martes, 8 de marzo de 2022

[España] Grupo Álava y Telefónica Tech se unen para ofrecer una solución de mantenimiento predictivo para el sector industrial

Nota de Prensa

“La unión de la tecnología 5G y tecnología predictiva permite dar un paso de gigante a las distintas industrias en la digitalización de sus procesos industriales. Gracias a este acuerdo, el mercado dispone de la solución única que mejora la productividad y rentabilidad de su negocio. Entendemos que esta unión ofrece garantías a nuestros clientes actuales y futuros de mejorar tu competitividad en el mercado internacional, gracias a la adopción de soluciones de digitalización de procesos, mantenimiento predictivo de activos, gemelos digitales, mejora de calidad de producto final y otro gran número de aportaciones que podemos hacer a su negocio”. - Yago Sanchez, Director de Alianzas de Grupo Álava

La solución tratará de impulsar la transformación digital de la Industria a través de la sensorización de activos tanto críticos como no críticos y el posterior procesamiento y análisis de los datos por medio de tecnología Edge Computing y Big Data.

Las empresas industriales podrán disponer de una plataforma avanzada de datos para optimizar su actividad, anticipándose a los posibles fallos o defectos de cualquier tipo de activo (motores rotativos, maquinaria alternativa, transformadores eléctricos…), siguiendo un plan de mantenimiento predictivo.

Los datos generados por estos activos serán recopilados por sensores inalámbricos, conectados a través de las redes móviles LTE y 5G de Telefónica Tech, almacenados y procesados en la tecnología Industrial Edge Computing. Se podrá acceder a ellos mediante la plataforma. Por medio de Inteligencia Artificial y modelos específicos de Machine Learning, dará indicaciones a los operarios sobre cómo mejorar la gestión de la salud de los activos de los procesos de producción, alargando su vida útil.

Con ello no solo se optimizarán los costes de mantenimiento, sino que también mejorará la eficiencia, el coste de oportunidad y el rendimiento de las instalaciones. Además, contribuirá a potenciar la seguridad y garantizar la sostenibilidad, puesto que se podrán evitar muchos de los desplazamientos requeridos en los mantenimientos no programados.

La solución, diseñada para integrar también otro tipo de tecnologías, hace posible que las empresas puedan tener en un único interfaz sus plantas de producción. La demo actualmente se encuentra disponible en el Centro de Innovación de Distrito Telefónica de Madrid.

ST Engineering Antycip showcases cutting-edge tech at Army Warfighting Experiment

press release

Making its AWE debut, ST Engineering Antycip joined forces with MAK and data analytics firm Cervus to demonstrate the power of its COTS software at the prestigious event.

ST Engineering Antycip is delighted to have been invited to participate in the 2021 Army Warfighting Experiment, the most recent edition of the British Army’s flagship innovation experimentation programme, in partnership with Cervus, a veteran-owned data analytics company.

A prestigious showcase of some of the most cutting-edge defence innovations, the Army Warfighting Experiment (AWE) seeks to build relationships with industry partners to help the army prepare for the technologically advanced warfare of the future. AWE 2021 took place in October 2021 at the Ministry of Defence (MoD)’s Salisbury Plain Training Area in Wiltshire, in southern England.

While 2021 marked the first time ST Engineering Antycip, a leading global provider of simulation, analysis, modelling, display and virtual-reality solutions, has participated in the AWE programme, Cervus has taken part in the annual event since its inception in 2017 (and previously in its predecessor event, the Urban Experiment, or URBEX, series). The two companies had worked together in the past, joining forces in 2019 for phase one of the US Marine Corps’ Wargaming Capability project, before ST Engineering Antycip was invited to AWE 2021 following engagement with the MoD’s SERAPIS research programme.

Cervus’ head of sales and marketing, Mark Whitehouse, explains the AWE partners’ respective roles: “Antycip brings the simulation engines and the expertise in running large-scale simulated activities; Cervus uses our experience to create the scenarios and metrics to measure performance at the beginning of the activity, then takes all the data created as the activities are run. Later, we exploit that data through our AI-powered analytics engine, Hive 2.0, to provide insights and secure an advantage for the front-line user.”

