observer seat (jump seat) in the cockpit.
At 0720 UTC (1420 LT), the flight took off from runway 06 then turned right to intercept 200 radial from HLM VOR and climb to 10,000 feet.
At 0724 UTC (1424 LT), the pilot contacted Jakarta Approach controller and
informed that the flight was established on 200 radial HLM VOR and reached 10,000 feet.
At 0726 UTC (1426 LT), the pilot contacted Jakarta Approach controller and
requested for descent to 6,000 feet and subsequently requested to make a right orbit and was approved by Jakarta Approach controller.
At 0732:26 UTC (1432:26 LT - time based on Flight Data Recorder/FDR) the aircraft impacted a ridge of Mount Salak on 28 Nm HLM VOR on radial 198 at coordinate 06°42'45"S 106°44'05"E, approximately 6,000 feet ASL.
38 seconds prior to impact, the Terrain Awareness Warning System (TAWS) audio warning "TERRAIN AHEAD, PULL UP" activated once and "AVOID TERRAIN" activated 6 times. The PIC inhibited the TAWS system assuming that the warning was a problem on the database.
Seven seconds prior to impact, the flight warning system "LANDING GEAR NOT
DOWN" activated.
At 0750 UTC (1450 LT), the Jakarta Approach controller on duty noticed that the flight target disappeared on the radar monitor. There was no alert on the Jakarta Radar system prior to the disappearance of the target.
On 10 May 2012, the location of the aircraft was identified by the Search and Rescue helicopter pilot.
All occupants were fatally injured and aircraft was destroyed.
The Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) was found at 15 May 2012. The memory module was in good condition and contained 2 hours of good quality recording.
The Flight Data Recorder (FDR) was found on 31 May 2012. It contained 471 parameters of 150 hours recording time.
Both recorders were downloaded in the NTSC facility by the NTSC experts and were assisted by the Russian experts.
A simulation test suggested that a recovery action might have avoided the collision with terrain up to 24 seconds after the first TAWS warning.
Jakarta Radar Services had not established a minimum altitude for vectoring aircraft for certain areas and the Minimum Safe Altitude Warning (MSAW) did not provide warnings to the Jakarta Approach controller before the aircraft impacted.
The investigation concluded that the factors contributing to this accident were:
a. The crew were not aware of the mountainous area surrounding the flight path due to various factors resulting in disregarding the TAWS warning.
b. The Jakarta Radar service had not established the minimum vectoring altitudes and the system was not equipped with functioning MSAW for the particular area surrounding Mount Salak.
c. Distraction to the flight crew from prolonged conversation not related to the progress of the flight resulted in the pilot flying did not continue to change the aircraft heading while in orbit. Consequently, the aircraft unintentionally exited the orbit.
Following this investigation the Indonesia Directorate General of Civil Aviation, PT. Angkasa Pura II and the Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company have performed several safety actions.
The NTSC issued Immediate Recommendation and several Safety Recommendations to the Indonesia Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), Soekarno-Hatta International Airport International Airport, Department of Aviation Industry – the Ministry of Trade and Industry of Russia and Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company of Russian Federation.
A Sukhoi RRJ-95B aircraft, registered 97004, with a flight number RA 36801 on 9 May 2012 was conducting a demonstration flight from Halim Perdanakusuma International Airport, Jakarta. The accident flight was the second of the two scheduled demonstration flights.
Occupants of the flight were 45 persons consisted of two pilots, one navigator, one test flight engineer, and 41 passengers. The passengers consisted of 4 Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company (SCAC) personnel, one engine manufacturer (SNECMA) personnel, and 36 invited passengers (including 34 Indonesian, one American and one French nationality).
The flight was planned under the Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) at an altitude of 10,000 feet and the estimated elapsed time was 30 minutes with total fuel endurance of 4 hours. The area for the demonstration flight was planned over "Bogor" Area however the pilot might assume that the flight was approved to 20 Nm on radial 200 HLM VOR.
The available charts on board the aircraft did not contain information relating to the "Bogor" Area and the nearby terrain.
