[Podcast] Industria aeronáutica durante los años de la autarquía, con Niebla de guerra. Archivo Sonoro de Sandglass Patrol 10

lunes, 27 de junio de 2022




En esta ocasión os traemos una colaboración con Sergio Murata y Niebla de Guerra, su podcast, con la participación también de Ignacio del Horno, co-fundador de Sandglass Patrol. Vamos a hablar del periodo autárquico, y de la industria aeronáutica. ¿Nos acompañáis?

pd: Si la intro y la despedida os son familiares, que no os sorprenda. En un ejercicio de nostalgia podcasteril he hablado con Javier Lago para pedirle permiso y utlizar la introducción que hizo para el que, si no recuerdo mal, fue el primer podcast español sobre aviación: Remove Before Flight RBF podcast.

El podcast se puede enontrar en Amazon Music, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Ivoox, Spotify



El Ejército del Aire pasará a denominarse Ejército del Aire y del Espacio - Ministerio de Defensa de España

La importancia creciente del espacio ultraterrestre en el ámbito aeroespacial determina que las Fuerzas Armadas, y muy especialmente el Ejército del Aire, deban ser capaces de monitorizar el espacio, garantizando su seguridad y libertad de actuación en pro de los intereses nacionales, lo que exigirá el desarrollo y la potenciación progresiva de los sistemas espaciales.



USAF retires Global Hawks Block 30. They start a new career at test range



Bjorn’s Corner: Sustainable Air Transport. Part 25. High Temperature Fuel Cell-based 70-seat airliner



Boeing Announces 2022 Supplier of the Year Award Winners


The 2022 winners are:

  • Supplier Diversity: Delaware Resource Group of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City
  • Outstanding Performance: GeoControl Systems, Inc., Houston, Texas
  • Alliance Award: Tata Advanced Systems, Hyderabad, India
  • Pathfinder: Evergreen Aviation Technologies Corp., Taoyuan City, Taiwan
  • Supply Chain Visibility Award: Cytec Engineered Materials (SOLVAY Group), Alpharetta, Ga.
  • Collaboration: voestalpine Böhler Aerospace GmbH & Co., Kapfenberg, Austria
  • Sustainability: Edison Energy, LLC, Irvine, Calif.
  • Risk Management: RBC Bearings, Oxford, Conn.
  • Support & Services: GXO Logistics, Greenwich, Conn.

Learn more about each supplier and their recognition at https://www.boeing.com/suppliers#/supplier-of-year.


Maeve Aerospace has secured an investment of €3.4M for the development of its all-electric 44 passenger aircraft


  • Maeve Aerospace is developing a fully electric regional passenger aircraft seating 44 passengers and with a flight range of up to 550 km.

  • Up to this moment the company has worked hard at conducting an extensive feasibility study towards electric aviation. Building upon this, Maeve now has the financing to accelerate and start the developments of its aircraft.


[Video] D328eco program

In conjunction with the D328eco program, Deutsche Aircraft is developing a dedicated propulsion and energy flight test laboratory. This project will leverage the strength of an existing D328 airframe and enable flight test maturation of key technologies. These tests contribute directly to future commercial applications – and the path to zero emission regional air transport. This project is co-funded by BMWk and includes significant contributions from project partners.


The objectives of this project are:

  • Support the German State and Federal strategic goals leading towards climate-neutral aviation.
  • Work hand-in-hand with German industrial partners, universities and research institutions within the aviation industry to develop systems and technologies that enable climate-neutral aviation.
  • Develop and mature CS25-relevant technologies to Technical Readiness Level 6. Specifically, by developing a modular flight test aircraft with initial focus on 1.5MW class electric propulsion systems, powered by an onboard LHFuel Cell System.
  • Demonstrate operation and gather experimental data on low and zero emission ground and flight operation.
  • Gain early and first-hand knowledge of airframe integration challenges to guide current and future aircraft design activities at Deutsche Aircraft.
  • Build an in-house competence on emerging technologies. This will enable Deutsche Aircraft to be a smart buyer of future commercial systems, and de-risk technology selection and integration.





Sasol ecoFT and Deutsche Aircraft join forces to accelerate Power-to- Liquid (PtL) aiming for carbon-neutral flight

- Deutsche Aircraft and Sasol ecoFT sign Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to advance Power-to-Liquid as a Sustainable Aviation Fuel (PtL-SAF / H2-SAF(PTL))
- Both partners recognize the urgency of climate mitigation
- Existing Fischer-Tropsch fuels will be used to expedite technology development and production ramp-up, with the ultimate goal to enable a carbon-neutral fuel for the D328eco




Diehl Defence unveils future missile concepts



US Air Force selects future aircrew helmet



Zero-Emission Aviation: European Commission launches new Alliance to make hydrogen-powered and electric aircraft a reality



UK Cancels Mosquito Loyal Wingman Demonstrator Program



Spain Buys More Typhoons to Begin Hornet Replacement



Zero-emissions hydrogen cargo airship prototype planned for 2025

H2 Clipper announces that it has completed a simulated wind tunnel test using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) of its hydrogen-powered “Pipeline-In-The-Sky™” airship




Archer outlines what its early eVTOL air taxi service will look like






Regulating ‘killer robots’ divides talks at the UN
