lunes, 31 de marzo de 2014

Airbus builds new test area to mimic surface of Mars [feedly]


Airbus builds new test area to mimic surface of Mars
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por

Airbus Defence and Space has built an extended Mars Yard test area at its Stevenage, UK site, in an effort to replicate the surface of the Red Planet.

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3D printed UAV can be assembled and flying in under 24 hours - Geek [feedly]


3D printed UAV can be assembled and flying in under 24 hours - Geek
// uav: Google Noticias


3D printed UAV can be assembled and flying in under 24 hours
3D printing is seen as a way for consumers to eventually print the objects they need relatively cheaply at home. But the same principal can be applied to just about anything, including unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) it seems. A team of engineers ...
/ 3D printing trials of unmanned aircraft broaden the possibilities for ...
Brits print out disposable low-cost drone


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Easyjet pledges 2,500 jobs at London Luton Airport if expansion approved

Easyjet has said it will create 2,500 jobs and more than double its presence at London Luton Airport if expansion plans are approved by the government. The firm wants to increase passengers from four million to nine million a year and add more destinations. But chief executive Carolyn McCall said...

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Impact On Aerospace Of Russia Sanctions [feedly]


Impact On Aerospace Of Russia Sanctions
// Commercial Aviation Channel

Bombardier project to assemble Q400s in Russia is on hold

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Europe's Open-Rotor Push [feedly]


Europe’s Open-Rotor Push
// Commercial Aviation Channel

Can safety be achieved at an economical price for open rotors?

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Airbus produira des A320 NEO en Chine - La [feedly]


Airbus produira des A320 NEO en Chine - La
// comac c 919: Google Noticias

Airbus produira des A320 NEO en Chine
Cet accord entérine le fait qu'Airbus continuera à avoir une part de marché significative en Chine, malgré l'arrivée sur le marché du Comac C919, un avion chinois monocouloir. L'avionneur européen détient 50% du marché chinois, contre 6% en 1994.


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Airbus firma un acuerdo de cooperación global con Bank of China - Actualidad Aeroespacial [feedly]


Airbus firma un acuerdo de cooperación global con Bank of China - Actualidad Aeroespacial
// airbus: Google Noticias

Airbus firma un acuerdo de cooperación global con Bank of China
Actualidad Aeroespacial
Toulouse.- Airbus ha firmado un acuerdo con Bank of China sobre cooperación a escala mundial. Ambas partes trabajarán juntas para promover estratégicamente actividades relacionadas con operaciones bancarias, tales como liquidación nacional e ...


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Boeing, Ryanair Showcase Strong, Colorful Partnership [feedly]


Boeing, Ryanair Showcase Strong, Colorful Partnership
// MediaRoom

Airline unveils specially painted Next-Generation 737-800 featuring Boeing, Ryanair colors

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UAV drones changing the face of Search & Rescue NZ - 3News NZ [feedly]


UAV drones changing the face of Search & Rescue NZ - 3News NZ
// uav: Google Noticias

UAV drones changing the face of Search & Rescue NZ
3News NZ
Homegrown unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) - or drones - are set to change the face of search and rescue in New Zealand. Search officials gathered at Molesworth Station over the weekend for the first sanctioned exercise using UAV technology. Remotely ...


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SENASA impartirá en Mayo un curso básico de pilotos RPAS

El Gobierno cambia la definición de aeropuertos públicos

No MH370 objects yet found; black box detector to join search [feedly]


No MH370 objects yet found; black box detector to join search
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por

Searches through the weekend involving nine aircraft and eight ships failed to find any wreckage from the missing Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777-200.

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Watch the Godfather of Air Racing Fly Through a 70-Foot-Wide Canal

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The Corinth Canal in Greece is 4 miles long and only 70 feet wide, and Peter Besenyei just became the first man to fly a plane right through the middle. And then he did a few barrel rolls for good ...

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Is this the shape of the new mysterious stealth jet spotted over Texas?