The Pilot In Command acted as pilot flying while the Second In Command acted as pilot monitoring during this flight. A representative of potential customer sat on the observer seat (jump seat) in the cockpit.
At 0720 UTC (1420 LT), the flight took off from runway 06 then turned right to intercept 200 radial from HLM VOR and climb to 10,000 feet.
At 0724 UTC (1424 LT), the pilot contacted Jakarta Approach controller and
informed that the flight was established on 200 radial HLM VOR and reached 10,000 feet.
At 0726 UTC (1426 LT), the pilot contacted Jakarta Approach controller and
requested for descent to 6,000 feet and subsequently requested to make a right orbit and was approved by Jakarta Approach controller.
At 0732:26 UTC (1432:26 LT - time based on Flight Data Recorder/FDR) the aircraft impacted a ridge of Mount Salak on 28 Nm HLM VOR on radial 198 at coordinate 06°42'45"S 106°44'05"E, approximately 6,000 feet ASL.
38 seconds prior to impact, the Terrain Awareness Warning System (TAWS) audio warning "TERRAIN AHEAD, PULL UP" activated once and "AVOID TERRAIN" activated 6 times. The PIC inhibited the TAWS system assuming that the warning was a problem on the database.
Seven seconds prior to impact, the flight warning system "LANDING GEAR NOT
DOWN" activated.
At 0750 UTC (1450 LT), the Jakarta Approach controller on duty noticed that the flight target disappeared on the radar monitor. There was no alert on the Jakarta Radar system prior to the disappearance of the target.
On 10 May 2012, the location of the aircraft was identified by the Search and Rescue helicopter pilot.
All occupants were fatally injured and aircraft was destroyed.
The Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) was found at 15 May 2012. The memory module was in good condition and contained 2 hours of good quality recording.
The Flight Data Recorder (FDR) was found on 31 May 2012. It contained 471 parameters of 150 hours recording time.
Both recorders were downloaded in the NTSC facility by the NTSC experts and were assisted by the Russian experts.
A simulation test suggested that a recovery action might have avoided the collision with terrain up to 24 seconds after the first TAWS warning.
Jakarta Radar Services had not established a minimum altitude for vectoring aircraft for certain areas and the Minimum Safe Altitude Warning (MSAW) did not provide warnings to the Jakarta Approach controller before the aircraft impacted.
The investigation concluded that the factors contributing to this accident were:
a. The crew were not aware of the mountainous area surrounding the flight path due to various factors resulting in disregarding the TAWS warning.
b. The Jakarta Radar service had not established the minimum vectoring altitudes and the system was not equipped with functioning MSAW for the particular area surrounding Mount Salak.
c. Distraction to the flight crew from prolonged conversation not related to the progress of the flight resulted in the pilot flying did not continue to change the aircraft heading while in orbit. Consequently, the aircraft unintentionally exited the orbit.
Following this investigation the Indonesia Directorate General of Civil Aviation, PT. Angkasa Pura II and the Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company have performed several safety actions.
The NTSC issued Immediate Recommendation and several Safety Recommendations to the Indonesia Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), Soekarno-Hatta International Airport International Airport, Department of Aviation Industry – the Ministry of Trade and Industry of Russia and Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company of Russian Federation.
"Laos Certified Sukhoi Superjet 100"
Laos Certified Sukhoi Superjet 100
On December 19, 2012 Department of Civil Aviation of the Ministry of Public Works and Transport of Lao People's Democratic Republic validated the Type Certificate for the Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft (RRJ-95B).
This validation confirms compliance of the SSJ100 to the certification requirements of the Laos Aviation Authority, allowing its export to Indonesia and operation by Laos airlines without restrictions.
"We are glad that Sukhoi Superjet 100 has been recognized by the countries of the Southeast Asia. This will allow SCAC to deliver the aircraft to Laos", said Igor Vinogradov, SCAC First Vice-President for Development and Certification.
In March 2011 Laos air carrier Lao Central (earlier Phongsavanh) and JSC "Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company" signed a contract for delivery of three Sukhoi Superjet 100. The first delivery is expected in early 2013.
