lunes, 10 de septiembre de 2012
NASA proposes Water Walls to replace mechanical life support systems
NASA proposes Water Walls to replace mechanical life support systems:

When they’re living aboard spacecraft, astronauts presently rely on mechanically-driven life support systems. Not only is there a danger of these systems breaking down, but maintenance can be challenging, as they’re always in use. While redundant duplicate systems could take over in such situations, they add to the expense and weight of a spacecraft, and also take up valuable space. Instead, NASA is exploring another possibility – the passive “Water Walls” system, which would use the principle of forward osmosis to perform tasks such as water filtration, air filtration, and even food growth... Continue Reading NASA proposes Water Walls to replace mechanical life support systems

When they’re living aboard spacecraft, astronauts presently rely on mechanically-driven life support systems. Not only is there a danger of these systems breaking down, but maintenance can be challenging, as they’re always in use. While redundant duplicate systems could take over in such situations, they add to the expense and weight of a spacecraft, and also take up valuable space. Instead, NASA is exploring another possibility – the passive “Water Walls” system, which would use the principle of forward osmosis to perform tasks such as water filtration, air filtration, and even food growth... Continue Reading NASA proposes Water Walls to replace mechanical life support systems
ITAérea y la Cámara de Comercio imparten el Máster en Gestión y Dirección Aeroportuaria y Aeronáutica
ITAérea y la Cámara de Comercio imparten el Máster en Gestión y Dirección Aeroportuaria y Aeronáutica:
Alicante.- El próximo 19 de octubre dará comienzo en la Cámara de Comercio, Industria y Navegación de Alicante la promoción de este año del Máster en Gestión y Dirección Aeroportuaria y Aeronáutica (MGDA) impartido por ITAérea Aeronautical Business School y la propia Cámara de Comercio.
Alicante.- El próximo 19 de octubre dará comienzo en la Cámara de Comercio, Industria y Navegación de Alicante la promoción de este año del Máster en Gestión y Dirección Aeroportuaria y Aeronáutica (MGDA) impartido por ITAérea Aeronautical Business School y la propia Cámara de Comercio.
Curiosity comenzó la fase de trabajo con su brazo robótico
Curiosity comenzó la fase de trabajo con su brazo robótico:
Curiosity extendió su brazo robótico el pasado miércoles, el primero de los días destinados a probar la extremidad de 2,1 metros y las herramientas que manipula. El trabajo en la localización actual preparará a Curiosity y al equipo involucrado en la misión para usar el brazo a la hora de colocar dos de los instrumentos científicos sobre rocas y suelos determinados.
Curiosity extendió su brazo robótico el pasado miércoles, el primero de los días destinados a probar la extremidad de 2,1 metros y las herramientas que manipula. El trabajo en la localización actual preparará a Curiosity y al equipo involucrado en la misión para usar el brazo a la hora de colocar dos de los instrumentos científicos sobre rocas y suelos determinados.
El Consejo de Administración de Alestis no aprueba el plan de viabilidad de la empresa aunque realiza "muchos avances"
El Consejo de Administración de Alestis, que se ha reunido a lo largo de este viernes, finalmente no ha aprobado el plan de viabilidad de la empresa, aunque sí ha realizado "importantes avances", según han señalado a Europa Press fuentes de la compañía.
Safer, cleaner and lighter: DLR demonstrates developments for the aviation of tomorrow at ILA 2012
Artificial bird for bird strike test
Negative swept angle in wings
Morphing Leading Edge
Microscopic holes in the outer skin of an aircraft, wings with elastically deforming leading edges and steep approach flights - these are just some of the innovations from the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt; DLR) for the future of aviation, offering greater comfort and safety while simultaneously consuming less fuel and generating less noise. At the ILA Berlin Air Show 2012, from 11 to 16 September, DLR is presenting a total of 18 spectacular developments in modern aviation research, along with three aircraft and two helicopters from the largest civilian research fleet in Europe. A Quadrocopter-Parcours will tempt visitors to have a go at flying themselves.