Specifically, the solution shown at AWE combined Hive 2.0 with MAK ONE, MAK Technologies' whole-world synthetic training environment, to show the MoD how the objectives of the British Army’s Collective Training Transformation Programme (CTTP) could be delivered now with commercial off-the-shelf systems (COTS) already on the market. “We were showing how ‘SME to the Three’” – small and medium-sized enterprises, which are subject matter experts, working in a single measurement environment – “could work to generate far bigger effects than the companies that were creating them,” adds Mark.

For ST Engineering Antycip, the Army Warfighting Experiment gave the simulation specialist unprecedented access to end users in a non-programme environment, as well as providing it with a unique audience from which to gather information on the “usability and robustness of products in a real ‘operational’ environment”, explains its UK area manager, Chris Waldron.

ST Engineering’s role at AWE included setting up a distributed training simulation in MAK ONE with live tanks, weapons and soldiers, and connecting into synthetic soldiers and weapons, as well as supporting and engaging on a constructive MAK VR-Forces simulation.

The ST Engineering Antycip team hails the successful collaboration between the two teams, which they say share a “like-minded” attitude, and praises Cervus’ “can-do” approach. The feedback from users of the MAK One-Hive 2.0 system, as well as a number of senior military personnel who visited the Cervus stand, was similarly positive, she adds, with praise for the flexibility and upgradeability of the solution. “We had great feedback from the BGHQ [battle group headquarters] planning staff of 5 RIFLES,” adds Whitehouse, “who engaged closely with the system and could immediately see the benefits of the systems working together as they were.”

The AWE partnership between Cervus, MAK Technologies and ST Engineering Antycip showcased both the power of localised and enhanced COTS technologies and the benefits of cooperation between like-minded industry collaborators. “The more we work together, the more we can see the mutual benefits: SME to the Three!” he concludes. “We are bringing COTS systems into the mainstream and are showing how the combination of small bands of determined experts can unsettle the large competition while keeping the overheads, and therefore the price, down. We are agile enough to get the user need addressed rapidly without trying to force a round peg into a square hole, as many of the larger systems will do.”

“ST Engineering Antycip was proud to have the opportunity to show how emerging technologies, backed by our industry leading expertise and technical support, can help armed forces prepare for the conflicts of the future,” adds Waldron. “We are grateful to our valued partner Cervus, as well as the British Army for their feedback and engagement with the software. We look forward to working together again in future.

"Building on the success of AWE 2021, we are looking forward to getting to grips with the challenges being set by the AWE team for this coming year at today's introductory briefings.”

ST Engineering Antycip supplies simulation solution for armed forces and Eurofighter aircrew

press release

German analysis and test engineering company, IABG, chooses MAK Technologies’ VR-Link software to enhance its cutting-edge training systems for armed forces and Eurofighter aircrew.


ST Engineering Antycip, a company of ST Engineering, has announced that it has delivered a MAK ONE-based solution for an IABG project to enhance its mission de-brief training systems.

IABG is a Munich based consultancy company specialising in public security, communications, medical engineering, and aviation projects. The military section of the company forms the largest part of its service portfolio, with over 1,500 employees supporting Bundeswehr, NATO and the European Union with analysis, simulation, testing and consulting.

The company’s training software, known as MiDAS (Mission Display and Analysis System), records data on real or simulated flight paths and subsequently feeds this information back to a control station for review and analysis. The ability to process simulation data - whether the flight is flown with real aircraft or in a simulated environment - makes MiDAS unique among other debriefing systems currently available.

IABG required a software solution that would enable MiDAS to connect to a High Level Architecture (HLA) simulation federation, to subscribe to simulation data for recording and analysis, and to replay that data for post-flight review. VR-Link from MAK Technologies was selected to provide this capability because of its ease of integration into MiDAS and its full support for the HLA standard, resulting in superior quality information for MiDAS post-flight review.

Markus Pley, responsible for system development and integration at IABG (and the inventor of MiDAS), had previously been an end-user for this type of technology during his 17-year military career. “I have been aware of this software for 12 years and have worked with the MAK ONE suite of products intensively for about three years now,” he says. “Most of our customers use MAK ONE too, which increases compatibility while reducing our development risk. The MAK support is superior to the support of other vendors.”

ST Engineering Antycip, a leading global provider of simulation, and sister company to MAK Technologies, provided the support in evaluating and identifying the right MAK product for the bespoke training programme, whilst remaining within the budget allocation.