In January 2011 the SSJ100 obtained the Type Certificate by the Russian Certification Authority IAC AR. In February 2012 the aircraft achieved the EASA Type Certificate, followed by the validation of Mexican Aviation Authorities in April 2012. In November 2012 Sukhoi Superjet 100 Certificate Type was validated by the Indonesian authorities.
The SSJ100 is a 100 seat regional jet designed, developed and built by Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company (SCAC), in partnership with Alenia Aermacchi, a Finmeccanica Company. On May 19th 2008 SSJ100 successfully accomplished its first flight. The Sukhoi Superjet 100 cruises at a Maximum Operating Speed of Mach 0.81 and 40,000 feet. It takes off from a 1,731 meters runway in the basic range and 2,052 meters in the long range. The operating range for the basic version is 3,048 km and 4,578 km for the long range version.
Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company. The Company's shareholders are the Sukhoi Holding owing 75% – 1 share and the Italian Alenia Aermacchi, a Finmeccanica Company, holding 25% + 1 share since April 7, 2009. Sukhoi Civil Aircraft was founded in 2000 to develop new regional aircraft projects. SCAC is in charge of the aircraft production. The company is also responsible for SSJ100 sales in Russia, the CIS, China, India, Middle East and Southeast Asia. Headquartered in Moscow, SCAC has several production branches seated in Russian cities of Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Novosibirsk and Voronezh. Sukhoi Superjet 100 is the Company's major project.
Lockheed Martin Marks 100th Anniversary Of Lockheed Company Founding
Lockheed Martin [NYSE: LMT] is commemorating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Lockheed Company, which was originally incorporated on Dec. 19, 1912, in San Francisco, Calif.
To mark the occasion, Lockheed Martin is making donations in honor of Lockheed’s founders to the Burbank Historical Society’s Gordon R. Howard Museum and the Huntington Library, Art Collections and Botanical Gardens. Both organizations work to preserve the history of the early aerospace industry in Calif.
Today’s milestone is part of a year-long campaign, during which the company is highlighting 100 stories from its history at www.lockheedmartin.com/100years and conducting 100 community service projects, from packing 2,400 Thanksgiving dinners for needy families to stuffing 20,000 care packages for troops overseas.
One hundred years ago, brothers Allan and Malcolm Lockheed founded their company out of a garage, where they worked nights and weekends building theirModel G seaplane, the largest in the world at the time. Allan, a naturally gifted pilot, and Malcolm, a savvy engineer and mechanic, overcame several early setbacks and turned the Model G into a success.
“It took the Lockheed brothers two years of hard work to get their first plane airborne, and they faced innumerable technical and operational challenges along the way,” said Bob Stevens, Lockheed Martin Chairman and CEO. “But they pressed on, because they knew that pushing the boundaries of innovation is neither simple nor easy. A century later, that same dedication still propels us to take on our customers’ toughest challenges.”
The Model G’s breakthrough sparked a string of innovations that helped usher in the golden age of aviation. The brothers’ second plane, the F-1 Flying Boat, earned the fledgling company its first military contract.
“Our founders – the Lockheed brothers and Glenn L. Martin – were visionary and relentless innovators,” said Marillyn Hewson, Lockheed Martin President and COO. “It’s no coincidence that both Lockheed and Martin chose a bold, dynamic star as their company logo. To them, the star represented performance, leadership and integrity – the same principles it represents for us today.”
In 1995, Lockheed Corporation merged with Martin Marietta, also founded in 1912 as the Glenn L. Martin Company, to form today’s Lockheed Martin. The corporation also celebrated the Martin anniversary on Aug. 16.
Headquartered in Bethesda, Md., Lockheed Martin is a global security and aerospace company that employs about 120,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products and services. The corporation’s net sales for 2011 were $46.5 billion.
[photo] Northrop Grumman, U.S. Navy Complete At-Sea Deck Handling Trials of X-47B Unmanned Demonstrator
NAVAL AIR STATION PATUXENT RIVER, Md., Dec. 19, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE:NOC) and the U.S. Navy have successfully completed a series of deck handling trials of the X-47B Unmanned Combat Air System (UCAS) demonstrator aircraft aboard the aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman (CVN-75).