Eco-efficient flight
An aircraft as elegant as a bird of prey, with wings extended forwards in the air: DLR has been researching this wing configuration in the LamAIR (Laminar Aircraft Research) project, which will lead to a significant reduction in air resistance and thus fuel consumption. In addition, under the same project, the researchers have developed a vertical stabiliser with a microperforated outer skin, within which a pump system sits. Turbulence is siphoned through these microscopic holes, creating uniform fuselage flow.
Lower flow resistance is also the goal in the development of the droop nose, a seamless, flexible wing leading edge that can be seen as a moving original part at the DLR stand (Hall 4, Stand 4301). DLR is also demonstrating the optimum combustion of alternative fuels for aviation based on gas (GtL, Gas to Liquid) and biomass (BtL, Biomass to Liquid), with two flames for comparison. DLR researchers are presenting compressor blades with flow-optimised edges for an engine that is more economical with regard to fuel consumption.
Another development towards aircraft with lower emissions is lightweight construction. DLR is working on stiffened panels made of carbon-fibre-reinforced plastic (CFP) that are used in load tests for the material. Another exhibit demonstrates the thermography developed by DLR as a new method for testing CFP materials in an automated manufacturing process.
Flight technology for greater comfort and safety
In the Multiple Swashplate System (META), DLR researchers have developed a new technology for controlling rotor blades individually. This limits rotor noise and vibration. DLR is presenting a fully mobile, functioning META demonstrator at ILA. In addition, a new cooling system for aircraft (Cooling Center) that is positioned centrally in the tail section is being demonstrated.
The newly-developed DLR propeller brake disk can get very hot. It is made of fibre-ceramics that can withstand high thermal loads. Aircraft propellers can be stopped more quickly after landing using this technology. This limits loading and unloading times. The search for the right material is also important in the development of an artificial bird. Tail sections, wing leading edges and engines have to withstand the risk of bird strike. The DLR artificial bird will be used in tests and the approval process of new aircraft components in the future.
Unmanned disaster relief
For the first time, DLR is demonstrating the small unmanned superARTIS research helicopter, used to develop demanding automated flight missions. superARTIS stands out because of its high payload capacity, range and flight speed.
DLR is also displaying images of a disaster operation in Cyprus, where DLR scientists investigated a heavily damaged power station using an unmanned octocopter and quadrocopter. A DLR_School_Labs Quadrocopter-Parcours invites visitors to the booth to have a go at controlling the unmanned aircraft themselves.
Air traffic efficiency
DLR researchers want to achieve greater environmental sustainability and less noise from air traffic using optimised flight paths. Modern satellite navigation systems will make future flight paths more flexible. An animation demonstrates potential, steeper, more oblique approach flights. Also based on satellite data is a new system for short-term weather forecasting for air traffic. The process developed at DLR can detect weather cells in real time every five minutes and make predictions of up to an hour.
Flawless air traffic control requires personnel with the right nerves - visitors can have a go at a few aerospace psychology selection tests at the DLR booth. Anyone fancy being a pilot or flight controller? In addition, a simplified version of the indoor navigation system used at airports - using a smartphone app and QR code - is being demonstrated, as is a software package that calculates the connection of an airport to the international air traffic network in real time.
Part of the DLR research fleet will also be on display at ILA 2012. Five examples from the largest European fleet of civilian research aircraft and helicopters are set to impress visitors at the open-air grounds of the new exhibition area: the Antares DLR-H2 hydrogen power glider, the Falcon 20E, the Cessna 208B Grand Caravan 'flying auditorium' and the lightweight BO-105 multipurpose helicopter and EC-135 FHS flying helicopter simulator.
A particular highlight will be a visit by the A300 ZERO-G parabolic flight aircraft. A parabolic flight uses steep flight manoeuvres to achieve around 22 seconds of virtual weightlessness for experiments in weightlessness research.
The International Forum for Aviation Research (IFAR) is being hosted at the DLR booth in Hall 4. The Forum was founded in 2010 by initiative of DLR and, with 21 institutions involved at present, is the only network for aviation research organisations in the world.
All the exhibits with photographs and background information can be found on the DLR website dedicated to the ILA Berlin Air Show 2012.
