lunes, 13 de enero de 2014

Taller-Seminario. Técnicas para combatir la aerofobia.Por encima del miedo

Taller-Seminario. Técnicas para combatir la aerofobia.
Este taller-seminario forma parte de un elaborado proyecto, desde el que pretendemos ayudar, de un modo ameno y participativo, a superar los temores que tienen lugar a hora de tomar un vuelo.

Durante aproximadamente 3 horas, asistirás a una conferencia impartida por una técnico de vuelo que explicará los sistemas de seguridad, ruidos e incidencias técnicas habituales que pueden acontecer en vuelo, así como su sencilla resolución. Del mismo modo se indicará a los asistentes todos los servicios a los que tienen derecho en vuelo y se permitirá un espacio para dudas y consultas.

Tras su ponencia, una psicóloga-coach mostrará unas interesantes técnicas de relajación útiles para aplicar en la aeronave en caso de crisis de ansiedad, así como algunos otros métodos de control del miedo.

Precio de reservas:
Socios: GRATIS.
No socios: 3€ p/persona.

16:30 a 19:30 horas.

Puedes reservar una plaza en la actividad hasta 1 día antes del inicio del evento.

Representantes del sector aeronáutico español estudian la fábrica del futuro - Actualidad Aeroespacial - 15-12-2013

Representantes del sector aeronáutico español estudian la fábrica del futuro - Actualidad Aeroespacial - 15-12-2013

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Argentina seeks Kfir deal with Israel

Argentina seeks Kfir deal with Israel

Argentina is negotiating a deal to purchase 18 rebuilt and upgraded Kfir Block 60 fighters from Israel Aerospace Industries

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Airbus looks at exit options for 189-seat A320

Airbus looks at exit options for 189-seat A320

Airbus believes it might be able to find an alternative to pop-up overwing exits that will nevertheless allow the A320 to be certificated for 189 passengers.

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New Airbus aircraft list prices for 2014

New Airbus aircraft list prices for 2014

Price adjustment for Airbus' modern, fuel-efficient aircraft Family

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Airbus maintains the market lead in 2013 and prepares its 2014 “roadmap for success”

Airbus maintains the market lead in 2013 and prepares its 2014 "roadmap for success"

Airbus' 2013 record commercial results and industrial performance confirm benefits of the company's...

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A330 Re-Engining “An Option”, But No Quick Decision Planned

A330 Re-Engining "An Option", But No Quick Decision Planned

Airbus continues to play down the idea of a re-engined Airbus A330

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Airbus Eyes A320 Production Rate Rise After Record 2013

Airbus Eyes A320 Production Rate Rise After Record 2013

Airbus is looking at an increase in narrowbody production.

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Electric Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) 2013-2023 -

Electric Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) 2013-2023 -

Electric Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) 2013-2023
There is a concept of a military UAV, maybe hybrid electric, that performs its mission then dives like a gannet and hides underwater. Vertical take-off and landing UAVs are now commonplace, the best known being toys that can be programmed in a desired ...
RNCOS White Paper: Global Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Market to ...

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La piloto Marta Pérez-Aranda se convierte en la primera mujer comandante de Iberia en vuelos de largo radio | Aerotendencias

Airbus Considers Larger A350-800

Airbus Considers Larger A350-800

Airbus is quietly moving away from the current design of the A350-800

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Airbus sets new records in orders, deliveries and backlog

Airbus sets new records in orders, deliveries and backlog

Market lead in widebody and single aisle aircraft

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A350 XWB passes ultimate load wing test

A350 XWB passes ultimate load wing test

Another step on the road towards certification for the A350 XWB

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China Expands Budget To Support Strategic Aims

China Expands Budget To Support Strategic Aims

Defense spending bolsters China's influence

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China Bets Big On 'Iron Bird' Of The Skies

China Bets Big On 'Iron Bird' Of The Skies

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Reducir los costos de su Dreamliner se hace vital para Boeing - The Wall Street Journal Americas

Reducir los costos de su Dreamliner se hace vital para Boeing - The Wall Street Journal Americas

The Wall Street Journal Americas

Reducir los costos de su Dreamliner se hace vital para Boeing
The Wall Street Journal Americas
Boeing registró el año pasado su cuarta alza consecutiva en nuevos pedidos de aviones. El gigante aeroespacial estadounidense también batió su marca previa de entregas de aviones y se dispone a superar a su archirrival Airbus Group NV por segundo ...

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Norwegian Air Shuttle plans imminent opening of US crew bases

Norwegian Air Shuttle plans imminent opening of US crew bases

Low-cost carrier Norwegian Air Shuttle is about to open its first US crew base as it prepares to step up transatlantic flights by its new long-haul division.

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Southwest Pulls a Dreamlifter – Wrong Airport!

Southwest Pulls a Dreamlifter – Wrong Airport!

Photo of WN 3014, evacuated on the airfield at the wrong airport! – Photo: Scott Schieffer

Details are still coming in, but according to @scottDallasTX and other media sources, Southwest Flight 3014, from Chicago (Midway) landed at the wrong Branson, MO airport this evening (cause there are tons of Branson airports).  Again, details are coming, but it appears they landed at the College of the Ozarks airport (PLK), with only a 3700′ runway.  Does anybody know – is that long enough for a 737 t0 take off?

This is strangely reminiscent of the situation last month where a Boeing 747 Dreamlifter, operated by Atlas Air, landed at the wrong airport in Wichita.  When fields are in close proximity, mistakes can happen.

Tweet from a passenger on WN 3014 – via Twitter

According to Scott, the landing was efficient, but scary.

More to follow!

Update (7:20PM PDT): It looks like the Southwest Boeing 737-700 CAN take off with this limited runway, albeit likely empty.  Expecting a big day tomorrow for internet viewers?  (H/T to Managing Correspondent @BigMalX).





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France approves latest Rafale upgrade plan

France approves latest Rafale upgrade plan

France has given the go-ahead to Dassault for a further iterative development of the Rafale combat aircraft.

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Boeing's Challenger-based maritime surveillance aircraft nears first flight

Boeing's Challenger-based maritime surveillance aircraft nears first flight

Boeing's maritime surveillance aircraft (MSA) demonstrator will soon take to the skies.

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Integración de UAVs en sistemas de combate navales: un nuevo capítulo en la Aviación Naval

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