3D printing Martian habitats from the ground up [feedly]

martes, 21 de febrero de 2017

3D printing Martian habitats from the ground up
// Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

Given the cost of transporting goods to Mars, the first human colonists of the Red Planet will need to pack lightly – but it's going to take a lot of equipment to get that settlement set up. Building habitats, tools and parts out of local resources on arrival would be an ideal solution, but Mars is a pretty barren place. So researchers from NASA and the University of Central Florida (UCF) are investigating how metals could be extracted from the Martian soil, refined, and used as "ink" to 3D print vital components.

.. Continue Reading 3D printing Martian habitats from the ground up http://newatlas.com/3d-printed-mars-habitat-extracted-metal/48017/

Category: 3D Printing

Tags: University of Central FloridaAstronauts3D PrintingMarsConstructionNASA Related Articles: Is exposure to deep space radiation killing off Apollo-era astronauts? Flexible supercapacitor process brings phones that charge in seconds a step closer Fiber optics shine a light on blood clots during surgery Versatile fabric makes and stores its own energy New device enables ultra-sharp turns of light without losing energy ONR tests robot surrogates for training Marines

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