Press Release:
Air travel of the future – aircraft with no leading-edge slats will be quieter and more environment-friendly
Every year, there is a six percent increase in the volume of air traffic. To make air travel more environment-friendly and quieter, researchers at the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt; DLR), together with partners Airbus, EADS Innovation Works and Cassidian Air Systems, have been carrying out research to reduce the aerodynamic drag of aircraft and have developed an alternative to the traditional leading-edge slat. A morphing leading edge is expected to replace slats to create an innovative high-lift system. This construction significantly reduces drag and noise during landing. Tests were carried out between 27 August and 7 September in one of Europe's largest wind tunnels at the Russian Central Aerohydrodynamics Institute’s (TsAGI) Zhukovsky research facility south of Moscow.
In the wind tunnel, the system's operation and performance were tested under realistic conditions. "The measurements on the droop nose here at TsAGI are just one example of the exceptional collaboration between DLR and TsAGI. We are looking forward to future cooperation," said Sergey L. Chernyshev, Executive Director of TsAGI. Normally, the flaps on the trailing edges of the wings and the slats located on the leading edges are extended during take-off and landing to provide the necessary lift at low speeds. There is a gap between the wings and the slats, through which air can flow from the underside of the wing to the top – generating noise. With the development of the smart droop nose, a morphing wing leading edge, the researchers have solved this problem. "The smart droop nose morphs itself during take-off and landing in such a way that no separate slats are necessary. The leading edge can be lowered by up to 20 degrees with virtually no loss of lift," explains DLR project leader Markus Kintscher from the DLR Institute of Composite Structures and Adaptive Systems in Braunschweig.
Uniting conflicting requirements
The researchers also want to minimise drag to reduce fuel consumption. To do this, the wing surfaces have been made as flat as possible to achieve laminar airflow. This reduces the air resistance by up to 12 percent. "The particular challenge in this project was to unite conflicting requirements," explains DLR Department Head Hans-Peter Monner. "On the one hand, the structure needs to be very elastic, to enable it to morph to the required shapes, but on the other it has to be very rigid. Ultimately, the leading edge must bear around one third of the weight of the aircraft during landing." A suitable material was required to ensure that the leading edge of the wing is not too heavy. During their experiments, the researchers concentrated on the glass- and carbon-fibre reinforced composites that are typically used in the aviation industry. A glass-fibre reinforced material turned out to be the most suitable for meeting the requirements.
In the concept of the droop nose, the skin on the front edge of the wing is just curved, not stretched. This stresses the material as little as possible. The scientists position individual layers one on top of the other, in such a way that the skin creates a structure that has a customised rigidity distribution. The leading edge morphs into the desired shape via integrated actuators and support elements along the wingspan, thus achieving very high stability. Soon, the new wing leading edge will be further developed to meet industrial requirements such as lightning protection, de-icing and the ability to withstand bird strikes.
Israeli Air Force selects Honeywell F124 engine for Alenia Aermacchi M-346 Master trainer
Israeli Air Force selects Honeywell F124 engine for M-346 Master: Honeywell has been awarded a contract for the delivery of its F124-GA-200 turbofan engines to power the Israeli Air Force's (IAF) newly selected fleet of Alenia Aermacchi-built M-346 Master advanced jet trainers.
Morphing leading edge reduces drag and noise in takeoff and landing
Morphing leading edge reduces drag and noise in takeoff and landing:

Passengers looking out the window of a passenger plane will likely have noticed slats on the leading edge of the wing, along with the flaps on the trailing edge of the wing, being extended during takeoff and landing. These leading edge slats provide the lift necessary at low speeds, with the gap between the wing and the slats directing air from the underside of the wing to the top. Unfortunately, this gap also generates a lot of noise. A team of researchers has now developed a morphing leading edge that eliminates the gap and reduces noise and drag during landing... Continue Reading Morphing leading edge reduces drag and noise in takeoff and landing

Passengers looking out the window of a passenger plane will likely have noticed slats on the leading edge of the wing, along with the flaps on the trailing edge of the wing, being extended during takeoff and landing. These leading edge slats provide the lift necessary at low speeds, with the gap between the wing and the slats directing air from the underside of the wing to the top. Unfortunately, this gap also generates a lot of noise. A team of researchers has now developed a morphing leading edge that eliminates the gap and reduces noise and drag during landing... Continue Reading Morphing leading edge reduces drag and noise in takeoff and landing
FACUA critica "la permisividad de las Administraciones" con Ryanair
FACUA critica "la permisividad de las Administraciones" con Ryanair:
Madrid.- La organización FACUA-Consumidores en Acción ha denunciado que “la inacción y permisividad de las administraciones ante las irregularidades de la compañía aérea irlandesa de bajo coste Ryanair es un escándalo”, según un comunicado publicado el pasado miércoles.
