sábado, 14 de mayo de 2016

China's Space Station Plans In Powerpoint: A Closer Look At Tiangong 3

Ready by 2022 The China Manned Space Agency released several Powerpoint slides showing a closer look at the Tiangong 3, China's planned space station. Scheduled to be commissioned in 2022, the Tiangong 3 will be regularly visited by Shenzhou manned space vessels, and automated Tianzhou resupply v...


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NASA Invests In Suspended Animation, Growable Space Habitats, And More

To take us to Mars and beyond NASA wants to put humans on Mars in the 2030s, and it's probably going to take some crazy ideas to get us there. Toward that end, the NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) Program has just announced a second round of funding for 8 crazy, futuristic, brain-tickling...


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Why Were There Holes in the Titan Rocket that Launched NASA's Gemini Missions?

The Titan missile was an US Air Force intercontinental ballistic missile that NASA ultimately chose to launch its interim Gemini program between 1964 and 1966. But a close look at any launch shot shows holes in the missile's fuselage. It seems counter intuitive, but it had to do with the missile'...


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The UK’s network of secret fuel pipes that helped win WWII

A huge, little-known network of underground pipes spans the UK – officially still a state secret, and bringing fuel to the plane that takes you on holiday. If you flew over it, you'd have no idea it was there. One of the great British engineering projects of the 20th Century is completely hidden ...


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For real? Startup talks 2,000-hp turbine-hybrid big rig and 520-hp UTV [feedly]

For real? Startup talks 2,000-hp turbine-hybrid big rig and 520-hp UTV
// Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

If there was ever a time to dazzle the world with promises of futuristic electric car technologies and crazy performance estimates, it would be 2016. Salt Lake City-based startup Nikola Motor Company may have a long way to go, but it believes it can revolutionize transportation. Given its overnight ascendance and off-the-charts claims, we're nothing if not skeptical. We are, however, hopeful that its 2,000-hp turbine-extender semi truck and solar-assisted, all-electric side-by-side – or derivatives thereof – become reality.

.. Continue Reading For real? Startup talks 2,000-hp turbine-hybrid big rig and 520-hp UTV

Category: Automotive

Tags: TruckOff-roadElectric Vehicles Related Articles: Autonomous trucks successfully platoon across Europe BMW readies 40-ton all-electric truck for deployment on city roads Tesla promises 400 mile range with Roadster 3.0 BIGFOOT monster truck goes electric Autonomous Freightliner Inspiration truck makes a splash at the Hoover Dam Best trucks, off-roaders and large vehicles of SEMA 2014

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Another flying car:SkyRunner MK 3.2 flying buggy launches in the sky and dirt [feedly]

Just like Maverick or Vaylon Pegase

SkyRunner MK 3.2 flying buggy launches in the sky and dirt
// Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

Believe it or not, the world plays host to more than one off-road buggy that can tear up the dirt, then go airborne to fly from point to point. There's the Maverick flying car, and now there's the SkyRunner MK 3.2, itself an independently designed and engineered successor to the Parajet Skycar. The SkyRunner can rip over the ground at speeds up to 70 mph (113 km/h), then shoot through the air at up to 52 mph (84 km/h) with a separate drive system. And now it can be yours ... for a price. We chatted with SkyRunner founder and CEO Stewart Hamel to learn more about the ins and outs of the newly redesigned air-ATV.

.. Continue Reading SkyRunner MK 3.2 flying buggy launches in the sky and dirt

Category: Aircraft

Tags: Flying CarsATVSkyRunnerOff-roadLight Sport Aircraft Related Articles: SkyRunner car goes off-road and off-ground GF7 car design could legally hit 550 mph – in the sky Flying electric scooter aces 46-minute maiden test flight SkyDeck concept puts your head in the clouds Krossblade's SkyCruiser merges airplane, quadcopter and car Dezso Molnar interview: A different way of thinking about flying cars

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Why Argentina Was Chosen For Record-Breaking Perlan II Attempts [feedly]

Why Argentina Was Chosen For Record-Breaking Perlan II Attempts
// Things With Wings

The Airbus Group's Perlan II glider is attempting to break the world record of wing-borne altitude this summer, aiming to reach 90,000 ft. Choosing the right place is essential to the success of the flight, so why did the team choose Argentina?

Things With Wings

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UAV reaches new heights in Tibet - GPS World magazine


Astronauts won't be flying to space in Boeing's Starliner until 2018 - The Verge


CFM confirms initial LEAP-1A and LEAP-1B assembly allocation - MRO Network


​Tired controller missed conflict between SIA A330, Jetstar A320


Hybrid Air Vehicles in race to debut Airlander at Farnborough


FLIGHT TEST: 8X, a Falcon formidablé


'No fatigue failure' found so far in Norway H225 crash


New facilities, new UAS capabilities unveiled by Textron Systems - UAS Magazine


The Feds Are Arming Themselves to Drive Drones Out of Airports - WIRED


Binocular vision-based UAVs autonomous aerial refueling platform


EurekAlert (press release)

Binocular vision-based UAVs autonomous aerialrefueling platform -- pilots are no longer needed Science China Press
EurekAlert (press release)
Unmanned aerial vehicles(UAVs) are invaluable in today's military and civilian initiatives. However, most unmanned systems are being designed to execute the long-running mission. Thus, it is necessary for UAVs returning to the base for refueling ...

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Aéronautique: l'Ukraine et la Turquie se sentent pousser des ailes - Sputnik France


OPINION: End false alarms from prejudiced flyers scared of brown passengers


This outbreak of airlines allowing prejudiced passengers to decide that a fellow traveller is too brown, or too Muslim, or — in the latest event — too much of an economist to fly has to end. It has to end now.

Keep an eye on the Airbus Zephyr UAV/Quasi-Satellite - Quwa Defence News & Analysis Group


UAV Drones Market Worth USD 5.59 Billion by 2020 - Studio Daily