The exercises, conducted from Nov. 27 to Dec. 17, demonstrated the ability to maneuver the tailless, strike-fighter-sized aircraft quickly and precisely on the flight deck using a wireless handheld controller. They are the latest in a series of test activities leading up to the first carrier landings of the X-47B planned for 2013.
"The X-47B deck trials proved convincingly that the design and operation of the aircraft are fully compatible with the rhythm and operational requirements of the carrier flight deck," said Mike Mackey, UCAS-D program director for Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems. "They provided a major boost to the team's confidence as we move steadily toward our first carrier landings next year."
Northrop Grumman is the Navy's prime contractor for the UCAS-Carrier Demonstration (UCAS-D) program. The company designed and produced two X-47B aircraft for the program. One aircraft was on the ship; the other remains at Naval Air Station Patuxent River where it is undergoing additional shore-based carrier suitability testing.
The deck trials were conducted both while the USS Harry S. Truman was in port at Naval Station Norfolk, and while the ship was under way off the coast of Virginia.
Mackey said the testing included taxiing the X-47B on the flight deck, maneuvering the aircraft up to the ship's catapults using the Northrop Grumman-designed Control Display Unit; taxiing the aircraft over the ship's arresting cables and conducting fueling operations. The team also moved the aircraft up and down the ship's elevators between the flight deck and the hangar bay.
"We proved that the X-47B air system is mature and can perform flawlessly in the most hostile electromagnetic environment on earth, a Nimitz class Navy aircraft carrier," added Mackey.
In 2013, the UCAS-D program plans to begin conducting shore-based arrested landings of the X-47B at Patuxent River. Carrier trials, which will include both landings and catapult launches, are planned for later in the spring. For the latest X-47B news and information, please visit www.as.northropgrumman.com/products/nucasx47b/.
Northrop Grumman's UCAS-D industry team includes Pratt & Whitney, Lockheed Martin, GKN Aerospace, Eaton, General Electric, UTC Aerospace Systems, Dell, Honeywell, Moog, Wind River, Parker Aerospace and Rockwell Collins.
Boeing Delivers 1st P-8I Maritime Patrol Aircraft
India to receive 3 P-8Is by end of 2013
EATTLE, Dec. 20, 2012 -- Boeing [NYSE: BA] on Dec. 19 made an on-site delivery of the first P-8I aircraft to the Indian Navy in Seattle, in accordance with the contract.
India will receive this aircraft and two more of its eight contracted P-8Is in 2013. The program is progressing on schedule as Boeing assembles the fourth and fifth P-8Is, which are designed for long-range maritime reconnaissance and anti-submarine warfare.
Pegasus selects up to 100 A320neo Family Aircraft
Pegasus Airlines, the second largest airline in Turkey, has signed for up to 100 A320neo Family aircraft (58 A320neo and 17 A321neo models), of which 75 are firm orders. Pegasus becomes a new Airbus customer and the first Turkish airline to order the A320neo.
This is the largest single commercial aircraft order ever placed by an airline in Turkey, and was announced today at a ceremony attended by Binali Yıldırım, the Turkish Minister of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communication, Ali Sabanci, Chairman of Pegasus, Sertac Haybat, CEO of Pegasus and Christopher Buckley, Airbus Executive Vice President Europe, Asia and Pacific.
“It is with great pride that we are placing the biggest order in the history of Turkish civil aviation with Airbus for up to 100 A320neo Family aircraft,” said Ali Sabanci, Chairman of Pegasus. “At Pegasus, we believe that everyone has the right to fly, and the A320neo with its 15 percent fuel burn reduction combined with superior cabin comfort made it without a doubt the best choice for achieving our ambitious future development plans.”
“We are delighted to welcome Pegasus as a new Airbus customer,” said John Leahy, Airbus Chief Operating Officer, Customers. “Airlines around the world are focused on growing their business profitably and the A320neo offers them a solution for doing just that. New generation technologies on the NEO, such as Sharklets and more efficient engines will cut fuel burn by 15 percent, and in addition operators will benefit from the proven high reliability of the A320 Family.”
