jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2016

Galileo, le « GPS européen », entre enfin en service, Sciences & Prospectives

Allo Bruxelles, ici l'espace. Près de vingt ans après la naissance, en 1999, du projet Galileo, le « GPS européen » est enfin entré en service ce jeudi. Le lancement par Ariane 5 mi-novembre de quatre nouveaux satellites, portant leur total à 18 en orbite, a permis à la constellation européenne d'atteindre la taille nécessaire à son lancement opérationnel. Il reste partiel : le système ne sera pleinement opérationnel qu'en 2020, après la mise en orbite de douze nouveaux satellites. 


Airbus and Local Motors Complete the Cargo Drone Challenge - Commercial UAV News [feedly]

Commercial UAV News

Airbus and Local Motors Complete the Cargo Drone Challenge
Commercial UAV News
The rules were simple and the objectives clear: to design a safe, easy to operate and affordable UAV solution adaptable for many different civil applications. The winner had to present a drone that allows for simple reconfigurations, in a safe and ...

A throttle trigger malfunction and inadvertent throttle rotation resulted in the F-16 Thunderbird accident [feedly]

A throttle trigger malfunction and inadvertent throttle rotation resulted in the F-16 Thunderbird accident

 -- via my feedly newsfeed

Italy has become the first country to operate the F-35 outside of the U.S. [feedly]

Italy has become the first country to operate the F-35 outside of the U.S.

 -- via my feedly newsfeed

Investigation into EgyptAir crash uncovers traces of explosives [feedly]

Investigation into EgyptAir crash uncovers traces of explosives

 -- via my feedly newsfeed

US FAA approves return to service of H225 helicopter [feedly]

US FAA approves return to service of H225 helicopter

 -- via my feedly newsfeed

Demolition! Why Did Textron Destroy The Remaining Skycatchers? [feedly]

Demolition! Why Did Textron Destroy The Remaining Skycatchers?

 -- via my feedly newsfeed

Wing to wing: Wild men and machines of the Reno Air Race [feedly]

Wing to wing: Wild men and machines of the Reno Air Race

 -- via my feedly newsfeed


Entrevista a German Fisher, en la que cuenta las dificultades que le están poniendo para volar drones... ¡cuando la ventaja de volar drones respecto a aviones convencionales es que todo el mundo puede hacerlo!
