sábado, 10 de septiembre de 2022

Northrop Grumman reduces manufacturing time and cost with high-temperature materials

Northrop Grumman reduces manufacturing time and cost with high-temperature materials https://www.spacedaily.com/reports/Northrop_Grumman_reduces_manufacturing_time_and_cost_with_high_temperature_materials_999.html 

Turkey may turn to Russia if US blocks F-16 sales: Erdogan

Sustainable Air Transport. Part 36. Battery Management. Leeham News / by Bjorn Fehrm / 1d

Bjorn's Corner: Sustainable Air Transport. Part 36. Battery Management. https://leehamnews.com/2022/09/09/bjorns-corner-sustainable-air-transport-part-36-battery-management/ 

Ukrainian Su-27s Are Now Using AGM-88 HARM Missiles Too

Russian Ilyushins Enter EU Airspace With Ban Exemption

Airbus, Indonesian Aerospace reaffirm cooperation

Rolls-Royce had warrants for 50% stake in ACCEL partner Electroflight, documents reveal

Collins to ship 1MW motor to P&WC this month as hybrid project progresses

Analysts warn small aerospace suppliers could topple amid recovery

What is a Boeing P-8 airplane used for? #B737 #BoeingP8 -YouTube

Secretary of State Blinken offers big aid package on unannounced visit to Ukraine | Wyoming Public Media

BAE Systems provides enhanced GPS technology for F-15 Eagle fighters

Lockheed Martin, AT&T Demonstrate 5G High Speed Transfer of Black Hawk Data to 5G.MIL(R) Pilot Network

Gulfstream Flies Second Production Test G700

Bombardier Preps for Scale-up in Defense Business

Walt Disney's Gulfstream I To Become Museum Piece

Bombardier ensaya el segundo demostrador, más grande, de su concepto de BWB

DARPA lanza nuevo avión X: un VTOL embarcado