Pegasus’ new aircraft will be configured in a comfortable all economy layout with 180 seats in the A320neo and 220 seats in the A321neo. They will be deployed on Pegasus’ rapidly expanding network from Istanbul to destinations in Turkey, Europe and the Middle East.
Incorporating new engines and large "Sharklet" wing tip devices, the A320neo Family will deliver fuel savings of 15 percent. The reduction in fuel burn is equivalent to 1.4 million litres of fuel - the consumption of 1,000 mid size cars, saving 3,600 tonnes of C02 per aircraft per year. In addition, the A320neo Family will provide a double-digit reduction in NOx emissions and reduced engine noise.
With more than 8,800 aircraft ordered and over 5,300 aircraft delivered to over 380 customers and operators worldwide, the A320 Family is the world's best-selling single-aisle aircraft family.
Cassidian electro-optics protects against laser-guided weapons
- Laser beams disable enemy optical targeting systems with outstanding precision
- Sensor with extremely high resolution guarantees exact detection of threats
Cassidian, the defence and security division of EADS, has developed an electronic defence system which, for the first time, will provide vehicles, ships and helicopters with reliable protection against laser-guided weapons.
“The threat from lasers to armed forces on a mission is continuing to increase, because weapons such as laser-guided missiles or sniper rifles with laser targeting optics are widespread,” explains Elmar Compans, head of the Sensors & Electronic Warfare unit at Cassidian. “Through the combination of our many years of experience with laser warning sensors and the most varied defence lasers, as well as the use of commercially available components, we have succeeded in developing a uniquely effective, targeted countermeasure.”
The defence concept, which Cassidian has developed for the German procurement authority, is based on the so-called “dazzling” process, which means dazzling the targeting optics of the enemy missile with an eye-safe laser beam. Laser-guided missiles are guided to their targets by the marksman keeping the weapon station’s sight aimed at the target. The weapon station either sends control signals to the missile via laser, or it aims a laser beam itself at the target, whose reflections then guide the missile to its target. In both cases, the marksman can no longer track the target due to the dazzling beam so that the missile no longer receives any targeting information and shoots past the target. The most common countermeasure currently is to spray artificial fog.
Cassidian’s defence system uses special multispectral technology which is also effective against protective goggles. The use of an eye-safe laser is important to be able to use the system even in a civil environment, e.g. on board ships or helicopters in harbours or airports. This means that the dazzling is not associated with eye damage. Working together with the Luftwaffe Institute of Aviation Medicine, Cassidian has carried out a medicinal study and shown that the dazzle effect falls below the radiant flux density which is permissible for eyes. For protection to be effective, a threat must be quickly and precisely detected by a sensor with a very high directional resolution, which enables the precise targeting of the laser beam. Cassidian’s defence system has demonstrated its effectiveness during successful field tests at the Bundeswehr Technical Centre 81 in Greding. Further tests are to follow next year.
Cassidian is one of the world leaders in missile warning systems. The MILDS warning sensor (MILDS = Missile Launch Detection System,http://www.cassidian.com/en_US/web/guest/milds-an/aar-601), for example, with over 8,000 units sold, is the standard system for helicopters and mission aircraft.
Over 6,000 students worldwide rise to the Airbus Fly Your Ideas challenge
- Twice as many participants as in the previous competition to shape the future of aviation
More than 6,000 students of over 100 nationalities registered for Fly Your Ideas 2013, the global university contest organized by the leading aircraft manufacturer Airbus. Teams of students are challenged to develop and submit ideas for a more sustainable aviation industry in the future. Twice as many students as in the previous competition have registered this time.
The students are looking to secure an invaluable opportunity to work with aviation’s top experts to develop their idea further and a chance to win the prize of €30,000
Airbus assessors are currently reviewing entries to select the most innovative ideas to go on to the next round. No more than 100 teams will be chosen to proceed.
This year the teams were asked to submit ideas to address one of the following challenges: “Energy”; “Efficiency”; “Affordable Growth”; “Traffic Growth”; “Passenger Experience”; or “Community Friendliness.”
