China Eastern spends USD10b on aircraft

martes, 3 de mayo de 2016

China Eastern Places $9.9 Billion Order for Boeing and Airbus Planes
Bidness ETC
The nation sees the development of the airline industry a vital part for its economic growth. The country is also heavily investing in its own state-owned aircraft, the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC) C-919, as well as encouraging ...
China Eastern Airlines to buy 35 planes from Airbus and BoeingDaily Mail

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TTR Weekly
China Eastern spends USD10b on aircraft
TTR Weekly
State-owned Commercial Aircraft Corp. of China (COMAC) has already delivered its first domestically-made regional jet, and rolled out a narrow-body C919 plane in November. In the long term COMAC aims to produce an even larger wide-body jet in ...

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