“It is a great pleasure to work with a company like IABG and such an accolade for MAK to be chosen in a project of this size and importance,” says Riccardo Rovelli, Antycip’s Regional Area Manager for Italy and DACH region. “As provider of the technology of our sister company MAK Technologies, we are here to provide technical and commercial support to IABG to minimise any unexpected risks which can result in extra costs,” states Rovelli.

Peter Swan, director of international sales at MAK Technologies, comments, “We are so pleased that IABG has selected our VR-Link toolkit to enable simulation interoperability in its Mission Data Analysis System (MiDAS). VR-Link is the world's leading simulation networking toolkit that provides an easy way to network simulators and other virtual reality applications using standard protocols.”

MiDAS is currently used in almost every Eurofighter Typhoon Simulator, indicating its ability to scale according to need/requirements. “We don’t see any difference, whether we connect MAK software to a single system or to a large simulation network - the scale of these missions vary from a single Eurofighter up to hundreds of entities of all domains from subsurface to space.” says Pley. “It simply works and that’s exactly what we need. The excellent support from Riccardo and his team at Antycip was a key factor for our decision to select the MAK products for our mission de-brief training programme.”

[España] UNVEX 2022 se celebrará el 14 al 16 de septiembre en Sevilla

nota de prensa

· Será el primer evento que se celebre en España dedicado a los drones en sus tres ámbitos: aéreo, terrestre y marítimo.

· El evento se celebra en el Palacio de Congresos y Exposiciones de Sevilla (Fibes).

Madrid, 8 de marzo de 2022 - UNVEX (Unmanned Vehicles Exhibition), el mayor encuentro de sistemas remotamente tripulados o drones que se celebra en España, tendrá lugar del 14 al 16 de septiembre en el espacio Fibes de la ciudad de Sevilla.

La evolución de los sistemas, comúnmente conocidos como drones, que comenzó en el dominio aéreo con los denominados UAV, se ha extendido a los ámbitos terrestre (UGV) y marítimo (USV/UUV), por eso la séptima edición de UNVEX se celebrará bajo el título “Dron3 una visión integral de los sistemas remotamente tripulados”

UNVEX 2022 nace desde la perspectiva tecnológica e industrial. Este es un sector en el que la tecnología es vital y las empresas necesitan evolucionar a través de la innovación y del conocimiento de los requerimientos de los usuarios. El objetivo de UNVEX es que todos ellos intercambien conocimiento, conozcan las novedades, las lecciones aprendidas y perspectivas de negocio.

Muchas compañías del sector ya han mostrado su interés por esta nueva cita de los drones en España y estarán presentes en el evento, que contará con un amplio programa de conferencias estructurado temáticamente, una zona expositiva para que las empresas, centros de innovación e instituciones puedan mostrar sus soluciones y sesiones de demostraciones de estos vehículos.

Séptima edición

UNVEX es un encuentro que ha crecido a través de los años acompañando el desarrollo de este nuevo sector tecnológico e industrial, que cuenta con unas prometedoras perspectivas.

Tras el éxito de la última edición de UNVEX, celebrada en Santiago de Compostela en 2021, en esta séptima edición contará con un ambicioso programa de conferencias que se calcula en más de 80 ponencias y una asistencia estimada de 200 profesionales. En la exposición participarán las mayores empresas del sector, nacionales e internacionales.

Sevilla, un emplazamiento privilegiado

Son muchas las razones que convierten a Sevilla es un emplazamiento privilegiado, por ejemplo, su Universidad, que fue pionera en esta tecnología y sigue siendo un referente, junto a FADA-CATEC como Centro Tecnológico de referencia en Europa. A nivel aeronáutico es una de las capitales europeas por su capacidad industrial y Andalucía una de las regiones europeas de especial importancia en Defensa y Seguridad.

Adicionalmente ofrece unas magníficas instalaciones para realizar el evento y las demostraciones, así como unas comunicaciones y servicios hosteleros de primer nivel.


UNVEX es un evento integral, nacido en 2010, que ha demostrado su capacidad de generar negocio en las siete ediciones celebradas en Europa más las cuatro realizadas en América Latina. Diseñado y desarrollado por IDS, que también cuenta con uno de los medios de mayor difusión en el sector El contenido del ciclo de conferencias lo selecciona un Comité Técnico integrado por representantes cualificados. La exposición es la mayor que se realiza en España y sus demostraciones, pioneras en su momento, incluyen todo tipo de sistemas remotamente tripulados.

Poland ready to place all its MIG-29 jets at the disposal of the U.S. | Reuters

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