“There has been a remarkable increase in the number of entries and we have maintained a great mix of participants” explained Charles Champion, Airbus Executive Vice President of Engineering and Fly Your Ideas patron. “We are really excited by this as we believe that innovation is driven by diversity in backgrounds, nationalities, as well as gender.” he added.
The teams must complete three progressively tougher rounds in order to progress to the final stage when they will present their project in front of a jury of experts with the award to be presented at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris in June 2013.
UNESCO has given patronage to the 2013 edition of the Fly Your Ideas competition.
- Pictures and information available on: http://www.airbus.com/presscentre/pressroom/
- More details on challenges and on the competition on: http://www.airbus-fyi.com/
About Fly Your Ideas 2013
Following 6089 registrations, 618 teams of 3 to 5 students comprising 2556 participants of 82 nationalities submitted a one page proposal to enter Round One of the Fly Your Ideas challenge.
UNESCO has given patronage to the 2013 edition of the Fly Your Ideas competition to help advance engineering education which is focused on finding solutions for a sustainable future.
Competition Calendar
Round One - 3 September 2012 - 7 December 2012 (One page proposal)
Round Two - January 2013 - April 2013 (up to 100 teams chosen to deliver a 5000 word report and a short video)
Round Three - May 2013 - June 2013 (5 teams chosen to present to a jury of Airbus and industry experts)
Final presentation and awards – June 2013
Fly Your Ideas 2011
2,260 students from 75 countries registered for the competition; 84 teams were selected for Round 2, with 5 teams going through to the final.
WINNERS 2011: China - China’s Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics won with their ground-based wind power generation system that exploits the wakes of aircraft during take-off and landing. Xinyuan Zheng, spokesperson for the team, said: “To participate in the 2011 Airbus Fly Your Ideas challenge was a great experience for us and we were very proud to win.”
WINNERS 2009: Australia - The multinational team ‘Coz’ from the University of Queensland, Australia, were awarded the winning prize in June 2009. Their project focused on the use of a pioneering natural fibre composite - made from castor plants - in aircraft cabins.
Cassidian to deliver test system for Tiger helicopter maintenance
- Contract awarded from OCCAR Tiger Division
- Cassidian's expertise in opto-electronic test engineering as crucial criteria
Cassidian has been awarded a contract from OCCAR Tiger Division to provide a turnkey test system to support the maintenance of opto-electronic equipment used on the German version of the Tiger helicopter. A key factor in the decision to use the Cassidian solution was its expertise in opto-electronic test engineering which has successfully supported many key projects with demanding test requirements.
The Test Instrumentation Gunner Sight System (TIGSS) is an advanced test system used to test the optronic and electronic equipment inside the observation and targeting sight which is fitted above the helicopter to enable it to identify hidden targets.
TIGSS is designed to be either installed in a workshop building or easily deployed in a tent-based workshop environment. Hence the optical and electrical test benches in the TIGSS concept are housed in ruggedised cases which enable them to be easily transported in standard industrial containers. When handling sensitive optical equipment it is essential to use “cleanroom” conditions to ensure, via special doors and air conditioning systems, that the workshop atmosphere does not contain any dust particles which could impair the correct functioning of the equipment. As part of this project Cassidian will also supply the deployable cleanroom workshop which will enable TIGSS to be used in locations where a stationary cleanroom is not available. This tentbased solution is based on technology already used in medical care and disaster relief systems provided by Cassidian.
Read more: www.eads-ts.com
Airbus delivers first A330 Freighter in the Americas to Tampa Cargo
Tampa Cargo, AviancaTaca Holding’s cargo airline based in Colombia, has taken delivery of the first of four new A330 Freighter (A330-200F) aircraft at Airbus facilities in Toulouse, France. The aircraft is powered by Rolls-Royce Trent 772B engines. The new aircraft is part of the airline’s fleet renewal strategy and will allow Tampa to expand its presence in new and existing international markets, including Brazil, Ecuador, Mexico, the United States and Uruguay.
“We are confident in the A330-200F’s proven advanced technology, eco-efficiency and range,” said Fabio Villegas, CEO of AviancaTaca. “Tampa Cargo looks forward to growing its cargo business and serving our customers in the Americas by partnering with Airbus and integrating the first A330-200F into its fleet.”