Madrid.- La organización FACUA-Consumidores en Acción ha denunciado que “la inacción y permisividad de las administraciones ante las irregularidades de la compañía aérea irlandesa de bajo coste Ryanair es un escándalo”, según un comunicado publicado el pasado miércoles.
EADS to showcase innovative products and technologies at ILA Berlin Air Show 2012
EADS and its Divisions – Airbus, Astrium, Cassidian and Eurocopter – will present a broad selection of cutting-edge products, technologies and services at the ILA Berlin Air Show 2012, which takes place 11-16 September 2012.
Under the motto "The Future, by EADS" the Group will highlight its extensive capabilities to meet the future requirements of the aerospace and defence industry. EADS' presence at ILA will be centred around its Pavilion in Chalet Row West. Accredited journalists are invited to visit the EADS Press Area within the Pavilion. Moreover, the Group will hold a number of press conferences and events for the media during the week.
The EADS exhibition area will give an insight into the Group's product range and innovations and includes the following models and exhibits:
Airbus: An A350 XWB cut-away, the eco-efficient A320neo and the C295 transport & surveillance aircraft in two different configurations;
Astrium: The Ariane 5 ME (Mid-Life Evolution) launcher, several satellites (Pléiades, TerraSAR, Sentinel-2);
Cassidian: The Barracuda demonstrator, a European Unmanned Aerial System (UAS), the Eurofighter and a Showroom comprising all capabilities of Cassidian in military air systems;
Eurocopter: The AS350 B3e, an EC135 for emergency medical service, the military variant EC635, an EC145 T2 mock up as a special forces carrier and a CH-53 GA with latest upgrades;
EADS Innovation Works – the Group's Corporate Research & Technology laboratories: A variety of projects such as a lightning simulator, a rotor flap demonstrator which aims to reduce noise and vibrations and the hybrid propulsion system concept for the TANAN UAS.
As part of the flying display, visitors will be able to enjoy a number of spectacular demonstrations:
Airbus: The A320 with sharklets and the A400M military transport aircraft;
Cassidian: A German Air Force Eurofighter;
Eurocopter: The Tiger UHT (German Support Helicopter), the NH90 NFH (Nato Frigate Helicopter), the high-speed X3 demonstrator and an EC145. On the static display, various other aircraft and helicopters will be present such as an Airbus A380, a sharklet equipped A320, the Beluga transport aircraft, the A400M, the C295, Eurocopter's EC145 T2, the CH-53 GA, the EC635 and the AS350 B3e. Cassidian will provide a European UAS and the UAS Demonstrator Barracuda.
Furthermore, Airbus and Airbus Corporate Foundation will stage a special exhibition on "Humanitarian Support" to highlight products and services for humanitarian missions. An A400M, a mobile hospital, an EC135 helicopter in disaster control configuration as well as a satellite communications terminal and Geo-Service information system will be on display.
On 14 September, EADS' "Students Day" will take place with over 150 students from schools in the region of Berlin-Brandenburg invited by the Group to visit the ILA Berlin Air Show. The students will get the chance to discover the world of aerospace through talks with EADS experts. Moreover, the young visitors will see a demonstration by the winning team of the German Champion in 8-way Skydiving. Some of the students will also be able to discover the phenomena of aerodynamics by floating in a "bodyflying" facility. More EADS-related products and services will be provided by Premium AEROTEC (Stand N° 2405 / Chalet N° 20), Eurofighter (Chalet N° 15) and MBDA (Pavilion N° 642). The Bavarian International Campus Aerospace & Security (BICAS) will also be represented with a stand (N° 2406). In addition, there are displays presenting heritage aircraft from Bölkow and Messerschmitt. Moreover, EADS products will be displayed at the ILA HeliCenter, the ILA Space Pavilion and the ILA UAS-Plaza.
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