“With the capacity and range to profitably serve the growing cargo markets of Latin America, the A330-200F flies more payload significantly further while offering lower cost-per-tonne than its nearest competitor,” said John Leahy, Airbus’ Chief Operating Officer - Customers. “Airbus is pleased that Tampa Cargo will be the first in the region to benefit from the exceptional economics that the A330-200F offers.”
Notable economic benefits for Tampa Cargo include operational commonality with the A330-200 passenger aircraft of which the airline has ordered 10 aircraft. Benefiting from the technical superiority, its outstanding operational reliability and the success of the passenger version, the A330-200F is the world’s most modern mid-size freighter which can carry 70 tonnes of payload, with a range capability of up to 4,000nm. This will allow the airline to serve both regional and intercontinental destinations.
In the current market situation with fluctuating demand and dominated by old and less fuel efficient large aircraft, the mid-size freighter A330-200F is the clear way to secure sustained profitability. To date, 15 of these A330 freighters are flying with six operators worldwide.
AviancaTaca has purchased a total of 190 Airbus aircraft and has a backlog of almost 80 aircraft. Overall Airbus has sold more than 750 aircraft throughout Latin America and the Caribbean and currently holds a backlog that exceeds 370. In the last 10 years, Airbus tripled its in-service fleet in the region, while delivering more than 60 percent of all aircraft operating there.
The Airbus Foundation, AviancaTaca and Tampa Cargo seized this delivery to ship teddy bears as part of a charitable Christmas initiative. Destined to bring smiles to underprivileged children in Colombia, the more than 1000 stuffed toys were donated by Airbus employees from France, Germany and the UK with help from Aviation Sans Frontières, an Airbus Foundation partner for the past four years.
El Pampa II remotorizado argentino inicia los ensayos de lanzamiento de armamento
El Pampa II remotorizado argentino inicia los ensayos de lanzamiento de armamento:
Según una fuente oficial de la Fuerza Aérea Argentina, actualmente el IA-63 Pampa II, con el nuevo motor Honeywell TFE-731-40-2N, se encuentra certificado en toda la envolvente de vuelo, aunque sin uso de armamento.

«Die Welt» asegura que la compañía irlandesa se ahorra unos 50 millones de euros al año mintiendo sobre el peso al despegue de sus aviones
Siempre de acuerdo con ese medio, Ryanair habría declarado como peso en el despegue de esos aparatos 67 toneladas, cuando en realidad se trata de 75 toneladas.
Fuentes de la Agencia de Seguridad Aérea alemana (DFS) han confirmado, según «Die Welt», las acusaciones del rotativo.
X-47B completes first sea trials
X-47B completes first sea trials: 

The Northrop Grumman X-47B Unmanned Combat Air System (UCAS) demonstrator completed its first sea trials aboard the Nimitz-class nuclear powered aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman this week. The unmanned aircraft was shipped aboard the Truman on November 26 and has been subjected to a wide variety of tests to see how the robotic vehicle operates on a warship.
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The Northrop Grumman X-47B Unmanned Combat Air System (UCAS) demonstrator completed its first sea trials aboard the Nimitz-class nuclear powered aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman this week. The unmanned aircraft was shipped aboard the Truman on November 26 and has been subjected to a wide variety of tests to see how the robotic vehicle operates on a warship.
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La Comisión Europea propone nuevas normas para prevenir accidentes aéreos
La Comisión Europea propone nuevas normas para prevenir accidentes aéreos:
Bruselas.- La Comisión Europea propuso ayer nuevas normas para mejorar la protección de los pasajeros aéreos, con el objetivo de lograr una disminución del número de accidentes de aviación y muertes a través de un mejor uso de los datos sobre incidentes.
Bruselas.- La Comisión Europea propuso ayer nuevas normas para mejorar la protección de los pasajeros aéreos, con el objetivo de lograr una disminución del número de accidentes de aviación y muertes a través de un mejor uso de los datos sobre incidentes.
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